[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Not at all, simply that she's about as far from lady-like as you can get. The idea of refering to her as such, whatever the reasons and intended usage, contrasts so much with her that it's positively ridiculous to do so.

Which means I shall laugh everytime she is addressed as such. :D
Oh, I know that. But either Stiches is being reffered to as a Lady, or she's being reffered to as a Gentleman. :lol:

Now see, if you'd said Ladies, Gentlemen and Monsters, we wouldn't be having this talk. :P
Personally, I'm still waiting for the WTFBBQDRAGON-BLOOD?!? moment, followed by someone trying to kill me.
Unless you're flaring anima or are highly bred... I don't see why people would peg you as a DB...
Aside from the 6-foot long black jade staff I carry everywhere, you mean... Oh, and I have breeding 3, I think physical traces start appearing at that point.

I'm not overly concerned, I'm just looking forward to it, if it happens... After all, half the characters don't know. Though the fact that I have a) a real name and b) a Gens family name might be a giveaway.
Chaka said:
Personally, I'm still waiting for the WTFBBQDRAGON-BLOOD?!? moment, followed by someone trying to kill me.
I believe the new group would know, having been with you for a while now.

Stiches doesn't care, but is occaisionally tempted to see if you would become a proper Abyssal were she to cleave you in two with her Daiklaive.
Oh, I know the new group would know, I was more interested in the reactions of the old crowd.

Also, Stitches is welcome to try. She'll find I'm just full of surprises. :twisted:
Chaka said:
Oh, I know the new group would know, I was more interested in the reactions of the old crowd.
Also, Stitches is welcome to try. She'll find I'm just full of surprises. :twisted:
Stiches toys with the idea of killing all of her teammates.

Of course, the only one she'd be at all serious about killing would be The Constabulary of Silent Roads if she ever found out his secret. Her motivation pretty much calls for her to smash the Loom Of Fate, so a Sidereal spy is not gonna be her favourite person.
I think if his plan got out, we'd be taking numbers and lining up in an orderly fashion to take an organ. While it's theoretically possible that there's enough of the old Teresu Ogama left to be redeemed, frankly it'd take a lot of effort and he's too dedicated to the cause to go quietly. The thought of a spy would enrage him beyond reason.
Ruby : Well... it looks like I'm one of the sane ones around, given the number of people who are rather Nephwreck-like...
"There's always... coercion. The men set to guard us will have families. Wives.... children. If we can subtly isolate, take hostage and threaten the lives of key members of our 'honour guard', we can ensure they falsify reports. It's amazing what men will do for their families."
You people are evil !
As for the Constable, well... it's part of the game, but I trust Juk won't do anything dangerous enough to expose him... not with all those killers around :D
Please, could someone make the Necrotech rules a little clearer to me? The White Wolf's mixing of fluff and crush always confuses me. What exactly are the rolls? How is the Coil rating related to the difficulty of the product? How ofter can I roll my tests?
Haku said:
Ruby : Well... it looks like I'm one of the sane ones around, given the number of people who are rather Nephwreck-like...
You know, you don't have to be Abyssal to be bug-fuck insane...
well not all of the abyssals are insane.... ok some arn't... um.. ok one isn't.....

ok scratch that working as a double agent in a Deathlords court... yup all the abyssals are buggy buggy insane....
Is it any wonder the Constable's loyalty is strained with all these psychos around making his job harder? At least the Sidereals know how to be subtle. :P

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