[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

No need to apologize, so apology not accepted. ;)

I am waiting for Nobble before I move on and hand out stunt dice.

As for the rest of you, I have not forgotten you it was noted regarding those in the audience. Use this time as you see fit. you may not assume which big names are there, so you can assume those of the least power, (1st Circle and equivalent for other entities). You can assume that any one of them works for certain individuals that you wish to get a foot in the door with. Roll with it and I will do the same for you.

As a side note, if any of you have certain aspiration for your characters go ahead and send me a PM about it. Chances are that each of you are not vying for the same power. And with the right understanding and possibly a few successful rolls you can figure out how to make it happen. Just remember that you just may have to be ruthless to achieve your goals.
sorry amazingly busy weekend, had a site move to do in work so i was there all yesterday and today... posting nowish
What should I roll for Sel to figure out what sort of spirit is talking to her? Her reply will be different depending on what it is.
And a happy thanksgiving to you as well....Was also busy with family yesterday.

Just checking, 'May be spent immediately in conjuction with already accrued xp' that means, 'can spend it when you spend the rest of it' or 'can spend it immediatly'?
Meaning all xp you have earned up to this point may be spent immediately with no regards to training time. Spend it soon though.
Stealth, Craft: Fire and Larceny raised to 2 apiece and two Charms purchased. Purchased a Specialty for Craft: Fire. :D

One of those Charms is Shapechange. I want Sel to use it to transform into a more draconic form, but I'd like some guidelines on effects from Coyotekin. Something along the lines of a four-armed water dragon?
Been a while since I looked at a lot of those other Charms. Mind giving me a reference and we can work something out? I need to crash and get ready for an early day. I will get to it as soon as I am able. The wife is having a party for candles or something.
Shapechange is one of the vague-er Spirit Charms. Suggested effects include new modes of attack and increased physical Attributes, but it doesn't give any definite effects beyond allowing for a different form.

I was thinking of just giving Sel's Shapechange the effects of a few Mutations.

Something like:

-Multiple Limbs [Arms]

-Serpent's Body




It's fine if it takes a while to sort it out though. She won't be showing it off until the combat event, since she's the sort to hold back a few tricks.
I am up for it. I want to review the Charm and some examples and go from there. Depending on how bad-ass this new form is will help determine if it is too overboard for a being of your Essence level.
Coyotekin said:
I am up for it. I want to review the Charm and some examples and go from there. Depending on how bad-ass this new form is will help determine if it is too overboard for a being of your Essence level.
Peeking through the RoGD:

Bloody Hand, Essence 3: Any human form.

Forrest Walker, Essence 4: Any native forrest creature, human shapes of any size larger than a bug, any gained through wagers.

Kireeki, Essence 7: Humanoid form.

Madame Marthesine, Essence 7: Not listed.

Cloud Person, Essence 3: Anything Wispy, Insubstantial and Flowing.

Doldrum, Essence 4: Any vague outline of a form.

Thunderbird, Essence 3: Human Form.

Chief-Storms-As-He-Walks, Essence 3: Falcon Aspect. Stats not given.

Kri, Essence 5: Hooves to hands.

Ambosar, Essence 3: Human height.

Fire Butterfly, Essence 2: Fiery Humanoid.

Flame Duck, Essence 3: Small woman or fiery duck.

Garda Bird, Essence 4: Empress (+2L/2B Soak), Emperor or Pheonix (+2 Strength, -1 Manipulation, -1 Intelligence, +5 Melee, +Paralyze, +Regalia Of Authority, +2L/2B Soak) forms.

Sobeksis, Essence 4: Crocodile or crocodile-headed human.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I checked the Player's Handbook I remember it being noted that once a half-blood received their 3rd dot of Essence they became like their parents, of a lower form appropriate of an Essence 3. If that is the case then Sel is no longer a Half-Blood.
Fourth Dot.

Like Mortals, God-Bloods are limited to Essence 3. If someone uses an Endowment Charm to raise their Essence to 4, they become a Spirit of a variety determined by either their parentage or the entity who used the Endowment. That's how they get ascended to god/demon/elemental/fae-hood. Ghost-Bloods are the exception, but they die upon purchasing Essence 4 and become Ghosts.

This is Sel's acceptable alternative to Exaltation.

EDIT Forget about the Shapechange. I'll switch it out for Principle Of Motion or something.
oh my post went west....

think i may have forgot to post it and them closed firefox... sorry about that..

will rewrite it and repost...

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