[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

fhgwdads05 said:
Well, that'd be kinda hard for Zhi Jun to do... >_> Unless you mean they're internal?
Zhi Jun can see his own scanner image as it floats above him, right?
The image is floating above him...
Just making sure :P . I wanted to make sure the machine didn't make him unaware/unconscious or something funky like that, too. >_>
You're awake... hell, no altering of the subject like pain killers or unconciousness... who knows what would happen to the test results then...
Wtf.... Not this again...

However, this time I have proof:

From Act 1, Scene 1, Page 3:

Haku said:
"I believe that it would be best if you determine that amongst yourself. After all, you are all of equal rank in this endervor."
Nobble said:
"I'm just the medic here, so count me out." Aine turns back to his reading.
With after this being everyone agreeing to relegate command to Zhi Jun (whether through vocal support or lack of dissent :P ), I believe Aine has no ground to stand on. The Directorate left it specifically up to the Commanders; there was no "official" ruling after that needed, though an argument could be made in support of his response to Zhi Jun's declaration being that.

Now... Unfortunately Zhi Jun is a little too infuriated to bring this up (Temperance 1 is a bitch, ya know?). Anyone else want to help? I'd really like to avoid breaking out into another full blown argument right here and now. Despite being a raging self-absorbed prick, Zhi Jun knows there's a time and place for everything, so I've elected to spend willpower to go against whichever Virtue would be at stake here.
yep but if you do check back biggot only aid you'd be held accountable not were in charge....
yeah... was having trouble posting last night. :roll:

kept hitting the button to post the stuff, but it would never load, even though preview and loading the site itself worked fine. I've deleted the excess copies.
*hmmms and does NOT add 'enhanced senses' to Maki's package* what he has is worrying enough as is. :twisted: :twisted:
my character is done, she is probably holed up somewhere with other survivors(if any)

I'll leave it to the ST when the party finds them
If Wu tries to kill Aine at this point... Arama isn't even going to try to break things up, physically or verbally. :x

Seriously, I think that the main reason no one has posted IC at this point is because we're all afraid that the taunting and sniping will just continue no matter what anyone does. That's certainly why I haven't.
I take it that I should use the most sacred and dreadful of the ST techniques? Railroad no prana, or perhaps the legendary Deus Ex Machina Style?
Umm... So did Aine even listen to a single thing Arama had just said, or did he complete ignore her and just go on to make assumptions once again?

Now Gulup is kinda right there. However, I have been thinking of a means to solve this without it ending with Aine looking up to watch his corpse fall dead to ground :P , which I should mention, in no circumstances do intend on letting happen. However, while it might not end with spilt blood, it MAY end with other serious punitive measures. Of course, this will depend on whether or not Zhi Jun has the support of the other remaining S.T.A.R.S. Squad Commanders... >_>

Anyways, I just got back today from the vacation, so I'll try and post today or tomorrow. Time is all I ask for. ;)
Tranq could just punch 'em both out. What kinda successes do you need to sucker-punch an Exalt into sleepyland?
Roll better than what they roll in steah vs awareness? :D

Of course, JUSTICE! would be good stunts
Hey Haku, I'd like to spend some of my XP on raising my Essence to 3. Since there's no training time, I'm guessing it's okay, right? It very well could've been a side effect or even a direct result of Zhi Jun's "modification." :P

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