[OOC Thread] Some Nameless Cantina in Yu-shan [Said the Spider to the Fly]

Haku said:
"]Inheritance 5? Alright that opens up 3rd circle parents to me. The mind boggles at the methods Munaxes' date=' the Ravine of Whispers[/i'] would need to go to to have a child.
Expect a PM as soon as I can articulate the thing I'm thinking of.

Has anyone seen any reference to who or what
The Ebon Dragon's Fetich soul is?

"Erembour, That Which Calls to the Shadows" as noted in Games of Divinity in 1e and in the 2nd ed version as well...


[QUOTE="Books Of Sorcery]



Emphasis mine.

I believe that there has been no mention of the Ebon Dragon's Fetich.
Well... crap. :shock:

I keep thinking of her as ED's fetich soul for some reason...
The Emerald Sun or Sweet sexy darkness...

Oh, why must you torment me so? Can't I have both? :D

Also... a colab between Mel Uran and Kiyo has resulted in THIS madness...
BTW, Art/FanFic/etc. gains BP as per other games. :) Yes, you guys will be FLOODED with BPs, although BPs gained this way will be made available to respend for the changed character if need be.
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to drop this one, not enough time to play & ST in the ongoing games... :cry:

Have fun :D
:sheds a tear:

Guys I am REALLY looking forward to this game as it is now. I have many, many good ideas for the Games alone, let alone afterward. So the sooner you get your characters done the better.

Something that Fhg pointed out to me, which might be an interesting plot thingy.... http://forums.white-wolf.com/viewtopic.php?p=1376607

shkspr1048 said:
This is a backstory scenario I've developed based of of text from MoEP - Abyssals, and I plan on either furthering it or developing others, depending on how it's received.
In times before, the Unconquered Sun was the warden of Creation’s borders. While the Primordials enjoyed the Games of Divinity or toyed with Creation, the Sun battled the innumerable forces of the Wyld that sought to tear the world asunder. But, as his name and very nature proved, the tribes of madness could not best the Sun. but if there is one thing the Raksha know, it is that even if you cannot defeat an enemy, you can still win the day.
Using their lessons of the Cup, the shinma Dharma, the Incorruptible Corrupter, the Fair Folk heaped compliments and praise upon the Unconquered Sun even as he smote them down. How awesome he was! How terrible his wrath! How great his stride and brilliant his light! How is it that this mighty hero of the World Builders does not have a seat at their table, enjoying the same splendors as they? Why is it that he labors without end will they relish the fruits of his efforts? And then, after uncounted ages of constant battle and sweet words, the unthinkable happened.

The Unconquered Sun began to listen.

Why should the Primordials have all the benefits of this Creation? The Gods are the world’s caretakers, should we not be rewarded for our tasks? And as the mightiest God with the most onerous duties, should I not have rewards above all others? This is a most unjust situation! Something must be done!

And so the Sun began to plan.

He gathered his allies: Autochthon, Gaia, Luna, the Five Maidens, and innumerable lesser Gods, the Exalted were created, trained, and set to their task: the destruction of those who made all that is.

Countless years later, and at the cost of much of Creation, the war was won in the rebellious Gods’ favor. Their champions had prevailed, and Creation was theirs, their former masters banished to half-formed world. And there was peace…

…for a time.
So, any comments?
Ziddim said:
I'll actually have to differ with the majority so far and say leave it as is. I have sympathy for the primordials...
In that vein, here's a parable I wrote for a game I'm in.

A Parable


“Daddy!†Lilly cried. “Wolf took my Dolly!â€

Autumn Oak looked down at his little girl as she came running to him, then scooped her up in his strong arms before addressing her concerns.

â€Is that so, munchkin?†the big man replied. He ruffled his daughter’s brown hair, then set her down. “Pup!†he bellowed. “Get in here!â€

Seconds later, the taller boy trotted into the room, where Lilly stuck her tongue out at him. He shared his father’s black hair and green eyes, but looked grumpy, because he knew that had been ratted out and was now probably going to be in trouble.

Oak sat down in a chair, then motioned for his two children to sit down in front of them.

“Children, I think I need to tell you a story about sharing.â€

Both of the kids sat down Indian style and looked up at their father expectantly.

“Long ago, there was a family of children, much like yourselves. They were very bright and creative children, and they enjoyed making new games amongst themselves.â€

Wolf by this point had figured out that it was story time and not punishment time, so he started with the questions...

“How many where there?†he asked eagerly.

“Oh, there were a lot,†Oak answered with a smile. “It was a big family. There were 27 brothers and sisters.â€

â€Wow,†Lilly exclaimed. “Did they have a mommy and daddy?â€

Autumn Oak shook his head. “No, they didn’t.â€

â€Why not?†Wolf queried…

â€Because they were special children,†Oak said after a moment’s thought, then continued with the story before the children could derail him with more questions.

