[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

Coyotekin said:
... well as minor influence of seduction, spying, covert actions, etc.
In my mind the godess of bar wenches would be beneath the gods of seduction and spying/covert actions in the celestial hierarchy, as these are more general things. However, since this is totally personal speculations and I'm not the ST I don't get to make things up like that.

In Coyotekin's Creation the godess of bar wenches could be the serving girl of the Incarna at the Jade Pleasure Dome, and be totally tricked out with heavenly connections able to strike fear into the hearts of circles of Solars. In fact, after writing that, I wholly approve. Power to the godess of bar wenches! *sends along an Essence tribute as a good little prayer machine should*
Exp question: Brady's rules have the statement:

"God-Blooded pay 12 XP to learn a new Charm."

But nothing on favored charms (such as an Excellency in a favored ability). Are they also 12 exp? Also, how would I know if a particular spirit charm is favored for me?
Assuming favored, sure. I think the difference comes that Godbloods have 2 favored abilities to a DB's 8, Sidereal's 9, and Lunar's 4/9 of all charms.
God-Blooded Charms only have an Essence Requirement, that rule only applies to Half Castes. They wouldn't even get cheaper Excellencies, since they are tied to Virtues instead of the appropiate Ability.
So what you're saying, Meme, is that there are no Favored Charms for God-Blooded and that all charms should be 12 exp?

Or maybe have a Favored Virtue?
All I'm saying is that saying Favored Ability/Attribute Charms cost 10xp each would only apply to Half-Castes. Charms are supposed to be expensive for God-Blooded, because they aren't at the same level as the Exalted.
What I really need, then, is to have Coyotekin look at the current iteration of my character sheet and see if my listed costs match his rules on the costs of things. If anything is mismatched, I'll change it accordingly.
I am going to stay with 10/12 for Charms for both God-Blooded and Half-Caste. As far as I am concerned both children have the same initial potential. It's simple, it's direct, and to the point.

As for BP gained through other means.... 3BP for Character Pic/Art, FanFic, and Background. That means a total of 9BP extra to be earned. This is in addition to the 10BP I gave in the beginning due to mis-communications. Which means, should it happen, 19BP potentially will transit from initial character to character revamp.

I'm not going to make a seperate thread on this one. I want you to note it in your character, but only if those apply. I trust you guys so I am not going to babysit you about it. Integrity, it helps make a great gaming group. ;)

All in all you should all be looking into about 50+ bonus BP, so about 65BP or more I would think for those of you maxing out Inheritance. That is a whole lot of BP, so make those characters worthwhile because you will need it. One recommendation, and this applies to those who have been directed to attend the games through a patron/sponsor of their own: Only those of strong sense-of-purpose and stubbornness will truly prevail. The rest of you with at least 10dots total in Mental Attributes will get a feeling that you better be able to stick to your guns in the face of adversity.

As a whole, none of your characters truly realize what is at stake, let alone who will actually be attending. And if any of you follow the Immaculate Order, or any other religious body from Creation I will need to know. Your character's faith is very likely to get rocked.
And I am pretty sure that I mentioned this before, but just in case I didn't: No limit to merits or flaws. Just realize that they better be part of the character for a good reason, I have enough to think about without reminding you of your merits, and I really like to make sure that flaws purchased are truly used and RP'd. So choose at your own risk/benefit.
ok so just to get it straight

heroic mortals get 21 starting bps + 10 free bps and a possible 9 bps for pics and stuff

that correct...
Looks like just about everyone is done from what I se in the character profiles. Katarn seems to need a few more items to be finished from what I saw.

It's sad to see Cyl have to go, but he will have a place for later if he feels like joining in.

Once I hear from everyone that their characters are complete I will begin with the Great Games.
NPC tiem?


Hacool, Goddess of Bar Wenches

Goddess of the Third Rank

While technical of the Third Rank, Hacool's personal power from prior to the contagion and fey invasion means that she is stronger than she should be, and is closer to that of a god of the forth rank.

There has always been a bar or tavern, at least since even before the creation of humanity. Any species that has achieved sentience, has at one point or another, created a bar or tavern where they can relax and have alcohol or similiar substances.

And with such a locale, there would be wenches. Servants who served and entertained the clients. This was and has been Hacool's portfolio since her creation.

Admitedly, her appearance has changed with time, and her power waxed and waned with the fortunes of humanity since the Primordial War. Hacool, however, is fairly certain that she'll outlast every one of her rivals. She just needs to keep an attentive eye on things and she has.

Sanctum : The nameless cantina. This sanctum like its mistress shifts and changes to match any given tavern, cantina, or bar in Creation, complete with barwenches, bartenders, cooks, janitors, and bouncers. All or whom are minor gods or terresterial exalted hired by Hacool.
Coyotekin said:
Looks like just about everyone is done from what I se in the character profiles. Katarn seems to need a few more items to be finished from what I saw.
Correct! I'm working, I'm WORKING! :D

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