[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

ok thanks I'll look at that when I get back home this evening... just didn't seem very punchy... Aine's as i said more of a streetfighter than anything else.. well thats how he started out...
Well... you could have started out with the barebones "excellencies" for smacking people hard and fast.

But the style taught to him could be anything. If he stays unarmed, it's just a vicious punching/kicking style.

Of course, you could check out the supplement to the scroll of monk, which has a few terresterial styles that might suit your needs. Even one that allows for -any- weapon you want and provides you with an essence-forged artifact weapon if you go far along.
that the imperfect lotus supplement?.. got that on my phone.. i'll have a read during lunch....
Also, alongside the custom charms I did up previously... if you want me to, I would be happy to help you with custom DB charms... this includes Terresterial Martial Arts...

EDIT - I do however need an idea on WHAT you want said charms to do.
slight rewrite on character idea.... but i'll stick with 5dragons style and dire lance..

can i up my breed by 2 to 5? unknown high blood father...

and 2 point spec in dire lance... that 3 bp?
If it's specialty for favored/aspect abilities, they cost 1 bonus point for 2 dots...

Also... backgrounds are 1 for 1, until you hit the 4th an 5th dot, in which case, they cost 2 points for 1 dot.
Nobble said:
can i up my breed by 2 to 5? unknown high blood father...
Be aware that Breeding 3 is considered high. To have Breeding 5 you're probably one of the most pure-blooded Dragon-Blooded in all creation, and those are definitely in rare quantity. Just my view on it. >.>
Please bear in mind that this is the shogunate, and there are no such things as outcaste, lost eggs and such... ^_^ ;

Also, breeding 5 dragonblooded ARE rare, and usually the end product of breeding to recover the original level of breeding of 6. There are of course, freak occurances from random combinations of linerages.

I'm not saying no... but reasoning aside, you're looking at a good 5 bonus points to get from breeding 2 to 5. (at 2 to 3, it's 1 bonus points, from 3 to 4, it's 2 bonus points and from 4 to 5, it's another 2 more bonus points).

This applies to all backgrounds. anything before/at 3 dots has a cost of 1 bonus point to 1 dot. But the 4th and 5th dots are at 2 bonus points to 1 dot. :roll:
yup I was at Breeding 3 prior to bonus point spend, then 4 bonus points put me at 5..

I'm not hot of the shogunate era, I need to reread the DB book again...

I left the reasoning behind Aine's breeding and his tatoos open to add some stuff I as a play do not know about the character and to allow you to spring some suprises on me ;)

But not stating specifics, Aine's real father was someone high up in the shogunate, one with pure blood, he had a night of passion with a whore in a southern city. The whore just happened to have a past bloodline with high dragon blood, the combination of the two bloodlines produced Aine... The high dragon blood moved on unaware, the whore moved to a new city, married a blacksmith, and he brought Aine up as his own...

As for the tatoos, i really don't know, just a bit of unknown fluff...
Nobble said:
But not stating specifics, Aine's real father was someone high up in the shogunate, one with pure blood, he had a night of passion with a whore in a southern city. The whore just happened to have a past bloodline with high dragon blood, the combination of the two bloodlines produced Aine... The high dragon blood moved on unaware, the whore moved to a new city, married a blacksmith, and he brought Aine up as his own...
That would have given you Breeding 3, at very best. Breeding 5 would have come from a pair of high-Essence, high-Breeding DBs, and that's pretty much the only way. Breeding 6, well, lets not even get into that...

This of course is just how I see it. I'm not trying to step on your imagination or anything. >.>
Dragonblades are something I made way, way back in the days of 1e. ^_^


Attunement cost is 6 motes.

The stats for 2e ranged combat are

speed 5, accuracy +2, damage 10L, Rate 1, range 20, Ammo 5, Tags F (fire)

(Powerbow 5MM bonus)

Melee combat

Level 3 stats would be equal to a short daiklave

Speed 4, Accuracy +4, Damage +4L, Defense +1, Rate 2

while a level 4 version would be equal to a reaper daiklave

Speed 4, Accuracy +4, Damage +4L, Defense +1, Rate 3

Please note that melee has no 5MM bonus.

Extra notations

Repairs and maintance are as per Plasma Tongue Repeaters. Basically repair 1.

The level 4 version also is able to fuel its attacks at a cost of 2 motes per shot OR having one of its heartstone slots dedicated to powering the weapon with a level 2 fire or solar hearthstones.

Reloading the weapon is a speed 5 miscellenous action.

Also, if you want to get a -paired- set, the artifact cost goes up by 1. And the TOTAL attunement costs are 4 motes each, for a total of 8 motes.

Hmmm... I need to get a 2e version page done for them. ^_^ ;
Pretty sweet. I may actually have to consider swapping out my character's Black Jade Daiklave for a Black Jade Dragon Blade now... >.>
nope, definitly not... just nice piccies.. didn't take long... hope they are ok ;)

will knock something up for MARUISHI ARAMA and LEE KARASU if I get the time over the weekend.
So... very tempted to just say that pictures beyond the first one just nabs you lot a collective pool of XP.... :cry:
Suggestion.... Merge each Fanart thread of Nobble's into one mega-thread-of-doom? Would help keep things neat and tidy. >.>
*rubs nose*

Okay... judging by the amounts of fan art coming in...

I think I'll need to insitute a rule for fan arts, if you guys agree to the rule, we'll go with it.

The main reason, I've been holding off on rewarding additional arts by certain people who are... prolific beyond description due to various reasons/tools, is mainly on how unbalancing it can be if someone has a hideous amount of bonus points over someone who is unable to draw worth squad.

So... additional art work beyond the first would go towards a communal XP pool that everyone has.

ie. Nobble's current 4 art pieces of the PCs in armour would generate 12 XP, that everyone would have. And be able to spend as they wish.

This spending can be done prior to the game start in any manner as wished. After game start, training times and normal XP spending rules would apply,

How does this sound?
I think that's fair. If I still had the art-fu I did years ago, I would be all over the Fanart, but I lost touch with it :( .

Everyone continue to make more art for the greater good! :D

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