[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

Oh, anyone is welcome to attend in the audience. There are many options available. And depending on the wishes of each character I will end up making threads for those individuals or groups with things in common. Ultimately there is less than 2 hours to go, and take into consideration that it is just past midnight, before the first event begins. And there is one entity meant to judge those who pride themselves skilled in the art of crafting and understanding artifacts. ;)
Coyotekin said:
Oh, anyone is welcome to attend in the audience. There are many options available. And depending on the wishes of each character I will end up making threads for those individuals or groups with things in common. Ultimately there is less than 2 hours to go, and take into consideration that it is just past midnight, before the first event begins. And there is one entity meant to judge those who pride themselves skilled in the art of crafting and understanding artifacts. ;)
Obviously Autobot's judging this one. Like we even needed to be told that.

I want Sel to participate, since Autobot's one of the powers she'd like to impress, but she's not got any dots in Craft... Will we know what the event entails before we decide whether or not to enter? If she thinks she can get through without any Craft dots, she'll probably try.
Nobody has explained details, but most are pretty obvious. Otherwise if you know who might be judging AND you feel safe around them then by all means ask. Otherwise you might want to look into other resources for your information.
I suppose Sel might go looking for the Autobot. See if she can find out what'll happen.

If it's just as much Logic as Artifice, and the Artifice is largely practical, she can probably scrape through.

It's a shame. Sel's equipped to handle all of the other events, since she has Martial Arts, Perform, Integrity, Presence, Stealth and Larceny, but she lacks any form of Craft. And I'd really like to see her as an Alchemical. :D

As far as the other events go...

I can't see the Neverborn judging anything other than Warfare, as talking or sneaking are far less important fascets of the ultimate end of all things. That leaves persuasion and larceny for the Yozis and the Incarnae... The Incarnae would have to take persuasion I guess, which leaves the Yozis doing larceny.

So Sel'll probably impress the Incarnae and the Neverborn.
do we have to pick and choose which events we go for or do we have to go for all of them?
It is assumed that your character would naturally gravitate towards the one that best suits his/her skills. That's it. 5 events, 5 Exaltations.
Jark would naturally gravitate towards rhetoric and persuasion given the choices, for sure.
He has a couple of days to say the least. Many things can happen in that time. I am just waiting on everyone else.
Hmm....Well, I had actually planned to take a shot at all of the events, I mean it would be a shame were I to botch my perform roll in my one event....well...Actually I can't botch, but do only mediocrewould be almost as bad from my standpoint.......Plus I think I'd have a fair shot at all of them....
Sel will be trying most of the events, though I suspect she'll really shine on the one where her ability to cut through DVs of 16+ will prove applicable. :twisted:

Note that just because she can, that does not imply that I wish to face someone with a DV of 16. :|
Oh yes, I forgot to ask, does a half-blood (fae in this case) with a pair of hearthstone bracers get the mm based ability of the bracers? as long as they pay the double attunement and all...?
Hmm....Well' date=' I had actually planned to take a shot at all of the events, I mean it would be a shame were I to botch my perform roll in my one event....well...Actually I can't botch, but do only mediocrewould be almost as bad from my standpoint.......Plus I think I'd have a fair shot at all of them....[/quote']
There are no rules, as far as you know, statin that you are limited to one event or another. Mind you there is no guarantee your character would survive every event either.
Tome said:
Sel will be trying most of the events, though I suspect she'll really shine on the one where her ability to cut through DVs of 16+ will prove applicable. :twisted:
Note that just because she can, that does not imply that I wish to face someone with a DV of 16. :|
That is a scary thought that a non-Exalted could potentially hit an entity with a DV of 16. That is REAL scary when you think about it actually.

And you guys are asking way too much about events that are IC and that your characters are hardly doing anything about getting better informed. I have already given enough freebies as is. So move away from the central courtyard and do something with yourselves. You have less than 5 days total, and many have barely a day at all.
Oh yes' date=' I forgot to ask, does a half-blood (fae in this case) with a pair of hearthstone bracers get the mm based ability of the bracers? as long as they pay the double attunement and all...?[/quote']
RAW, you gain the benefit. Beware the chance of destroying your Artifact though.

