[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

*pokes either Wu Zhi Jun or Tranquil Meadow, as Arama was the last one to speak in that group already*

I have to agree with Xormis here. The scene is stagnating.

Will you lot decide on your course of action?

ie. rest up a bit and continue on in a new scene?

Interact as a group?

Move on in a new scene without resting.
fhgwdads05 said:
What? Why do I have to say something?

Wu Zhi Jun has taken it upon himself to decide what to do with Eimi and Maki. Arama has already put in her two obols on the matter. Tranquil Meadow has been pretty quiet, though.
Awaiting anything from Gulup...

If necessary, I'll delete my last post, and we'll return the Daiklave and interrogate-I mean-question Eimi. ;)
Wow, no longer interested in Maki at all. That character has been boring the hell out of me for some time and this just cements it. As far as Badger is concerned he is ready to leave and leave the whole mess to Stars and then some.

:shrugs: This scene has honestly been killing my interest of the game for quite some time and I am finding it hard to continue playing. Unless something changes and picks up I am going to have to let Badge become an NPC. No offense meant Haku.
Sorry... x_x

And yeah... this scene is dragging way past what it should have been... :x

Also... you demanding stuff from Maki despite knowing that he's stressed out isn't likely to get a good response from him.
You know, it doesn't help that Jukashi has been away for this week, and will be until Sunday.

Sometimes PbP games can get slow. And then there will be times when things pick up once again. Coyotekin, this just a fact of the nature of this type of game. You've gotta learn to accept that. :?
I think part of the problem is that Jukashi isn't here. That and the scene IS stagnating and stalling.

If this was a table-top game or a chat game, it WOULD go faster. The conversation, at least, as opposed to it being stalled out.

The only problem is that I don't see any way out, outside of forcing the scene to advance via Eimi (or Maki) or some outside disaster, going into hiatus until Jukashi returns (hopefully by monday).

If any of you have suggestions, please do make them.
Take into consideration that I am running along the understanding that Maki has been his assistant for a while now and is used to things and the way Badger does business. He expects discipline in his coworkers, and even more so from those that consider themselves warriors. He calls Maki a boy, and only has done so, because of the way he has been acting. Because as far as I can see that NPC would've never survived with Badger and would've been fired long ago. Otherwise if he was supposed to be just some guy that worked with another office or such then that would be different. He would be used to being treated that from Badger whenever he met him as Badger is very much an US vs. Them kind of guy when it comes to the different areas of research.
He is used to Badger... but he's also stressed out and likely isn't thinking straight (OOC-wise, it's rather clear that he's infected and is more aggressive than normal, I'm not sure I've made that clear IC-wise).

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