[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

that sounds cool... wasn't doing it for bps just as i have access to some cool tools.. jukashi im using the gimp and the CoX character generator
Before I forget, once the game starts.

All XP spending will be by the book, including training times. Bonus points will be vetted to the death. In short, get everything important to you done by wednesday...

Sieg heil!
everyone has XP at whatevery the pool is at. spend as they wish before game start... after game start, it's regular spending....
Random question... but does anyone other then myself have Wind-Carried Words or a similar useful communication charm like it? Insta-language doesn't count in this case, I'm afraid...
I was considering getting it a while ago, as its part of the Lookshy DB reqs and I think they serve as a good representative of the Shogunate. I still may get it, considering the fact that we have these nice pools of bonus XP and BP.
It'd be a good idea, I think. Communicating orders and comments/observations without making noise could be a vital thing to our groups survival... plus co-ordinating several different tasks at long range.
Since it's unlikely my character will have an Immaculate sifu for a while, I thik the first things I'l do when I'm able to is have you guys teach him Wind-Carried Words and Elemental Bolt Techique. That'll make things more fun. ^^

EDIT: I wonder; would Eyes of the Wood Dragon's benefit carry onto Elemental Bolt?
You definitely have the Experience needed to pick up one of those Charms right now, if you so desired. :wink:
I can already hear the shambling... >.<

Oh, and what do you mean by Anathema?

I assume Solars/Lunars/Sidereals are definitely out. But Abyssals/Zombies? Fae? Some horrific combination of the two? >.>

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