[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

yes but if all you want to do is get the people out we were tasked in getting out, or killing the anathema so we can leave. anything else is not that much interest. He knows his limits what he can and cannot do, if he can't help or do anything he gets bored as he sees it as a waste of time that could be spent completing the mission
Mainly you lot have been tasked with finding out what's going on, getting important people out.

No mention has been made to you regarding anathema. Save that others have been sent out to deal with such. But if you do run into such and get to kill 'em, more power to you.
Aine is only about 20 and still subject to teenager petulance

ok my bad ... well my bad memory ;) .. I'll post some more stuff... forgot about diseases..

but themeatically how does a dragon blooded medi cure dieases and wounds and the such like with out being able to see the flows of essense and flesh/disease... how would you see a disease to be able to fix it, or a madness....
I read up in the book, i need madness analysing stare to do anything with these people.

Otherwise its a medicine roll on disease detection...
Well... when you consider the source material that the game is inspired by, and the name of the game... :twisted:
Nobble said:
"Ok first to one of the first centres to check its equipment, if not good enough we'll have to check out the main facility in the admin building."
Aine checks and rechecks the route to the first aid centre, fixing it in his mind.

"Lets go Maki." Aine turns and walks up the ramp.
Wait... WTF?!?

You're currently in the stairwell... what ramp? And you're going to take the kid (who might or might not be sick) all by yourself across a city that may have mad people and where things are decidedly not right?

Are you ABSOLUTELY certain you want to do this?
oops sorry, slight confusion with our local, edited my post...

as to going across a madness infected city solo no i doubt it, but the trip to the first aid centre is close?
You'd still have to leave the bunker. And it'd be about a hundred meters or so away for the nearest one. And you have no idea as to the conditions of said places. I'm not saying no, but just telling you what Aine should/would know.
you may want to get the others to go that way with you. Instead of the labs or workshops. Or go for the main hospital in the admin pryamid.
You really should come outside. Yeah, outside... to find that medical station... right.

>_> <_< >_>

Nob, regardless of the actual outcome...

What made Aine think that shouting in the ear of a Dragon-blood in a daze like that... who had beforehand mysteriously disappeared and then reappeared... was proper medical methodology?
Is not the first task of any medic, be they a simple first aider or a fully blown surgeon to assertain whether the patient is lucid or not.

If he didnot reply or react to the raised voice you then look for other things, its the quickest way to see if they are zoned out or tranqed out of there minds on some drug/effect/mental condition or other?

why not being personnally trained in either, and my only experiance in first aid and medicine are medical dramas on the telly, not the most valid or best experiance I grant you. What should havea trained medical blokie bloke done?
What? You didn't think with a game name of BioHazard, there wouldn't be vials of glowy liquids? :lol:
I apologize for my slightly erratic posting this week. Being my first week back in the game, I'd like to be more on the ball. However, with the way things lined up, a huge music festival is going on the area, and I've been pretty busy with attending that and socializing and all those terrible RL things :P . I've been doing my best to try and keep close to the pace you had going before, and I'm sorry if I've slowed things down a bit. Starting next week things should be better. :\

BTW, the post I made in IC, that may or may not need a response from you... If you want such. :P
Nob, you... you DO realize that we're currently still out in the open, with poor visibility, and you're trying to have Wu take OFF his nice and shiny armor?

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