[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

Nobble's turn again sine Jukk looks like's aiming... and then it's the EDs and Jukk's turn.
Actually, after Nobble takes his turn I'll abort the Aim and attack with just the +2 bonus. I'll make a post about it.
I'll say 2 die... but as a pushing it... and given that the ED is kind of dead.... 8)
Managed to get Gulup's attention who then got on the same tick count as the ED 209 Automata.... :shock:

Yeah... errm...
While the last tick count list indicates that I'm next, I'm waiting first just for Haku to put up the results/responses of Aine and Tranq's actions before going myself.
Sorry about the delay in posting. I have all my classes Mon-Wed, so between commuting to college, the classes themselves, and assignments, I don't have all that much time in the first half of the week.

And while I accept that there's good reason to complain about me not posting quick enough, I don't particularly think doing so in the IC thread is really appropriate.
gulup please do not think in any way i was complaining about the time you take to post. I completely understand that evryone has their own lives to get on with. I personnally was only posting in the IC thread to keep stuff being posted in their no reflection on you in any way what so ever. Please do not think i was having a go....

Aine on the other hand just wants to destroy the automata as quick as possible to limit the possible damage to the STARS, hence his impatience....

Though since we're now down two DBs and about 10 Ashigaru, Aine may have othere concerns now than the EDs.
Fhg and GaelicNinja had RL issues and pulled out... thus I used the power of the plot.

Thorn has been awfully silent. He last posted in the Sunlit forum on Feb 19 about work in RL and then silence. But he hasn't said a thing about dropping out. So, his pc wasn't vanished.
Coyotekin, if you're wondering who the DB with you is... please check your PM first before posting.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?

Badger knows people from the first age?!?

*points finger at Badger!* Anathema!!!!
:growls: I have this character that is supposed to be the expert at what he does and it just seems he keeps looking like a fool. Great.
Yeah... ^_^ ;;;

Sorry, but Arama isn't all that impressed with Badger at the moment. Not that I expect he thinks all that much of her either, but... with her, that's more because of her personality I expect.
I thought these were designs from his section. :shakes his head: And everyone seems to know everything else in the game on the intimate working of such things, and when I go to roleplay his expertise it comes across as completely wrong. Is there a manual somewhere I should be reading or something? I mean, come on, this is his area of expertise.
Wait... I thought you weren't in the automata division... :shock:

Of course, Maki could also be wrong about what was unplugged from the ED, he's more in the designing of new stuff than working on the crappy First Age automata... 8)
:groans again: Yet again ADHD strikes. That was the original section he was assigned to when we first started discussing the character.

Oh well, it can work out. I can play it off as a character quirk. :)

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