[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

I've been left behind in the conversation before, soooo... I think it most matters when we're in a fight or something. Talking? Not my problem if folks go ahead or get left behind. :)
Don't worry, I'm still there, I just let you RP and do your proper introductions/choices, and appreciate it :)

Tonight or tomorrow (depending on how far we are in the debate of staying/not with the caravan) you'll be going the way you chose, and second scene will start (and xp spending will be allowed ^^).
So congrats everyone, game's going pretty well :)

A few things:

- Parallax are you still here ? I'm going to need a Twilight throughout this serie. If you can't keep up with the rythm, I'd have to replace you (means you can still be in the game, but I need participation).

- for everyone: I had this idea of opening an interlude IC thread to make some rp before going directly to scene 2, time for you to know each other better, to develop some affinities (or not), to play Q&A with Lonely Crane around the fire if you want to... and earn some extra xp... It would last no more than this actual thread (so 4 pages tops and I'd go for scene 2).what do you say ?
The idea is nice, go for the interlude then :P

Maybe me and that old hag will settle some score...

By the way, regarding Lonely Crane: Since we'll likely ask something about our First Age persona, and he might even answer, it's time for me to tell you that I was working on something about it - for you to use, use in part or outright ignore as you see fit. After all my Dreams fanfic was intended more as a plot hook as anything (TBH I didn't expect to receive the 3 BP for that :D ) If you're interested I might send a PM about it, if you have other plans then no problem
(with the BP I reward the thinking, not necessarily the typing :D )

Send your PMs, I love to have new ideas for ancient incarnations & stuff like that, don't be too precise, so that I can surprise you sometimes... if not it's not fun at all :)
Not sure what to give you at this time. I am pretty sure you got a good idea about Jonas' first Incarnation. I am thinking one of the greater warriors of the First Solars. One of the few that still personally got to meet Gaia and Luna, to have known them.
Myself, I imagined first-age Spider as some sort of admiral/General....Over seeing grand battles from on high in some sort of first age airship.
I can keep up from here on... My apologies. Wouldn't mind having that RP thread to help catch up.
I'm good with RP'ing post.

Basically, I've implied that Blossom's remembered First Age incarnation was a high-ranking Zenith who lived and worked in Rathess with the Dragon Kings - at least enough to sacrifice fae to the Unconquered Sun in their manner. Oh, and she liked her work and was a greedy-ass bitch. :)
Sooo.....Do you want one of us to start it? or perhaps do a small group of rp threads? or do you want to 'open it up' so to speak....
Good Point in the announcements, I actually hadn't realized that aspect (been a bit since I read through the charm). I just thought it subtracted from penalties (without realizing the DV as a penalty aspect). With the combination of a land ship, the charm gets /slightly/ worse because , to use your example, I could not only take out the navy, but the army too (maybe an air force if I got on top of a mountain and had a lucky shot or two with the ballista...)

So...What's the fix...? You mention it needed to be modified but not how you were modifying it...
Hey I just accidently found out about the problem this morning ! :P

I'm going to see what it did in 1e to compare effects and make something up.

To me just the "reduces essence external penalties" would do. Will get back to you soon on that one.
Well if you don't post more in the chit chat thread by the end of the week, I'll move to the second scene then. :)
I'm just waiting for the rest of the party (barring those in the air) to decide if they want to come aboard or not.....Parralax and Talisman have yet to respond...
Arelean is flying around performing his duties as a sentinel, so I'm just waiting on the rest of you to finish up. >_>
Drat...was hoping to get a chance to grill our doom-sayer.....ah well, as always happy to move on if such is the group interest.....

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