[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Technically, Zhi Jun does hold a higher rank (I believe), just originally not for this mission. I think. It usually wouldn't come into context, so that's probably not an issue most of the time. Though, to be honest, when someone assumes command of a mission, that person is generally regarded as being ranked higher than everyone else on such, even individuals who are equally ranked with said commander, if only for that one mission. This is just general military procedure.

...Unless one of you happens to secretly be ranked Taizei or higher. >_>

Also, as far as the threat of prison goes, this is not as light as you might think. If Aine spent any time in prison, I'd expect him to know this, even if that means he didn't care. I'm not sure how Haku is running things concerning (and it probably doesn't matter, only because it won't ever come up :P ), but in any major military on Earth a soldier showing the kind of disrespect Aine did towards a commanding officer like Zhi Jun would get detained at the very least, would be taken down a few pegs rank-wise, reassigned, and (if severe/repetitive enough) could spend time in the brig.
BTW, in case anyone forgot, Zhi Jun is his given name, his first name, while Wu is his family name. >_>
fhgwdads05 said:
Technically, Zhi Jun does hold a higher rank (I believe), just originally not for this mission. I think. It usually wouldn't come into context, so that's probably not an issue most of the time. Though, to be honest, when someone assumes command of a mission, that person is generally regarded as being ranked higher than everyone else on such, even individuals who are equally ranked with said commander, if only for that one mission. This is just general military procedure.
Yup that is true, i think...

sorry to harp on, but Zhi Jun assumed command, Aine didn't accept it, and as far as Aine heard Zhi Jun'd only get the blame, no one of the higher command said he's in charge... so Aine won't accept him... especially as Aine sees him as a complete blowhard, shouty, no-mark.
If no one objects to what Zhi Jun has *suggested* :P , then he will be spending 12m on Invigorating Strength of Heat, improving the Strength and Dexterity of each of his squad members as well as his own. I'll add this to my post once if it has been determined that this will be our course of action.
As a fyi, this is just Maki speaking (with his own interest in mind, if he turns out to be infected....) :twisted:
By the by... looking at the charms in Dreams, I think it would be... fair to note that the charm "Master's Hand Envisioned Anew" will be modded in my games... with the terresterial version being martial arts 5/essence 4, celestial martial arts 5/essence 5, and sidereal martial arts 7/essence 7.

The charm is located on page 157 of "Lords of Creation". All else would be as per the charm noted there.
If there's no one else wanting to post, I'll do so later today... for now, I goes to work.
It's soft and stealthy... for mortals, which is what you get without any stealth rolls. :lol:
just a heads up I'm off to Scotland for T in the Park as of tomorrow, for some music goodness, so I won't be around any computer for a few days... well 4 days to be exact until late on Monday evening (thats Monday morning for those over the pond)

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