[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Haku said:
I see it as if you're a fire aspect, and your anima power kicks in at full power, you get Essence x 2 damage instead of the puny Essence damage per tick.
The bolded stuff there, you're thinking Anima Flux, not the Anima power. The Fire Aspect Anima power adds Essence in Lethal damage to all attacks, as well as dealing Essence in Lethal damage to all who attack you unarmed. Anima Flux does 1L per tick. OC specifically says the Anima power.

Haku said:
If you're a NON-fire aspect, it allows you to do a fire-aspect anima damage as if you're a fire aspect based on how high your anima banner is. Or you could spend 10 motes to activate the fire anima power.
I see this part now, I misread it before.

Haku said:
Also I believe in 1e, a fire aspect could spend 5 motes to do essence damage with his anima, on top of the anima flux.
A wha? 2e Anima Flux and the Fire Aspect Anima Power are both near-carbon copies of their respective versions in 1e. >.>

Haku said:
Also, note that this is a house-ruling, as otherwise, you can only get the fire aspect damage from spending essence to trigger said stone. Which is stupid. -_- ;
I agree. Now that I have a better understanding of it, I think this Hearthstone is pretty underpowered for 3 dots. :(
I could be wrong... let me go over the books... I'll come back with further yes-no-maybes.
Reading it again, this is how I think it is....

Grants the Fire Aspect Anima. Non-Fire Aspects pay 10m to activate it. Fire Aspects pay the normal costs associated, and instead do (Essence x 2)L with attacks etc., rather than just (Essence).

I don't know... dragonkings and dragonblooded in the same room? Something bad is bound to happen...

Like sacrifices of hearts to the Unconquered Sun or something... ^_-
Hi hi peeps, I'm just reading over all the stuff in the forum whilst at work ;)

will be posting more when i get home
Great to see you join us Nobble. :)

Got a concept for us? BTW, we're missing a Water-aspect to complete our Elemental-circle :wink:.
A water aspect doctor ^_^

mmmh.... you might want to look at charms for healing or hearthstones that help in healing...
Here are the two hearthstones that supplement Medicine rolls that I know of:

Stone of Healing (Second Ed. Core, pg. 383): 1-dot Hearthstone, adds 3 dice to Medicine rolls. Simple and effective.

Gem of Injury Sense (Oadenol's Codex, pg. 98): 1-dot Hearthstone, subtracts 1 from the difficulty of all Medicine rolls for treatment, as well as giving you the general location and severity of the problem. It also lets you tell when someone is near death, as well as letting you easily discern between the living and the undead.

For 1 dot in Manse, those two Hearthstones are more than with it IMO :P .
Got Manse 3 so is

Stone of Healing (Second Ed. Core, pg. 383): 1-dot Hearthstone, adds 3 dice to Medicine rolls. Simple and effective.

Gem of Injury Sense (Oadenol's Codex, pg. 9Cool: 1-dot Hearthstone, subtracts 1 from the difficulty of all Medicine rolls for treatment, as well as giving you the general location and severity of the problem. It also lets you tell when someone is near death, as well as letting you easily discern between the living and the undead.

Gem of Echoes (Oadenol's Codex, pg. 85)

Jewel of the Flying Heart (Oadenol's Codex, pg. 85) + 1 DDV

For Artifacts is

Jade Hearthstone Bracers

4dot amulet of shadow walking

Smash Fist

Silk Armour


Armour of the unseen assassin or Water Dragon Armour or the Deadly Transformation Armour

ok? or tooo cheeky ;)
I'm surprised you went with First Pulse Style and not Dragonblooded Hero Style as that allows armour, AND custom charms...
went for first pulse for rp reasons... never played a MA before so never read SOTM in depth... but First Pulse just really fits the character so.....

i'll just have to stick with silken armour and chain shirt
I dunno, reading your backstory I get the impression of a precise fighter. First Pulse is... not precise. And indescriminate. Rather than the "looking brutal" your character is described as being, First Pulse actually is brutal.

Terrestrial Hero is quite good, I think, for your character. I haven't read it in a while, though.
You could also get 5 dragon style... which a few of the others here will testafy to being evil and powerful if used -right-. :twisted:
I was considering Five Dragon myself, but I decided that splitting myself between MA and Melee was a poor choice. >.>

Oh how I wish I could use Five-Dragon-Force Blow with Dragon-Graced Weapon, the Fire-Aspect Anima Power, the Hearthstone that doubles the Anima, the Candent Carbuncle, the Fire Dragon Armor Flame Talons, and the kicker: an Elemental Lens. I'll let you figure out what all of that together means yourself :wicked:.

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