[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Looks like I may need to reprogram one of those EDs sooner than I thought...

actually, I thought we were within visual range of the squads in the hallway. and I remember saying that I was using the Dragonfly Eye to keep an eye on the doorway.
The idea was that we'd at least be a couple of rooms away, meaning a hallway or two. That's why we're running back. :P

And hopefully my new-found squad is alright. And here I just came up with names, personality and gear for everyone in it. >_<
Gulup said:
Arama follows behind the Taizei, not making comment on the... byplay from Aine and Wu Zhi Jun on each other. Her Dragonfly Eye's perception shifts to watch the room behind them as they strode away, especially to observe Eimi. Since she was alone in there with Aine now, if she actually did anything the medic would be on his own.
Since no one had corrected me on this, I thought we were just 'around the corner' or similar.

In that case, please do make a perception + awareness roll since you were watching Eimi. Rather belated... but...
Perception 4, Awareness 4 (Specialty of Artifact Sensors +1), plus the +2 from the visor of my Ashigaru armor.

No charms on the roll.

Just hope I never figure out a good custom Permanent Awareness charm.
Here you go Haku, (we arn't joining battle are we?)

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 2 3 0 2 5 9 ] (TN: 7)
Nah... you're not going to go zombie... :lol:

But she IS doing something... just trying to mentally word things right.

Also... your roll is enough for you to see something odd.
I'm guessing Aine is in ear shot of Eimi's and Peacocks conversations...

If I'm correct it looks like we will be getting a join battle soon. :wink:
Is he? I thought he was by his soldier boys?

In any event... if you want to be near her.... dun dun dun....

Small problem... the tracker is only able to be used to send a message saying "mission accompalished" to the main tracker unit. Or that you're dead or that the tracker was removed from you.
I was of the understanding that we were all quite close, from our meet and greet session just a bit ago
It's not so much close... unless you were speaking of being close to Eimi and Peacock, in whihch case, that's fine...

Just be aware that the tracker doesn't quite work like a communicator with other trackers.
on your last post Haku, I think you meant to say Eimi was sorry before her shadow expanded right?

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