[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

Sooo....I take it then that this is the sort humbling that indicates we have been found wanting and indirectly told not to enter...?

Also, if my artifacts want to go pay a visit to the Great Maker, who am I to stand in the way?....If the artifacts have the pseudo anthropomorphism you described trying to go visit big poppa crafter, I think it might be wisest to take them off and let them go for a little trip...

Haven't actually done this yet, mainly checking to see that I'm properly undertstanding events and imposed emotions....
It's more cinematic than anything else and a lot of bragging rights. After all, how many can say that they stood before one of the few untethered Primordials and held strong . We will just say that humbling is putting it lightly and likely, if you consider yourself a crafter, to truly pursue it with greater passion. Never know, could get the chance to meet again and prove yourself worthy, like a few Solars got to.
Sorry, been distracted.

Unless Perfect Equipment falls under the same heading as Artifacts, Sel only has to make one Willpower roll.

Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 0 1 3 2 4 2 ] (TN: 7)

I'll get to the post in a moment.
Nope, perfect equipment, despite its true quality, barely even registers as noticeable at this time. Artifacts are the true measure of a Craftsman or woman). And of course the N/A Artifacts are the true test of an Artisan.

What do you expect, He's THE Primordial of Crafting and Invention.
Having all the artifacts in a space try to go hug Autobot is a great way to make an entrance. Good work, Coyotekin.
:takes a bow: Like I said. I may not be perfect, but I do like to make things interesting. By the way, there may be occasions, like the crying things, where I might throw you off based off of your ideal of your character, but there tends to be a good reason, but ultimately I will not try to run your character for you. And if you have any times where you would rather a situation be a little different based on that perspective and thinking mine pushes it too much for your liking just send me a PM and I am open to discussion about it.
Yes, I will shamelessly copy that praise...good show

Thanks, that's good to know, though really faced with the primordial creator of most things, the lord of craft, even the hard as nails couldn't be expected to not be taken aback a bit....So really when dealing with essence 10+ entities, feel free to dictate emotions a bit....

Also as a total off-topic, since he's 'playing to the crowd' at the moment(kind of his ego's way of dealing with the recent blow and continuing onwards), would you like a perform check...? Or would that be kind of pointless with an audience of toasters and autobots....If not however...stunt dice?

Also, in retrospect and seeing my fellow contestant's reactions, perhaps I should have taken overconfident?
Well, it would be a higher diff due to your recent show of emotions and then trying to play it off. Combine that with inherent nervousness now felt due to "left wanting" you are trying to play that off as well. RP it well enough and you might inspire others around you.
This is the contest of Logic and Artifice. It is focused more so for those like the Thaumaturges, Crafters, Lore-keepers, and Occultists. Magic is a focus, of sorts, but more so as a path towards artifacts. If any of that fits then you may wish to consider it. The fun part is figuring out what the contest really is though. ;)
Coyotekin said:
Well, it would be a higher diff due to your recent show of emotions and then trying to play it off. Combine that with inherent nervousness now felt due to "left wanting" you are trying to play that off as well. RP it well enough and you might inspire others around you.
Well, My post was pretty much it, a show of bravado and perseverence. Just the question of whether or not to roll , and since I had pretty much posted as though making a performance check to sway the crowd asking was a sort of accidental metagame...Thus, I'll be rolling as is....

06:21, Thu 13 Nov 2008: Atrius Night rolled (8d10v=1,2,2,4,5,5,6,7=32): Crowd swaying, People uplifting, look-at-me-ness +1 Success wp.

06:25, Thu 13 Nov 2008: Atrius Night rolled (1d10v=9=9): oops, forgot my pretty face, great for turning around a defeat....?

3 succ with wp, yeah...mission -maybe- unsuccessful...
well Dortz doesn't see himself as a craftsman, just a dabbler, to make interesting things he uses. And Alchemy isn't really a craft... or is it? and in any case he's not a master of that..

and yes well done Coyotekin.. good scene....

edit:missed the thamaturge bit you said above.....
Sel... doesn't have any Craft. At all. And her Occult and Lore aren't too great. She knows no Thaumaturgy.

She can make it rain, or make crude shapes out of water, but overall she's pretty focused on talking and whoop-ass.
Thanks for the compliments, they mean a lot, especially when I think I am doing half-ass on many of these.
Coyotekin said:
Thanks for the compliments, they mean a lot, especially when I think I am doing half-ass on many of these.
heh what GM/DM/ST doesn't ... its all wing and a prayer ;)
Nobble said:
Coyotekin said:
Thanks for the compliments, they mean a lot, especially when I think I am doing half-ass on many of these.
heh what GM/DM/ST doesn't ... its all wing and a prayer ;)
Prayer is for Zeniths. I run my games on improvisation and pure evil, with a dash of malicious intent.
Tome said:
Nobble said:
Coyotekin said:
Thanks for the compliments, they mean a lot, especially when I think I am doing half-ass on many of these.
heh what GM/DM/ST doesn't ... its all wing and a prayer ;)
Prayer is for Zeniths. I run my games on improvisation and pure evil, with a dash of malicious intent.
Sounds about right actually.
Just waiting for everyone to respond before moving on. Either stay in the arena and compete or get out. ;)
Ah...sorry, misinterpreted...anyway...I'm still waiting on stunt die before actually making the draught or craft rolls......(The draughts will be done during crafting so, all three rolls should be pretty much at the same time.....) And if it seems even that isn't enough, I've a box full of poppets that would probably be willing to donates some essence. (400 in total....)

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