[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

I'm curious... One of the great pains of MoEP: Dragon-Blooded is that it lacks a sidebar or section mentioning any minor powers associated with the anima banner of Terrestrial Exalted (similar to the one listed in the Core, at least). What's your opinion on this Haku? I know there are some people out there who probably have ported the ones from the Core to other Exalted types in some way or another. I ask this because one of the possible things Zhi Jun might try would be to illuminate the area (as bad of an idea it probably is :P ).
spend 1 mote;

- to have skin become slightly luminious as well as aspect markings to deepen and be more obvious. (Marking the DB as a chosen of the Dragons)

- Cause anima to become bright enough to read by for a scene

- Know her exact location from her elemental pole. Removing 1 diff from navigation rolls or to orient self.

That's as of 1e.
Erm... no... for god's sake... no. Pray to the immaculate dragons it's NOT you. :shock:
Ah, so eager, so brave, so naive.


You're that excited to start running into mobs of soul-damaged zombie-oids, running out of ammo and allies -coughcoughmeatshieldscough- as you are hounded on all sides by monsters and/or people keeping a conspiracy secret? :D
I'm willing to have Xormis' DB in the building... just not in the air vents... the airvents were a... BAD place to be in last night.

Sorry Haku, I didn't get a chance to post. Had to mow my own lawn too, as well as get a number of other mindless chores done. >_>

BTW, I unfortunately have some business to attend to this weekend. It just came up without notice, and I can't miss it. Apologies, I'll be back mid-afternoon EST Sunday.
As a fyi, the conversation, minus the charm speaky thing, can be heard by those outside the air-vents.
I has waited a week for someone to reply... since no one has, I'm continuing on now...

Please don't push it to two weeks.
Haku, I am here, but I feel this is not yet the time to interject, I will post though but waiting for a good Theatrical moment to do so.
okay, Haku. Ms peacock had been listening to this sobbing for sometime now. Does she know what it is? or does she know what happened to others that have gotten close to it? Planning on jumping in depending on what I know.

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