[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

So, a short resume of the interested players:

Chaka: Teresu Ogama a DB martial artist (votes 1/6, 21 points)

Landreu: The Fallen Prince of Roses, deathknight fighter (votes 1/6, 23 points)

Nobble: Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade, deathknight disturbed kid (votes 1/6, 20 points)

Gulup: Rasheel of One-Hundred Deaths, lunar chimera (votes 1/6, 24 points)

Tome: Stiches, deathknight reaper (votes 1/6, 27 points)
Well... I voted, now the others must vote as well? :shock:

Anyhows... I'll be posting later today. Hopefully, 'll skip the time it takes to summon the demon... hour hours of rping would take forever...
I'm not good at all at doing such valuations, and I'd like to abstain from voting if I can.
I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.

Aw screw that, let everyone join, I can handle 10 pc on a pbp board, I've played for 6 months with 9 solars at a table ! :D
It takes a lot more than that to make me feel uncomfortable. :lol:

And yay, a huge circle!
All newcomers recieves 6 BP for their motivation and their description.

I won't allow more with arts & images, because I still need to get this game running :)
Hey! There's a hotspot for my PSP here. Cool. Shame it takes like half an hour to type up a paragraph. And I can't check my email on it. And YouTube doesen't work. :evil:

Anyway- just checking up on everything and wow participation has just exploded. Can't wait to see Creation do the same! :twisted:
Nice to see you still follow the thread !

Hope you will be able to join us back soon :)
Whoo! 6BP!

I'm gonna spend 4BP on Poisoning The Will, 1BP on an extra dot of Occult and the final BP on increasing my Presence Specialty of Intimidation to +3.
Stiches has Appearance 0, Charisma 4 and Presence 5 with a +1 Intimidation Specialty already. 4 of her current social Charms work off fear as well.

Scary, she is. :D

It's just that now she can use that fear to implant commands into your subconcious.

...Damn, I wish I had enough to put Poisoning The Will in a Combo. Oh well, that's the first thing I'm buying when we get some XP.
That shall do you little good my friend...

Heh, not only is my girl a melee monster, she can use Presence/Performance Charms to make it so you cannot run, cowards/the weak-willed cannot attack, and when you do attack you take damage. Oh, and then she brainwashes you. :D

So sorta Sith-like... 'cept more rustic.

Yer' all gonna die!

Bride of the Ruby Blades... doesn't exist. All you see is just a pale reflection...
The Constabulary of Silent Roads cannot die until the world is set aright.

Hmm. There should be some Charms I can get for that... :twisted:
Stiches is real. So horribly, terrifyingly real that you would wish she weren't... if you could frame a coherant thought that is.

That aside, a combination of Wounds Mean Nothing + Cadaverous Torpor Technique + Ravening Mouth Of Melee should make for some serious durability.
This group has the potential to destroy entire cities in a few hours.

This is getting better by the minute :lol:

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