“One day, after they grew tired of playing with just themselves, they all decided that everyone could have more fun if they worked together to build a new playground. And so they did! They all cleared an area, and set to work. One build great hills, while another made snow, so they could sled down. A third created water to swim and play in, while yet another made trees that they could climb on, and yet another made many fabulous and amazing toys for all to play with!â€

Lilly interrupted again. “Did they have Dollies daddy?†she asked, looking at him with big brown eyes.

Her father couldn’t help but chuckle… “Yes, munchkin, they had Dollies. Dollies that walked and talked and did their chores for them.â€

â€I want a doll like that Daddy!†Lilly exclaimed.

“All you care about are your stupid dolls,†Wolf muttered, sounding irritated.

Oak sensed the hostility, so he continued…

“All was well, for a time. The children played well together, and much fun was had. After awhile, however, the children grew bored and created a new game to occupy their time.

Soon, all the children had outgrown their toys, save two.

These two children loved their toys so much that they refused to let them go. They spent all their time amongst the toys, and talked with them, and played amongst them. As time passed, the brother and sister grew to love the toys even more than they loved the rest of their family.â€

At this point, both children were engrossed. There was a look of concern crossing Lilly’s innocent features.

“The toys were jealous of the children, for the children could leave the play ground at their leisure, and they wanted to play the same games that the children where playing. When the brother and sister tried to bring the toys to the new game, the children laughed them away.

This angered the toys. They did not think it fair that the children should be able to play games without them, so they asked the Brother and Sister to make them weapons, so that they could force the other children to let them play.

The Brother and Sister loved their toys so much, that they did as they were asked, and made sharp swords for their playthings. The toys then rose up and killed many children, who sunk down into the earth to dream fitfully forever. The toys then locked the rest of the children away in a dark cave. Then, with the traitorous brother and sister, they began playing the new game themselves.â€

Lilly looked horrified at the story, while Wolf seemed to be catching on that the story was an allegory.


â€Yes, son?†Oak replied.

“What happened to the children in the cave?â€

Oak smiled. “They’re still there, trying to find a way out.â€

Wolf paused for a moment while Lilly was still reeling, her mouth agape. “You mean they didn’t get out Daddy?†she cried in protest. She seemed to be more than a little upset that there wasn't a happy ending.

Her father shook his head. “No, but they will.â€

â€They will?†she repeated.

Oak nodded reassuringly while Wolf cocked his head to the side.

“What’ll happen when they get out,†the older brother replied.

A wide smile pulled at the edges of Oak’s mouth as he settled his piercing malfean green eyes on the young boy.

â€Oh, I’m re they’ll have a wonderful revenge.â€

Wolf visibly shuddered, then took Lilly by the hand and darted off towards the bedrooms. “You can have your Dolly back,†he could be heard saying as they scampered off.
I did? hmmm... odd.

While I can't RP fully, what with no more time and being in far too many game. I wouldn't mind running a minor pc(npc) who shows up now and then, and who isn't in said Great Game.

I was thinking the goddess of Bar Wenches. Or is that god? Does gender even matter when you think about it? :lol:
Haku said:
Does gender even matter when you think about it? :lol:
I think it only matters when the god's nature says it should matter. Since you'd be the god of bar wenches and not, say, all service people who may or may not also sell sexual favors, I'd say your nature pegs you as squarely feminine.

Welcome to goddesshood? :wink:
Actually I could see it happening. And as for powerful, I think it would actually be a god of at least Essence 5. The name may vary from location to location, but the position remains the same, as well as minor influence of seduction, spying, covert actions, etc.
ok looks like I'm the only heroic mortal :shock:

so normal Heroic mortal rules (with the Braydz changes) plus 100exp is that correct?
Yes, everyone else is a God-Blood of some descriptor. (Yay Inheritance!)

Of course, you're the only who can get Exalted without taking penalties up the whazoo. Particularly Sel, with her Inheritance 5. So she'll probably be aiming for an Endowment...

EDIT I don't want to be a spoilsport, but I'm pretty sure those aren't the right costs for Thaumaturgy. It's much more expensive than a Specialty...

EDIT 2 Haku, I looked it up, and it seems to me that the Goddess of Bar Wenches would likely be around Essence 5-6.
And I'm a god(dess) of wenches in a bar... y'know... the people what serves drinks, sit with clients and such...
Tome said:
EDIT I don't want to be a spoilsport, but I'm pretty sure those aren't the cannon costs for Thaumaturgy. It's much more expensive than a Specialty...
oops ok I'll check...

edit: nope the main rules say they are specialties

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