[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]


BTW, Haku you might want to move that response to my inquiry down below my new post's position.... >.>
Oh, this is going to be fun ^_^ ;;;

A Temperance 1 PC and a Compassion 1 PC in the same group like this...
Heh. There are actually 3 of us Temperance 1 PCs (myself, Aine/Nobble, and Rinji/Thorn) and 2 of you Compassion 1 PCs (Lee Karasu/Gaelic and yourself). Tranquil Meadow (Jukashi) is the only sane one of us all. :lol:

And I struck back a bat out of hell! How's that for gettin pwnzed? :P
hey, I didn't claim any pwnzing. that was all haku.

and we're that bad off on virtues? we're dead. we're going to kill each other before the Anathema get the chance. :P :twisted:
Heh I know, that was a response to him. :P

I know how you Compassion 1-types like to sell your companions off for a few smidgeons of Jade, I'm watching you! >.>
So are we pretty much done with questions, or does anyone else want to say anything? I could say something, but I'd rather not for roleplaying reasons. At least for the moment. :P
I can think of questions to ask, but I is the ST and not a player... :twisted:

Still, I'll wait til tomorrow for any final questions before closing this scene.
fhgwdads05 said:
I know how you Compassion 1-types like to sell your companions off for a few smidgeons of Jade, I'm watching you! >.>
Bah! I have Conviction 4. If I sell you out, it'll be to further the mission, not for direct personal gain.

Probably... :wink:
You still have your uses as my companions. I won't sell you out... yet.

Besides, I'm far too -nice- and smiley to ever consider selling you out ^^
Wait.... How does that work? You make friends easily (Ch 3), but you're a cold heartless SOB (Comp 1) ? :?

Oh and watch out, Valor 4 and Temperance 1 means we may end up drawing swords if you get on my bad side.... :wink:

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