[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Dog's background is now finished.

Please note that it is, at least in the later parts, almost entirely what Dog would say rather than a factual record. Dog is, of course, a habitual and unabashed liar and braggart, and thus perfectly trustworthy and likely to relate a one hundred percent accurate history of his own misdeeds. :D

I'll get to adding those forms of his now.
So as I was saying, Gold Hare doesn't sleep with his boots on, right? They come off, Walking Dog sneaks in (invisible, shapeshifted or in disguise), Dog shoves the boots under his hair and *poof* good luck finding out where those went. :P

Not that he's actually planning to steal any measly boots. The tournament prize, maybe, but non-shiny boots? Nah, better things to steal.
Gold Hare is a "she" and, yes, she does. Not an overly paranoid thing, but she is required to expect combat at any time, including sleep. It's a First Pulse thing. They're attuned, it's not horrible. Better than getting the crap beaten out of you by a Terrestrial and his goonish buddies, at least.

You can have her shirt, probably, I suppose, in the warmer seasons. I'd appreciate it if that didn't happen, though.
Gender duly noted.

Hmm... unfortunately, we'll have to wait until Dog learns Thieving Magpie Prana and Many-Pockets Meditation for him to steal the boots off someone's feet. Still, there's always his mundane skills. A dice pool of 15, with the benefit of being invisible and undetectable by mortal senses? Pretty good odds. :P

Again, if he's going to steal anything, then Artifact boots are not his first target. That shirt idea has promise though. :twisted:
Then it's a good thing Ivy Tusks has a tattoo artifact and fights unarmed ;-)

And I think at least in the wild he'd rather sleep as the chameleon stag shape, less change of being found by thieving miscreant who he will have to hunt down and crush for their insolence. :mrgreen:
That hearthstone looks nice though... :P

I've got to ask how you plan to use it's power, since those things need to be socketed to get the power from them, and your Reinforced Buff Jacket doesn't have one. Also, that's an Artifact that imitates a mundane Reinforced Buff Jacket as Light armour, right? Because Tattoo Artifacts can't imitate armour heavier than Light, and an actual Artifact Reinforced Buff Jacket is Medium.
A Buff Jacket is a Light Armor according to the rules.

I'll have to reread the rules on hearthstones, if that is the case I'll have to divert one BP to an amulet.
A Buff Jacket is light, yes, but a Reinforced Buff Jacket is medium and no Artifact version of the Buff Jacket exists, due to lack of metal parts to make out of the Magical Materials. The only cannon armour eligable to be turned into a Tattoo Artifact (Light, Moonsilver, No Repair) is the Moonsilver Breastplate, if I recall correctly.
TherealBrickwall said:
All these Celestials at my hometown arena...this is rather unfortunate.
Well actually there's just one... but unfortunately for you, he's the one who's going to steal your stuff ^^
Well, if she finds out, he will have genital priveleges revoked.

Or she might try to hire him. And when he refuses, the genital thing.
Sidenote: I'll write up the tournaments this weekend and we start playing next week :wink:
And we're going to have a water elemental joining up soon.

Clearly, they are much more playable than spirits, mainly because their essence increase doesn't depend on promotion or endowment.
ok, I can't wait to get this started, and I believe we've got a good cast here, though I'm pretty sure my character wouldn't like the DB and Dog much. :lol:

nothing personal, but the DB would be too much like, ooh the Wyld Hunt (and he doesn't like to be the hunted), and Dog seems to be way to smoothe for his own good. :D
Well too bad, 'cause they're probably the only ones you're likely to meet :lol:

You're a celestial exalt (possibility to meet with both)

You're a lunar (possibility to meet with Dog)

You're an anathema (possibility to meet with the immaculate)

You're in the south.
Should be fun. I've never played an elemental before.

So, you know, any of you who may end up taking sorcery, don't get any ideas. :P
Why not? that way we can help you travel to exotic locations in an instant, and luckily I have a No-Moon sorceress mentor in my backgrounds... <grin>
Also, I'd probably have the same chance to meet Unrepentant Monsoon as I do Dog, and there's also the dancing god-blood, whose traveling can take her anywhere in Creation.

Besides, the DB and especially the Immaculate are more likely to tr and call up some of their buddies to hunt down an Anathema, and I'd trust my ability to survive the wilds better, especially as a chameleon stag, or just hunt down a bird and fly away... (maybe leading them towards certain elder Lunars the reside in the south-east)
(maybe leading them towards certain elder Lunars the reside in the south-east)
Definitely not one of the good moves :lol:
How'd you interact further with someone bringing ennemies to your doorstep, yeah, exactly :mrgreen:

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