[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

I'm going to have the same deal going on with Peacock and Badger...

You got stuck underground... everyone got locked down, Automata went rapaging, and when night fell... people started to go insane and killing each other.

The insane people needing... extra effort to kill. And now... it's dawn.

PM me if you want more info... or such.

Immaculate Hax-fu was in a different scene, so... you'd need to start it up again.

As for Nobble looking for Xormis, you could... y'know stunt and such... it'd be Perception + Awareness roll to track her via sound...

Of course, it could have been easier to ask her where she was and then... y'know walk to her in the corridors, given that you have the master maps of the darn place. Why people like to travel in airvents, I'll never know.
heh, well i did ask where xormis was..... and aine's tracking isn't exactly brilliant.....
Been real busy lately and worn out after work.... not sure when I'll be able to next post....



You lot found shadowy girl who turns out to be an 'infected' DB... you've scanned her and what not and determined that medically, she's healthy, even if she shouldn't be alive; at least if one were to go by essence reading.

Oh, and she wants her daiklave back...

Xormis' PC was found by Nobbles' PC...
No. I know all that. :lol:

I mean... Where is everyone? And by everyone, I mean Gulup, as we're waiting for a response from Arama :P .
Bah! :P

Nah, I can relate. I've got a whole bunch of shit due tomorrow and tuesday, so I'm gonna be out of commission for a little while.
Uh... Meadow isn't here at the moment, he went back to "rest" or something... Zhi Jun is, though. >_>
I could have sworn he just said that he's going to conserve and recover motes. Besides, there's no place to like go nap or some such... :shock:
I'm gonna be really, REALLY busy this week. Finals at my college. Don't expect me to post anything.
Apologies, I know I'm up to post here (as well as in Clashing Waves, and I have stuff to finish for cyl's games as well >_<). I've been swamped with classwork. I should have a post for you this evening, or at the latest Tuesday evening.

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