[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

Coyotekin, this is in Bradyz rules but I thought I'd ask before looking like a twink:

"Half-Castes and God-Blooded who are patronized somehow, either by their supernatural parent or an organization like Lookshy or the Gold Faction, may benefit from Realm Dragon-Blooded Background values. This is solely at the Storyteller's discretion, though recommended if the Bastard of Heaven is dealing with Celestial Exalted. Barring this, they use the Background selections of Solar Exalted. "

I plan on getting Backing 3: earth elementals of [certain place I haven't decided] then getting Artifact 3 for 6 Artifact points spent on 1 3 dot, 1 2 dot and 1 1 dot, and Manse 1 for 2 Manse points each spent on 1 dot hearthstones. All white Jade Artifacts and Earth aspected Manses, of course. Let me know, as this will affect my background story.
I should've given clarification earlier. I had meant standard (read: Brayd'z ules) when it came to the initial character and then Solar cost afterward, but that is ok. One or more of your characters may remain as is and evolve from there. I think it would've been more dramatic if that happened to have to revamp the character after calculating the XP you got back because of the cost adjustments. I'll leave it to you guys to decide what you would prefer.
Right, time to redo my BP spending.

Is the initial 100xp spent with Solar costs, or the normal ones?
Hmm....that was how I understood it, solar xp costs from the get-go,

Oooh, DB backgrounds.....Almost makes me wish I weren't the random misplaced bastard of a dead fae noble
Hmm....that was how I understood it, solar xp costs from the get-go,
Oooh, DB backgrounds.....Almost makes me wish I weren't the random misplaced bastard of a dead fae noble
Patron 3. :twisted:

I suppose I'm taking Essence Plethora now... Just loading up on Skin-Mount Amulets would probably be sorta cheap, and I'm gonna need the motes to attune my Artifact collection. Maybe.
Just about the only places where you could get them in the Time of Tumult are the Realm, Lookshy and Yu-Shan... and maybe Malfeas.

On the other hand, the Wyld does all sorts of freaky stuff for no reason whatsoever.
Yes, somewhere...deep in the wyld.....there is a room filled with chimp magitech engineers.....each one futily banging away with hammers, in the infinity of the wyld, at least one of them /Must/ make a skin mount amulet every now and then...

....Next door is the Scalpel armed chimp filled hospital for implantation (In an infinite universe, one of them will actually acidently do the procedure correctly...hopefully with the properly made skin mount amulet)........
Well, on the rare occasion that daddy stops by, He isn't looking to shower his son with presents so much as hump anything that moves, drink anything with a kick and complain about whatever's bothering him at the moment before he has to go back to hell.
hmm...with that heritage...perhaps a bit of thaumaturgical demon summoning and points in allies by way of your father, pick up a living armor and a stomach bottle bug......Not exactly increasing your essence pool, but then, you wouldn't have to attune to as many protective items, with that double team backing you up....
Yes, somewhere...deep in the wyld.....there is a room filled with chimp magitech engineers.....each one futily banging away with hammers, in the infinity of the wyld, at least one of them /Must/ make a skin mount amulet every now and then...
....Next door is the Scalpel armed chimp filled hospital for implantation (In an infinite universe, one of them will actually acidently do the procedure correctly...hopefully with the properly made skin mount amulet)........
Amazingly, that's actually true. It's the Wyld after all.

"]Well' date=' on the rare occasion that daddy stops by, He isn't looking to shower his son with presents so much as hump anything that moves, drink anything with a kick and complain about whatever's bothering him at the moment before he has to go back to hell.[/quote']
Am I the only one with a decent Patron rating?
My apologies for the misinterpretation, meaning make your character with Braydz rules. The plan is to use those "standard" creation rules, and when the time comes for your award, as I am sure you will all do well in some way or another to elevate you above your current existance, the character will be revamped with the same 100xp, but will use Solar xp tables. I want the award and blessing of a patron to be a significant thing.

And to show you all how sorry I am to have confused you and had you spend more time redoing things I am granting an extra 10BP during character Creation. Oh, and I have rethought Inhertitance, it can be bought up to 5, with the 4th and 5th dots costing 2BP a piece. So yes, that is a lot of BP to use, and yet it is what puts you above normal mortals.

As a bit of preparation, the chance of getting awarded an Exaltation, certain Patrons only having the ability or resources to do so, (read: no rule set that I am comfortable with for Infernals yet), means that something of equivocable power will be granted. Mind you, the decision for that prize will be one part me being impressed during the Great Games, and one part your decision. Yes, I know some would think that everyone would automatically choose it without hesitation, and yet I know there are others that would like to walk a different path just because it's there. Who knows, maybe they are Robert Frost fans. :shrugs:

As for when we are starting, I will give everyone at least one more week and then begin by the weekend. Just remember that I am in Europe which obviously means different sleep cycle. The weekends will be the most intense posting times for me as I am not at work and may do so at my leisure.

I am going to go with 4xp per page as I think that is reasonable considering that after the Great Games are completed everyone will be using the Solar XP chart. And any xp you earn up to that point will be re-spent using the new charts when the time comes. So if you end up earning another 64xp during the events and spend them, you will get to revamp the character entirely later. Be prepared for that.

And, as a reminder again, about the revamp. Some traits you earn due to inhertance, should you be raised even higher as it were, maybe subsumed and therefore made null and void. Will I compensate you for it? No, so plan accordingly as I am being generous in other aspects and you have been given Divination towards the future. ;)
Please pardon if I'm being dense (decided to skip that whole bothersome sleep thing last night) but so I'm clear.....We buy everything now using braydz rules, then later on if/when we win we go back and and re-buy things using solar prices...? Thus (as a primary example) Essence is 15 times current rating in xp...?
Correct. Meaning after the completion of the Great Games the game actually begins. ;) And after that point, whatever path you end upi taking due to the results of the Games your character will be using the Solar XP chart from that point on.

Before/During Great Games: Brayd'z Rules/XP Chart

After Great Games: Solar XP Chart
Might I suggest the creation of an XP/Chargen thread? Not only would it help keep this sort of thing straight, it'll help later when we actually have to keep track of xp.

EDIT Stats revised to Braydz' costs. Now to finish typing up all the backstory and stuff.

EDIT Say, Coyotekin, what would you say to Sel learning one of the two missing Even Blade variants? When she gets around to it, of course. Or maybe finishing the style, if she later becomes capable of using CMA?
I am fine with learning whatever TMA Charms your character is capable of learning. It might just be the one thing that has set him/her apart.

The thread sounds like a good idea though. Although I am in pain and distracted and will get to it later.
Inheritance 5? Alright that opens up 3rd circle parents to me. The mind boggles at the methods Munaxes, the Ravine of Whispers would need to go to to have a child.

Expect a PM as soon as I can articulate the thing I'm thinking of.

Has anyone seen any reference to who or what The Ebon Dragon's Fetich soul is?
"]Inheritance 5? Alright that opens up 3rd circle parents to me. The mind boggles at the methods Munaxes' date=' the Ravine of Whispers[/i'] would need to go to to have a child.
Expect a PM as soon as I can articulate the thing I'm thinking of.

Has anyone seen any reference to who or what
The Ebon Dragon's Fetich soul is?

"Erembour, That Which Calls to the Shadows" as noted in Games of Divinity in 1e and in the 2nd ed version as well...

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