[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

So, "Doesn't know what he's talking about" is a quirk now, eh? :twisted:

But it might be a good idea to declare/decide what his department/division/section/whatever is, then, if just so this confusion doesn't happen again.
Coyotekin said:
:groans again: Yet again ADHD strikes. That was the original section he was assigned to when we first started discussing the character.
Oh well, it can work out. I can play it off as a character quirk

Yeah... it's just going by what I see in the charactersheets... y'know. ^_^ ;

Also, you're still disabling the ED... even if you're doing it wrong. Not that they can't be repaired. ^_^

Also, given how explody the other two EDs were... I was kind of going erm? at you taking out parts from the exploded pieces. I mean one of them was noted as only a pair of smoking legs.

Gulup said:
So, "Doesn't know what he's talking about" is a quirk now, eh?
But it might be a good idea to declare/decide what his department/division/section/whatever is, then, if just so this confusion doesn't happen again.
That... might be a good idea.

Coyotekin said:
Territorial thing, that as a quirk.
And he heads the Power Armor and Development department
Erm... I'm still going to go with... Wha? again. -_- ;

Unless you've been in there for at least a few decades and have the skills AND charms to design and build Power Armours... along side bureaucracy handling of thirty or so dragonblooded researchers + managers, almost a thousand human research-assistants + workers in the production side...

We're not talking small departments here. Look at the number of people working in lower Tanuki city and you'll see the scale involved here.

That and I did list out whose who in one of the NPC list. Department heads-wise at least. I can change that, but even so. @_@

Mind you, I have no problem with you being a manager in said Department. But unless you're packing tons of experience OR pulling a massive MASSIVE buttload of influence (5 dots in a few areas), I just can't see you as the head. At least at this point.
*sighs at the scene stalling*

Okay... would it be possible for you lot to put down what you want to do.

Short-term wise?

Go into the bunker, dragging the disabled ED with you or leaving it outside.

Head for Maki's old man and other survivors of the Automata department where they're holded up in their department.

Go look for Badger's department (disregarding the status of his position in the Power Armour department) to see if there are any survivors.

Chat in front of the munitions storage facility.

Something else?
I should note that if you want to contact me, I'm always available via PM and e-mail.

AIM - on weekdays, I'm generally online AFTER 4 pm Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8) or there abouts. That's basically when I get home from work.

I'm usually free on the weekends, barring any odd circumstances.
Drag the ED into the bunker, pick up sufficient ammo for the repeater I picked up in the previous scene, and then head off to whichever department is closest to look for survivors (I'm assuming that it's the Automaton or Power Armor divisions, but just whichever is the nearest)
While people are mulling over what they want to do and such... I've got a thread of "Facts" and "Rumours" started up. Feel free to post and reply to stuff in it.
Jukashi said:
I'm gonna miss out on all the loot... ;.;
Oh well, vow of poverty and all that jazz.
What vow of poverty? What loot?

You mean the snacks in the snack machines? The munitions for your projectile weaponaries? :D
Jukashi said:
"I may be able to perceive something," the ex-monk says, appearing at the rear of the formation and moving forward to take his proper place. "The Eyes of the Wood Dragon are normally used to make lethally accurate attacks, but their capacity to see the minute details of a creature's living essence may grant me some insight. It will take me a few moments, however, and it's not really intended for such a purpose."

Eyes of the Wood Dragon is on pg. 210 of DBs. Fluff describes it as seeing "life paths" and "patterns that govern life and survival", finding a target's "weakest points". I figure that he'd at least be able to tell if they're different from normal people.

I'm going to say that yes, it would work as you've noted.

However, you'll still need to be able to -see- the people. And they're not by the entrance of the stairwell you lot are still in.

They are against one of the other walls.

|             |
x            x
|             |
|             |

The x marks the large stairwell, there are smaller ones about. The e marks the elevator (survivors are gathered here). You're on the x on the right-side. The a marks a second first aid room.

Please bear in mind that this is a really rough imagery and not to scale. :?
Jukashi, you get 3 die stunt.

If you wish to roll perception + MA, you're free to do so. As for the results, I've pmed that to you...

Oho, a 3-die stunt? Thank you, sir. And Perception + Martial Arts, you say? That means I can use my Excellent C! Hooray for Dragon-Blooded! :D

Ok, MA is out of Aspect, so altogether I'll spend 3 motes for an extra four dice. So Perception + MA + Stunt + Excellency is 15 dice altogether. (Behold, the wisdom of the Immaculate Dragons!), result: 6 6 1 1 2 2 9 8 2 1 7 10 7 4 3 (6 successes).

Ahh, rolling large amounts of dice. That's what Exalted is all about.
>_> <_< >_>

I have... returned.

I've talked to Haku, and I hope to rejoin you soon. But... at the moment I have some prior commitments that I need to first attend to.
*STARES at Juk*

You... you didn't just use an essence-based projectile in a ROOM FULL OF LEAKING ALCHEMICAL EXPLOSIVES, did you?

Oh, and hi again, fhg. welcome back.
Yes, the bracer just creates a splintery wooden arrow for me using essence from its hearthstone. The arrow itself is just wood.
Out of curiosity, Nob, are you just trying to show how bored Aine is, or actually trying to get the kinda-zombies to attack us? :?
Aine is really really bored, he doesn't want to be here, he's got millions of other places he'd rather be... he's a stars conscript... and REALLY doesn't like the fact, so gets really bored real quick... though is an extremely diligent medic.. and has run through the firingline to get to the injured even mortals.....
I would have thought "medic" and "faced with a bunch of people who have some bizarre and dangerous affliction" would not combine to cause boredom.
Ditto... I would have thought you would have been jumping all over the survivors. Mental illness and all that... apparantly, before Juk used his god-eyes.

Is why they're not all "RHAR! BRrraaainsss..."
yup there in lies the problem, mental illness, Aine has no experiance with it....

there is the charms in the medicine tree, but he's not trained for them, so at the moment its beyond his sphere of interest.. hence the boredom..

tbh.. i had to check he didn't have the charms before I posted ;)
Still, boredom is not something I would expect in a progressingly more ruined underground city, in a room where stray essence may result in death or worse, faced with a group of people who at the very least are unpredictable in their behaviour.

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