[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

And' date=' for magitech specilization, I'm thinking more of first-age manse systems, geomancy, etc. In other words, someone who's good at bypassing ancient magical defences, and making them work for him. Closest thing I can think of to a computer hacker type character for Exalted[/quote']
That would work well with my char (who's the other MagiTech). I'm gearing more towards being about the more physical aspects (actual construction/repair/etc...). So, you'd be a 'software' magitech, while I'm 'hardware'.
Gulup, Thorn: What have you two picked Aspect-wise? Cause I'm having second thoughts about my Fire-Aspect, and an idea for an Earth-Aspect just came to mine.... >.>

If either of you are already set on Earth, I will stick with my Fire-Aspect. Otherwise, I may experiment a little. >.>
Was planning on Earth... I've made a few too many Airs in the past and I want to break out of that rut.
Oh true, plus Craft is a caste ability and all. Ok then, just wanted to make sure. No Earth Dragon MAist, back to the Fire-Aspected Five-Dragon MAist.... Unless.... :idea: I could go for a Fire-Aspect who is training in Earth Dragon style. There's also the Water-Aspect. I suppose I still have a bit of time to decide. Back to the drawing board for now. >.>

EDIT: Just wondering... Haku, what part of the Shogunate time-wise is this taking place? If its relatively early, would it be possible for me to be initiated into Celestial MA using the Tiger and Bear Awareness/Unity tree (First Age methods, would have been specifically from my character's Mentor), rather than the standard Shogunate-Era Iris tree?

EDIT 2: One more question: As far as Form Weapons for MA are concerned, would you count attacks made with the fire claws generated by Fire Dragon Armor as barehanded attacks? Or possibly Razor/Tiger Claws? Or would they be entirely a thing of their own?
fhgwdads05 said:
Oh true, plus Craft is a caste ability and all. Ok then, just wanted to make sure. No Earth Dragon MAist, back to the Fire-Aspected Five-Dragon MAist.... Unless.... :idea: I could go for a Fire-Aspect who is training in Earth Dragon style. There's also the Water-Aspect. I suppose I still have a bit of time to decide. Back to the drawing board for now. >.>
EDIT: Just wondering... Haku, what part of the Shogunate time-wise is this taking place? If its relatively early, would it be possible for me to be initiated into Celestial MA using the Tiger and Bear Awareness/Unity tree (First Age methods, would have been specifically from my character's Mentor), rather than the standard Shogunate-Era Iris tree?

EDIT 2: One more question: As far as Form Weapons for MA are concerned, would you count attacks made with the fire claws generated by Fire Dragon Armor as barehanded attacks? Or possibly Razor/Tiger Claws? Or would they be entirely a thing of their own?
Time-wise, it's 488 years into the shogunate, which started after 3 decades of war with surviving solar Anathema from the start of the Ursurpation (dinner and murder). And the year 488 is Year of the Phoenix, Quicksilver era of the 4th Epoch of the Dragonblooded shogunate, casual conversation would make it year of the phoenix, or year of the Quicksilver pPoenix if it's mentioned in the not-so-distant future. The naming/calender sequence is up to you lot if you want to use it or we could go with "it's Shogunate year 488". ^_~

Also, note that the shogunate uses a different calender than the Realm, which start from the start of the shogunate. The calender can be found in the 1e outcaste book, I can't recall if they show up in 2e DB book or not.

But it's possible to have Tiger and Bear Awareness/Unity tree instead of the normal Iris tree. It's just considered older and 'weaker'.

Fire Dragon armour 'fire claws' count as barehand attacks if used with martial arts, but they can also be used with melee and would count as Razor/Tiger/Dragon claws. Given that you're going to be paying thru the nose to activate them, it seems fair.

Also... you could try dragonblooded melee if you're fire aspect, there ARE custom melee 2e charms out there alongside the ones in the book, a good number of the customs were made by me. ^_^

http://www.patternspider.net/forums/vie ... php?t=3980

EDIT - corrected the epoch from 3 to 4
Ok, so in total we have, so far:

- Tranquil Meadow, Wood Aspect Archer/Martial artist with Wood Dragon Style, an ex-monk, sort of a ranger-type dude, played by me, Jukashi.

- Unspecified Aspect "magitech hacker" with ranged combat, played by Thorn.

- Brash Fire Aspect fighter fellow, military training but not keen on working with others, played by fhgwdads.

