[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

you know... I was just thinking... Although this may lead to the demise of characters....

What would be something that would unite a party by inner struggle...

MORTAL COMBAT against a common enemy...

Wouldn't it be beautiful to see the two protagonist forgive each other as they cut through waves of undead? Always worked in the movies...

nah, just Aine and Zhi Jun seem to hate each others guts.... i guess that when you mix a rebel army type with a authoritarian army type sparks will fly ;)
I'm going to assume that everyone is resting for a few hours to recover motes before moving on?

In which case, I can start a new scene with the new players?
No, no no. Sorry, I've been quite busy the past few days with homework and lots of other RL priorities. I thought I could get the post in earlier, but I haven't had the chance as I've been working on applying for an international study (along with my normal workload >_<). I PROMISE, today. 4 srsly.
You sure you don't want to rest for a few hours? Recover some motes?

You lot haven't had that much of a chance to recover motes outside of stunts thus far, you realize?
I've got 5 hearthstones in sockets, and only one of which is being used to power an artifact (Dragon Armor). Unless I'm horribly mistaken, you ALWAYS recover Essence from Hearthstones, resting or not.
I should note that to have more meaningful recovery of motes than could be gotten while examining Wu or Maki or even Eimi. Like say, recovering all the motes spent earlier... you might wanna rest up. Get a second wind and so on.
I is back!

I'd post something IC, except that there hasn't been any meaningful posts from Wu Zhi Jun or Tranquil Meadow since my last.
Jukashi... Meadow isn't in the examination room, right? I thought he walked away somewhere else, and you posted to have him whatever arbitrary room Zhi Jun and Arama just walked into. >_>
Well... I've not seen a post stating that he's gone anywhere... but is up to Jukashi...

*eyes the wood aspect*
I intended to have him sit down in a corner of the examination room, but if it better fits to be with you guys, I suppose he would have tried find a rasonably safe but more secluded place... I never did specify.
As long as you're cool with that. Zhi Jun probably would've asked Meadow to come with him if he had been right there anyways.
Nobble... You realize Aine is nowhere near where that conversation is taking place, right? Unless, that is, you followed Zhi Jun and Arama away.

yes, he is brainstorming with himself :roll: for a solution to the maki,eimi, zhi jun problems...

nothing he states in the post is anything more than his thoughts as he thinks.. (and receives pms back from Haku ;) )
Haku... we're farther away than that..

And yeah, I'm up to post. I've been really busy as of late as I'm applying for international study. All my application materials are due Friday, and I'm putting the finishing touches on things today, so I'll get you a post MAYBE this evening, if not Friday. >_<
Or not?

Seriously, lol, I thought this was made clear?


Oh, and as I finally finished everything for the international study application, I'll try to post tomorrow (later today). At the latest, you'll see one from me on Saturday.
Coyotekin: the three discussing about hungry ghosts are doing it away in another room...
Curses.This is dragging way too long for my attention span to keep up. I feel like I am playing an NPC.

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