Creepy smile
So, a short resume of the interested players:
Chaka: Teresu Ogama a DB martial artist (votes 1/6, 21 points)
Landreu: The Fallen Prince of Roses, deathknight fighter (votes 1/6, 23 points)
Nobble: Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade, deathknight disturbed kid (votes 1/6, 20 points)
Gulup: Rasheel of One-Hundred Deaths, lunar chimera (votes 1/6, 24 points)
Tome: Stiches, deathknight reaper (votes 1/6, 27 points)
Chaka: Teresu Ogama a DB martial artist (votes 1/6, 21 points)
Landreu: The Fallen Prince of Roses, deathknight fighter (votes 1/6, 23 points)
Nobble: Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade, deathknight disturbed kid (votes 1/6, 20 points)
Gulup: Rasheel of One-Hundred Deaths, lunar chimera (votes 1/6, 24 points)
Tome: Stiches, deathknight reaper (votes 1/6, 27 points)