[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

More than Aine's medical background... I more wonder about S.T.A.R.S. employment/hiring policies...

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problem with being forced into it, doesn't make a happy man.

in anycase, he's very touchy about being called a fool or shouted at

:shrugs: too much testosterone, it weakens the brain if you ask me :twisted:

-insert rping disclaimer-

Given the massive firestorm on the WW-Forums with regards the errata and TA vs HDG.

I think I'm going to go with HDG just works in this game. End of the story, the text in HDG says it just works. This applies to any and all perfect defenses you may have or may encounter.

Granted, if you're going to perfect defense something, please make it cool? ^_^
Dragonblooded DO have a perfect dodge and a perfect parry (well... kind of a perfect perry, but you could take notes from the DB perfect dodge and mod it for melee)
I guess it's all a matter of perspective, but when I see or here the phrase "perfect defense," I tend to think more along the lines of the Solar/Celestial 'Perfects' and those equivalent, or those not bound by the rules of applicability.

I'm not so sure I'd like modding the elemental Dodge over to Melee, but that's just personal preference because of how the Dodge works visually.
Given that only Celestials get that... ^_^ ;

That and Terresterial Martial Artists practicing some odd MA style...
Heh, like I said, it's all a matter of perspective. I suppose they are the closest thing a Terrestrial can get to a perfect defense without going to CMA. >_>
Dude... there IS a canonical perfect effect for TMA... it's in the monk book, the style practiced by the Illuminated Cult.
I didn't say those two were the only perfect "effects," I said they were the closest thing to a perfect "defense."

And you're right, the TMA Falling Blossom Style contains a true "perfect" attack in its cascade.

It's also worthwhile to note FBS isn't just the style practiced by the Cult of the Illuminated; it's a style widely used by bodyguards and guardians all over Creation. :P
Ummm.... Really now? Nobble, really?

Jukashi, you may want to get in the middle of this again, or we maaay end up having an 'accident' on our hands.. >_>

But yeah, Nobble, is it just Aine, or do you not understand this whole military thing? I mean, whether or not Aine was forced into STARS, you'd think he had have some understanding of this whole 'respecting leadership' thing. Just maybe.
Its really really really not me...well it is cos i'm rping Aine...

but Aine is the typical no respect rebel type... if you push him he will push back...

but from Aine perspective the main briefing person said we are all equal, Zhi Jun then said I take responsibility.. the briefing blokie said ok you will take the blame if it all goes wrong, but never said you were in charge... Aine then left the briefing.. so as far as he is concerned we are still all equal Zhi Jun is a jumped up blar-de-blar, who will get the blame if it all goes wrong, but definitely isn't in charge. We are all equal ranked.
Yeah... but Wu Zhi Jun did ask the other commanders/PCs "anyone have a problem with me being in charge?" The answer had been pretty much "nope, so long as you listen to me when we face something I know more about."

Admittedly, as a medical specialist, Aine might see the tattoos (or Maki's essence condition) and such as being under his authority, but at the moment the group is hardly in the proper location for that to be the main concern.

And if it's a thing about Zhi Jun immediately asking what had gone on, even though he's being very... ahem... forceful in asking, as a member of the group's command staff, even if he's removed from that position due to medical or psychological reasons, he'd still need to know what had happened in the meanwhile. Not that I really know that much about military procedure, but that's the way it seems to me.
As a fyi, I'm not going to let this descend to a 'friendly fire' incident...

dun dun dunnnnn...

That's all the warning I'm going to give.
I totally agree haku... insolent and threating Aine may be... but i really don't like pvp combat ... always ends up with some one unhappy... which is not the reason we are here
I never really considered PvP combat as an option, nor do I want to. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough about not being serious with that particular bit. My bad.

Thanks Gulup, you hit the nail on the head there. That explains entirely how I've been feeling about this, in a way I should've but didn't explain.

And as a disclaimer to everyone, especially Nobble: Zhi Jun really is a hard ass. And he will push line the quite often between disciplinarian and totalitarian :P . I hope I don't cause too much trouble with that, and I'm hoping that this game will have him grow out of it. My apologies to anyone offended in advance.
Good... as long as we're all nice and understanding... ^_^

There wouldn't be need for THIS to happen.

A crack of thunder, a howl of wind as a brilliant arctine light blazed over head in a cohesive beam of elemental energy.
The mist and atmosphere spiraled outwards from the path of the beam, the vapour that were closest to the beam burned from the incandescent lightning that arced around the exterior of the beam.

Slamming into the 'sky' of the underground city, the beam revealed the heavens for the lie it was, as momentarily the illusion maintained by the network of manses failed in the region hit for mere moments. The scorched rock surface beneath the illusion appeared smooth with delicate jade patterns. Delicate from a distance.

Before the illusion reformed in hexagon chunks.

"My god... That's..." Maki's pale face revealed that he knew what had caused the beam to lunch from the fire aspected factory manse in the lower city of Tanuki, and which had simply vaporized everything in its path before hitting the rock surface.
fhgwdads05 said:
And as a disclaimer to everyone, especially Nobble: Zhi Jun really is a hard ass. And he will push line the quite often between disciplinarian and totalitarian :P . I hope I don't cause too much trouble with that, and I'm hoping that this game will have him grow out of it. My apologies to anyone offended in advance.
Yup I see Aine and him butting heads a lot then.... Aine is a rebel, be a hard ass and you won't get anywhere with him. Nice leads to nice back, or at least bored back...

i'm finding it a little funny that it was Aine that was the peace maker in the briefing room, but then he wasn't really the target of Zhi Jun's authority..

and yes Gulup, Zhi Jun did say anyone have any objections and Aine didn't speak up, but no one of higher rank said Zhi Jun was in charge just he was going to take the fall if it failed. So we are all still of equal rank, and his threat of prison is a bit a stretch of the truth.. in Aine's opinion

plus when Aine never returned to the briefing room when asked to by Zhi Jun, for the after the briefing thing... should really have been clear he's not a order taker.

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