[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Actually, without the interferance of significant numbers of DBs/Spirits, Stiches could possibly do so on her own.

Inescapable Massacre Technique + Dread Lord's Demeanor + Heart-Stopping Mien makes it very, very hard for mortals to fight her.
Well, it works on other beings as well, the only difference is the HL.

Don't abuse those effects :wink:
I was thinking that they're less likely to resist the charms personally.

...So when can she start the massacre?
I know, I've taken a look.

Then again, you are playing playing a Dusk Caste. The default Dusk Caste is like a reusable, Essence-empowered tactical (in the sense that overkill is an effecive tactic) nuke.
Ja... and most of my charms are in a combo... so I just need 2 actions to get up to snuff... even faster if someone attacks me.
Well you're both killers... the only thing is Ruby probably kills people faster than Stiches... but you're both a hell to fight with.

All in all, it will be hard to stop you from razing anything you want... hopefully that is not the plan... yet... but if you feel strong enough to take on cities or powerful foes, I won't stop you, you have an important mission, yet any opportunities to bring death to Creation/earn the favors of the Lord/Neverborn can be taken. :)

SO, everyone, we are now in the port town of Gralt... join the party :)
Well, with my combo, the main thing I've to watch out for is how much motes I committ and how many willpower I spend... :D
Well this was a good first post in a pbp game :)

It's not that complicated as an exercise.
I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great, and would suffce. :twisted:

Oh yes, who's my mentor? I didn't specify to let cyl decide, and since there's no way WiD is a 2-dot mentor, I was wondering if you'd decided on anyone.
I think I'm going to let White Bone Sinner be your mentor if that's ok with you. He's the only martial artist I can think of to train you and guide you.
Four :?

By the way, is it possible to raise Whispers with experience? How do you use the rules for raising Background that are in the Lunar book.
Considering you wear an artifact heavily linked to the whispers and the Neverborn, I'd allow you to raise Whispers with XP.
He has several Neverborn patrons, one of them is the well know He Who Holds in Thralls.

The dogmas of Abhorrence of Life and Principle of Consumption are also regularily teached among his cult.

The unholy trinity, domination, hate, destruction.
yay fits in with my background...

jigging my character a little, stats the same just the more i got to think/write about jemmy the more i didn't like it... nice idea not practical...

background and description of Juxta coming soon...

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