[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

G_d-frikkin-ass-damnit! Alright. Someone dies and I have to wrap everything I'm doing up and go to the armpit of Ari-G_d-dammed-zona and manage everything. Stupid responsibilities.

I have to leave like at 2am tomorrow (which is far too early for anyone to be up in my humble opinion) and since my laptop's in the shop I'm going to be internetless until the middle of next month. That's not fair to you guys/gals and I wouldn't want some yahoo holding up a game I'm in, so I'm going to have to drop out.

Damn, there goes tha leader of tha team ^^'

Really sucks for you and the guy that died. Sorry dude.

Your spot will remain open until you come back (you'll have the pleasure to read all the evil deeds the others have done :D ).

What do you say the others... should I recruit one or more and NPC the Quiet Prince until our friend return ? (Landreu and Nobble expressed interest in the game).
Recruitment. I vote for a deathmatch to determine who... gets it.

And you NPC leader-san.
Or we could allow one of the newcomers a shot at this as well...

We could use a DB or lunar sidekick.... ^_-
Know what, I'll let you vote ^^

I'll post something in the thread, the one with the highest score (on /10) on those three criterias will join us:

- coolest name

- coolest concept

- coolest description (images are welcomed but are not enough)

And you'll give em marks... this way I'm free of any responsabilities and me and my conscience can sleep well tonight :D

Whaddya say ?
I was tempting to go for a tae kwon dodos... but judging a character from pure combat efficiency is just so... uncivilized.
So between a chimaera and the reincarnation of the bride of Chucky :lol:

Chaka from the ECR board has sent me a pm expressing interests too...

Anyway new player(s) will be able to join the game on the next scenes (to get the game going) at any time. I'll have to brief them with some kind of plot justifying their presence :D
By the by... is it alright for Ruby to have a caste mark that is formed of entrophic energy that floats over her forehead like a reversed version of the solars?

And less bleeding? :lol:
Less bleeding? A true servant of the Abyss would want MORE bleeding! Death! All hail Death! Or Dess, for those with speach impediments!

And I like the idea of a Lunar pet. We can chain it up at our feet and feed it little pieces of our enemies as a treat. Good doggie. Gooooood doggie! No biting! Well, no biting us that is! Good doggie!
It's more the blood getting into my eyes while I fight. And do you have any idea how annoying it is to bleed everytime you spend peripheral essence?

I believe in clean sterile death, clean dry white bones. True oblivion does not involve blood, THAT belongs to the living. :D
Haku said:
What did Chaka give as his concept? ^_^
If you tell me what you need in general terms, I can create a character to fit the campaign better. Also, I kinda want to play a Dragon-Blood who's willingly serving the Deathlord, but power disparity could be an issue, so Lunar/Abyssal is also no problem.

I like to know what my GM wants before I start throwing concepts together.
Oooh... a DB.

Is this gonna be an outcaste whose in it for the money?

Or an IO monk / Dynast whose been subverted?
I don't want anything :)

I've opened spots, so pick your coolest concept, and bring it on.

The only problem we have to take care about, is "how to fit your character in the game".

You might do anything, from a lunar chimaera who chose to become the pet of the deathknigh, to a solar criminal teaming up with the abyssal to escape death from the authorities likely to be converted sooner or later (ala Riddick), a Death Aspected DB, a renegade siddy (that I don't recommend)... any deviant character crazy enough to join forces with the darkness actually.

Thing is, now the game has started, I'll have to orchester things a bit to avoid new PCs popping in the Land Ship :)
So what demons did Sherwood summon up and how many/how long?

Given that 1st circle demons can only be summoned 1 at a time from sundown to midnight... :D
Before starting out, I'll load up on three blood apes. I may try to summon more on the trip.
Haku said:
Or an IO monk / Dynast whose been subverted?
Lookshyan actually, but this. But you already know that, since I already posted backstory, so... yeah.

I like the challenge of trying to keep up with the Celestials.

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