- Possibly Earth Aspect mechanic-style magitech specialist, played by Gulup.
Yeah, I'm thinking Melee will be the best route, so I'll definitely take a look at your charms :D . I was debating going MA, and had a cool concept I just thought up for a Fire Aspect who's mastered Tiger Style, which is unprecedented for such a young DB. However, it turns out that won't work cause Tiger style doesn't allow the use of armor :( .
I thought tiger style allowed armour? :shock:

Of course, I could be off... ^_^ ;

Jukashi, that seems about right... just remember, the cake isn't a lie. It is out there
fhgwdads05 said:
Unfortunately not :( . Unless you would be willing to change that.... >.>
Haku said:
just remember, the cake isn't a lie.
A whaa?
Hmmm... if it says no in the monk book, it'll have to be a no here.

*smiles* As for the cake, you'll see....
Hehe, I didn't expect that to change, but I thought I'd ask just for the hell of it :P .

Plus, now I can use some of those Melee charms you've written up :D .

I did more than just melee charms, there are other abilities in that thread, like athletics, archery, thrown and such... :D

By the by... if you go thrown, the artifact sling is one of the better thrown weapons around alongside the infinite jade chakram.
Actually, I was gonna PM you about something. I want something akin to an Essence grenade, preferabbly reusuable, or at least in a decent quantity, but the closest I can find is the Sun's Fist Chakram, which seems a bit overpowered and out of place for your game. Any suggestions?

If not, can I possibly get a remake of Infinite Jade Chakram as daggers instead of chakrams? Just for looks really, I don't give a rat's ass about stats.

EDIT: Questions answered, nevermind that. :D

However, I do believe we should make a list of a few cooperative charms to get, just for awesomeness
I have made this suggestion in the past. >.>

Elemental Bolt Attack would be hawt. If we all got Dragon Armor, it'd be even more nasty 8).
Elemental Bolt is always fun...

Finally I'll be on the giving end, not the recieving. This DB thing is fun, :D
Exactly why I have Dragon Armor and the 1st Athletics Excellency. :twisted:

Well, besides the fact that both are nice in the first place. >.> <.< >.>
Dragon Armor?

And, Haku...is Luck an acceptable merit?

Also, is Magical Security Systems an acceptable Larceny specialty?
It's better known as Armor of the Immaculate Dragons. It's Artifact 4. There are five different types of armor, each representing one of the five elements and DB Aspects. It's got a lot of kickass powers, plus special ones that are unique to the element it represents. For example, my character has The Most Fearsome Armor of the Fire Dragon, aka Fire Dragon Armor. With the unique abilities of my armor I can form claws made of Essence-plasma, as well as supercharge my movements and attack rates. If you picked up The Most Terrifying Armor of the Air Dragon, aka Air Dragon Armor, in addition to the powers that all Dragon Armors possess you would have Flight, the ability to charge your gauntlets with lightning (giving you increased unarmed attack damage), and the ability to hurl a bolt of lightning with the Thrown ability.

All of the Dragon Armors have the following abilities: bonus to Resistance vs poison/disease and a one-hour supply of fresh air, bonus to Awareness and Essence Sight, double move speed, bonus dots to Strength for damage and feats of strength, stronger unarmed attacks that you can parry lethal with, a cloaking device :D , a field that makes it harder to perform divinations on you, and the kicker in my book: an integrated Elemental Lens (doubles base damage of Elemental-essence attacks, including the Elemental Bolt and Burst Charms :D ).

For Artifact 4, it totally rocks. If you decide to get it, I'd personally suggest picking it up with Arsenal.
I just hope the lot of you aren't going to be depending solely on me to perform maintenance... Repair 3 is expensive and I only have so many ability points.
Luck is an acceptable merit. And yes, that is a valid specialty, how you have THAT as a specialty, I leave to your backstory.
Think of it this way Gulup:

Lore 5 is going to necessary. You're going to need it one way or another. Craft Magitech 4 will be incredibly useful. I would personally get it at 5. The only issue could be with Occult 4, though now that I think about it, it could potentially have nearly as much use as Lore, pending on how Haku is planning things. What else is sucking away your ability points? Cause I remember you saying that you were going to play the Magitech savant, and I would think that having high dots in all three of those abilities would be kinda necessary for that character. :?

I take it you don't plan on getting Dragon Armor, Gulup? :(

If you aren't, I think you should, simply cause Earth Dragon Armor is kickass. Plus, you could get it with 3 dots in Arsenal (plus another 1 dot artifact/hearthstone) cause Haku has given us permission to do so, as long as we aren't getting Warstriders with Arsenal 1 or anything :P .

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