[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Haku... I'm confused. I thought we all had Immaculate clearance? I thought that gave us access to all of the secret labs and such? :?
It gets you access into the secret places and secured stuff. But it's only physical, they don't actually trust you THAT much as to give you the secret of their nuklear research.
What it means is I'm a sociopath ;) Almost a textbook example of such. I hide the lack of compassion by -acting- concerned... ;)
What a horrible, horrible thing; our group is filled with sociopaths and unruly scoundrels. :P

Hey I think we're missing a few people in the "Combat Readout" thread... >.> *eyes Gulup and Gaelic*
Heh, not too late. Just hop on in! Let's just say you've kept quiet until now? >.>

PS: Did you ever spend the bonus XP we got?
Wait... Rinji has an Artifact eyepiece..? Is that just for show or actually something you've got a background for (biomagitech?)? :?
it's a Dragonfly's Ranging Eye...it's a lense that attaches to the side of the head. it's sweet, Essence Sight and changable viewpoints, even through walls. Figured it'd be sweet for this style of game

EDIT: Oh crap, somehow I didn't type that up. xD

EDIT 2: Fix'd Now to spend those XP. Haku, is the communal XP thingy before the game started for spending-ness? Cause I messed up on my points and need to turn some of my stats in XP costs instead of BP costs...
Ah, just found it in the book. For some reason I kept thinking it was biomagitech when it's not. >.<

As far as the bonus XP.... I think it was supposed to be pre-game. Maybe he'll be really nice and make an exception?

Or maybe not? :twisted:

BTW, do you have the 4-dot version? Cause I believe it attunes for 8 motes.... *eyes Gulup as well* >.>
Nah, I have a 2-dot version. basic range + essence sight.

and before you start saying I should have gotten higher, do remember I have to worry about essence a bit more than the rest of you due to being a sorcerer.
Ohh.... I see, I was confused. I thought Essence Sight was something only the 4-dot version possessed, but I clearly misread. I see now, any version can be upgraded to have Essence sight for +1 artifact dot and +3m attunement.

Sorry to both of you, my mistake. >.<
Erm... unless I misread the corebook (or it was houseruled elsewhere) armor does provide aggravated soak equal to it's lethal soak (pre-stamina)
Yep, it does. And you can't soak it with Stamina whatsoever. >.>

Sweet, 1 more person left to go for Combat Readouts? Waiitt...... 2 more.

*eyes Thorn* :P
it's a Dragonfly's Ranging Eye...it's a lense that attaches to the side of the head. it's sweet, Essence Sight and changable viewpoints, even through walls. Figured it'd be sweet for this style of game
EDIT: Oh crap, somehow I didn't type that up. xD

EDIT 2: Fix'd Now to spend those XP. Haku, is the communal XP thingy before the game started for spending-ness? Cause I messed up on my points and need to turn some of my stats in XP costs instead of BP costs...
Actually, the xp is available. -normally-, once the game starts, xp spending requires training time and such. However, I will allow you a -one time- chance to spend the xp as necessary, which is at 36 XP.
One more chance? Neato! Can I have some Elemental Bolt action, please? It'll clean out my current xp nicely.
Nobble said:
Aine looks up tothe Directorate again.
"These schematics are full and complete and cover the 5 manses, the admin building and other major buildings? Also the expected locations of the chief researchers and admin chief."
Erm... Nobble, the map you currently have in the briefing = bare bones that point out what buildings are where, nothing more. You're looking at a small city with six massive magitech buildings and a good number of smaller buildings, and you want it to have floor plans to them? Do you REALLY want to have to go thru a phone book for the entire place?

ahh i can see the misunderstanding with the way i wrote.. sorry.. the Schematics I was talking about then were the ones the directorate mentioned the full schematics
Jukashi said:
One more chance? Neato! Can I have some Elemental Bolt action, please? It'll clean out my current xp nicely.
Yay, now there's 5 of us with the Charm! Go-go Dragon-Blooded Cooperative Attack Prana! :D

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