[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

BTW Coyote, you can only have a max of 3 specialties in any given ability.. *eyes Jonas' Melee*


Specialties give you a +1 on Ability rolls, not +3. You can have multiples of the same specialty, and their bonuses stack, so having three specialties in say, Leapfrogging, would give you Leapfrogging +3. The way you have it at the moment, you have 6 Melee specialties, not 2.
Core Book page 74: Your character cannot have more than three specialties for a single Ability.
Also, page 125: Characters with a specialty in an Ability add a bonus die or dice to pertinent rolls (see p. 74). Unless specified otherwise, specialties cannot add more than three dice to a roll.

Each specialty adds one die. You can multiples of the same specialty and they stack, but this still does not circumvent the limit of three per ability.

Unfortunately, 2nd Edition didn't explain this very clearly and openly, you have to dig around and also have experience with the 1st Edition rules (which were exactly the same, but were much more straightforward with this and explained it very clearly). Check pages 133-134 of the First Edition Core and you'll see exactly what I mean.
I have found a few Earth and Wood Hearthstones I would love. Quite a few from Oedenol's Codex. The one I am leaning towards is a level 4 Wood Hearthstone known as Song of Life. And assuming that the 4th and 5th dots cost 2 BP a piece then I need to get a flaw worth 2 points. Otherwise I was also looking at Stone of Resilient Bamboo, Stone of Mending Flaws and The Farmer's Stone.

Any suggestions?
I'm just terrified I'll drop my Windhands gemstone into water. You can't see that sucker when it's submerged.

cyl: OK. So your gemstone has fallen into the lake.

Me: What?!? How?!?

cyl: Shoddy workmanship on your amulet. Popped right open and your stone fell out.

Me: What?!? It's First Age craftsmanship at its best!!!

cyl: Not fine enough to keep your last incarnation getting ganked, is it?

Me: *defeated*
I've actually had it happen to me, playing tabletop, with this stone. Like this character, that one had the stone but didn't know where the manse was (he was actively searching for it, but hadn't found it yet). It was a pretty ugly scene.

Me: My stone!

GM: Your manse can create another, you know.

Me: But I don't know where it iiiiiiiiiiis!

GM: It's OK. It'll take a long ass time to happen anyway, so you've got time.

Me: Waaaaaaugh!
Try to fish it out with geomantic rituals and a sliver of jade. It'll be funny to watch at least.
Or you can get the skin mounted amulets found in WotLA (can't remember their name).
Maybe I can attach a string around my amulet, wound around and around, and turn it into an orichalcum yoyo. Not only will my amulet (and stone) be permanently attached to my finger but I can also use it as something of an improvised weapon.

Scarlet Empress: I have returned! Prepare to die, Solar dogs!

Me: *Hansel style* Yo! Taste my pain, bitch! *flicks yoyo at her face*

Scarlet Empress: *looks to cyl* I am not being yoyo'ed to death by an idiot! You better write me out of this!
I just realized I actually never wrote anything for her in anyone of my stories... how strange...
Me neither. The Scarlet Empress, as a plot device, works a lot better by being absent. I've had Solar games where the Solars wanted to find her, to put her back in power (as a puppet ruler or as a willing seneschal), or to make sure she was dead but she's never actually been there.

I'd imagine she'd be kind of cool to have 'still there' in a Dragon Blood game, although I suppose the political wheeling and dealing is a lot more cut throat now that she's gone.

Currently reading the DB book. It's cooler than I thought it'd be. Glad that I bought it :)
I'd assumed that the orders she was given were to march on the Bull of the North. It's the only thing that makes sense; dash herself against the same enemy that crippled her House and turned their army into a laughingstock. Too many people like the Roseblack and would support her. Having her crushed against the Bull (or, even better, killed in the fight) would not only make her look fallible, but also chew up most of her troops so she'd have no power base.

That's just my take, mind.
Oh. I got nothing there. Except maybe the Sidereals having one Hell of a laugh at someone's expense. I dunno. I haven't read the Sidereal book yet. Can they mess with things that much?

SCENE: A bunch of totally coked up Sidereals.

Sidereal 1: *giggles* OK. So check this out, right. We find a thief.

Sidereal 2: Uh huh?

Sidereal 1: And then, right, we totally wait until she's gonna steal something.

Sidereal 3: *mid munchies* And we jump 'er?

Sidereal 1: No man *giggle* We, like, we, us I mean, we totally yank her out of time, right, and then put her back. Only now there's TWO of her, right?

Sidereal 2: Only two? LA-AAAAME.

Sidereal 1: OK. Four then!

Sidereal 3: Whoa. I think this stuff is making me omnipotent.

Sidereal 1: *ignores* So then we, right, we mind wipe 'em all, set 'em up in the same room to steal the same thing! Right? And then we run to the loom and watch the spiders CRAP THEMSELVES! Bwahahahahahahaha!
Coyotekin said:
I have found a few Earth and Wood Hearthstones I would love. Quite a few from Oedenol's Codex. The one I am leaning towards is a level 4 Wood Hearthstone known as Song of Life.
Any suggestions?
Come to think about it, this could be an excellent power for your artifact-scythe.
Would that be too much though? If it is an option I would take the Song of Life stone's effect any day. Then it clears up a hearthstone for me to get. Another one I was looking at had to do with cutting Post-Soak damage in half, and was an Earth hearthstone.
If I have to drop the Moonsilver MM bonuses if I need to for the Song of Life. Mind you, I would love to keep those bonuses. Let me know though.

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