Coyotekin said:
Tome said:
Sel will be trying most of the events, though I suspect she'll really shine on the one where her ability to cut through DVs of 16+ will prove applicable. :twisted:
Note that just because she can, that does not imply that I wish to face someone with a DV of 16. :|
That is a scary thought that a non-Exalted could potentially hit an entity with a DV of 16. That is REAL scary when you think about it actually.

And you guys are asking way too much about events that are IC and that your characters are hardly doing anything about getting better informed. I have already given enough freebies as is. So move away from the central courtyard and do something with yourselves. You have less than 5 days total, and many have barely a day at all.
She has 16 dice with her sword. She can add 4 Dice with her 1MAX and FZSS. If she makes a Flurry of 9 Attacks (which she can using FZSS and her Ambidexterity) and then doubles the Onslaught Penalty using CYEaL on the final attack... Well, the Onslaught Penalty becomes -16. She has 2 Dice to hit that with. Of course, she takes a -9 to her own DV afterwards, and she's not doing fantastic damage.

That's what a well made Combo should do. Use Charms that synergise well with each other and your equipment choice, as opposed to throwing together a bunch of generic attack boosters and a PD.

Though if I'd had her master Even Blade she could have had an (effectively) instant kill technique that would have pierced most PDs...

Mmm... Even Blade may not be CMA strong, but the Charms mesh together so well...
Coyotekin said:
Tome said:
Sel will be trying most of the events, though I suspect she'll really shine on the one where her ability to cut through DVs of 16+ will prove applicable. :twisted:
Note that just because she can, that does not imply that I wish to face someone with a DV of 16. :|
That is a scary thought that a non-Exalted could potentially hit an entity with a DV of 16. That is REAL scary when you think about it actually.

And you guys are asking way too much about events that are IC and that your characters are hardly doing anything about getting better informed. I have already given enough freebies as is. So move away from the central courtyard and do something with yourselves. You have less than 5 days total, and many have barely a day at all.
Aye, in the midst of a scene so data hunts are on hold for the moment


Aye, just checking....
Coyotekin said:
And you guys are asking way too much about events that are IC and that your characters are hardly doing anything about getting better informed.
I thought we were waiting further instructions?
Coyotekin said:
That is a scary thought that a non-Exalted could potentially hit an entity with a DV of 16. That is REAL scary when you think about it actually.
Futher thoughts on this: A plain old Mortal could potentially hit a DV of 14 with just Close Your Eyes And Look. Combining that Charm with a large Flurry can reduce an opponent's DV quite significantly. Sel's Combo just makes using said Flurry an even more effective tactic.

It'd be even worse if there were Artifacts involved.

Sel's gonna have some fun once she gets some Exalted/Divine goodness. :mrgreen:
Tome said:
She has 16 dice with her sword. She can add 4 Dice with her 1MAX and FZSS. If she makes a Flurry of 9 Attacks (which she can using FZSS and her Ambidexterity) and then doubles the Onslaught Penalty using CYEaL on the final attack... Well, the Onslaught Penalty becomes -16. She has 2 Dice to hit that with. Of course, she takes a -9 to her own DV afterwards, and she's not doing fantastic damage.

That's what a well made Combo should do. Use Charms that synergise well with each other and your equipment choice, as opposed to throwing together a bunch of generic attack boosters and a PD.
:wipes a year from his eye: A beautiful thing, and something others will learn to fear immensely.
Tikor said:
I thought we were waiting further instructions?
No, your characters are waiting for hand-outs and hoping someone will just come to you and feed you all of the information. It should be obvious to all of your characters by now that that finished the moment Lytek left. In short, you're on your own now. Good luck. ;)
I'm ready for the new thread. Jark's wandering off, following people. Just tell me where I end up.
XP is up, and seeing as everybody is either attending the first event or just roaming with the crowd then you will all end up in the same area, the Realm of Autochthon. :cue creepy music mixed with industrial and techno:
Yes, normal training times. I figure with all of the xp and BP you started out with you should be ok for a little bit.

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