[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

It's in the south-east in the region of Rathess, near where the nameless lair of Ma-Ha-Suchi will be... if the contagion occurs.

And yes, Arsenal is a GOOD thing to have. It allows you to say that the armour was on loan.

EDIT - the artifact for unlimited ammo would depend on the cost for the ammo being created.

IF it's just storing the arrows in elsewhere for a mote cost per arrow being stored/retreived. Artifact 1, if it includes a committment cost.

If it's creating arrows, say essence arrows for a mote, and a committment cost, it'd be artifact 2.

If it just creates arrows for no cost, with a committment cost it'd be artifact 3. If it's powered by a hearthstone to create arrows, it'd be artifact 2
It's in the south-east in the region of Rathess, near where the nameless lair of Ma-Ha-Suchi will be... if the contagion occurs.
Excellent. So to make things much more simple in general, my character is a member of the Seventh Legion, and a member of Gens Karal.

Yeah Jukashi you'd still have to spend the Background points for Arsenal... But maybe... Haku, would you consider lifting the power limit of artifacts/hearthstones gained from Arsenal (currently if you have Arsenal 3 the most powerful thing you can get from it is a 3-dot manse/artifact)? >.>

Either way, my character will be up soon. Hopefully later today.
Hmmm... I guess I could do that... the lifting of limit as long as you're not pulling something silly like a warstrider with arsenal 1.

I reserve the righ to say no.

Dude.. you don't have to be Lookshyian... Gens Karal doesn't have be associated with the 7th legion. Remember... all over the place.

Heck... I would even allow a proto-Empress aka She who would become the Empress if the situation occurs where the Sids jammed Destiny N/A into her.

Or even the future head of the seventh legion... this is not the age of Sorrows. I'm not saying no.. just pointing things out.
Oh true true, it just gives me less I have to think about though. We have nearly nothing as far as canon regarding specifics about the Shogunate save for stuff about Lookshy. We're working with mostly une

There's still plenty of time, as my backstory is still in the idea-collection phase. I have a general idea, but as to specifics I've got a lot I need to work out.

But yea, I was just gonna say that removing the Arsenal limit may allow Jukashi to be able to pick Dragon Armor at a slightly lesser cost, if he wants to >.>.
If you have nothig? You make it up? ^_-

Joking aside... it's up to you what canonality you want to set with your backstory.

Yeah... it's expensive to be a DB... I did give some thought to lowering essence cost in terms of BP to a solar level... but I think that's a bit much.

EDIT - also, as a note, fan arts, fanstory, well-done backstory DOES get you extra bonus points.
Haku said:
EDIT - also, as a note, fan arts, fanstory, well-done backstory DOES get you extra bonus points.
Awesome :D . My ST just started doing the same thing when he finally switched the older game over from 1E to 2E. Extra BP are always loved. I'll probably forgo posting a complete Character sheet until I get my backstory up... >.>

EDIT: Lots more ideas starting to come to me as I find more and more about the Shogunate here and there. An interesting link:


Scroll down to the dialogue between izzylobo and Wyrmdog.
So uh... Where is everyone? >.> I'm toiling away at my backstory when I've got free time away from RL stuff.

BTW, should we get DFR to give Thorn Darkblade access to this game's Forum?
I was waiting until we had filled up and given a rough descriptor of all our characters before I did up my guy, so that we can fit around each other like good little DBs should. :wink:
I still haven't gotten a PM from thorn that he's joined the pbp forum and is waiting for acceptance into the group. :cry:
PM him first? :P

Maybe both here, and on the main ECR forum? If you leave a post in the recruitment thread you had made, then you will have covered all grounds. :D
I have PMed him in the ECR, but I donb't know if he's here in the pbp forum... :cry:

On the otherhand, I've provided a little datafile for you to read up. :D
Just did. Quite interesting, I liked it. I think I can take a guess at what kind of hell you are going to turn that place into... >.>
I'm going with "family name" / "personal name" for my npcs in terms of naming convention, at least in the write-ups of notable NPCs.
Alrighty...anyways, so, what's everyone playing? I was hoping to either bea magitech specialist, or, if that doesn't work out, simply recon/something with awesome sniping ranged combat works fine for me. Like Jukashi, I want to be able to support the rest of the group, so, we don't die horrible zombified deaths.
There is 1 magitech specialist as is, but there is no harm in having extra specialists or someone who has secondary skills in magitech fixing... toys need fixing and all that.

Also, ranged combat is cool... just remember that you're going to be in an indoors and outdoors type locales... so be aware of that when selecting weapons and charms.
Well, I've got a ranged combat thing going currently, with Wood Dragon Style. Which also gives me some MA action. I'll be looking into some Medicine, Investigation, or Survival Charms as well eventually, with maybe some Stealth, Larceny, Athletics and such-and-such.
I'm thinking either flame-piece or thrown mastery. And, for magitech specilization, I'm thinking more of first-age manse systems, geomancy, etc. In other words, someone who's good at bypassing ancient magical defences, and making them work for him. Closest thing I can think of to a computer hacker type character for Exalted
Perfect, that should blend nicely with what we have so far. BTW, I'm playing the brash Fire-Aspect who just graduated from a military academy. In personal combat, he was unequaled by anyone else. He doesn't really like to work on a team though with equals, and he just barely passed for that reason alone.

So, in short: Yarr, I'm the fighter.

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