[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Yup, that's what I was saying, but reading the corebook again, it doesn't find it too narrow. So I'm find with Iron Boots if you want it, and yes it applies to the artifacts equivalent.
I'm going to really insist on this one:

If you see something strange in your MA style, its tree or charms description (effect/cost/mins/type/duration etc) please tell me so, so I can amend it asap (even better if you come up with a proposal for the solution).
Other than picking out an Anima, Motovation, Intimacies and Tell, as well as mathing out my mote pools and combing through my Oadenol's Codex for a nice Hearthstone and making up a manse, along with putting together information on Bunda Má and a few other things, the mechanics are done.
I hate to say that, but they are two different things.

Mentor is all about the help and care you can get from your mentor (pulling favors from his own influence), Sifu is all about the availability and the accessible levels of training.

Of course a Sifu can be your Mentor, but each Background dot gives you 2 different things.

You could have an extremely powerful Sifu 5, but a poor mentor (think the sage of the seven peaks... he's a golden saint, but he can't pull any favors because of his long hermitage), or a great Mentor but a poor Sifu (exalt under essence 6 who's widely connected and wealthy, or a major god).
Alright, that's fair. I'll just split the dots between the two backgrounds.

Edit- Immaculate styles, is there a minimum Mentor/Sifu level I need to have to have the Sifu know one of them?
Quicknote to the non celestial characters: if you want a sensei, Mentor is enough, as your power is capped to Terrestrial level.

Sifu 1 means the guy actually knows a few SMA charms and one celestial style completely, major or very combat oriented gods and celestial exalts could fall into that category... but anything lesser doesn't.

I noted Brick didn't make the mistake (unintentionally perhaps) but Atrius did (hey dude, you just freed 1 BP :D ).
About this Mentor / Sifu thing I thought about the following for a fair solution:

Create a Master background.

- Master plays the role of Sifu for the TMA (follow the guidelines of Sifu by MoEP:S but switch levels from CMA/SMA to TMA/CMA).

- Sifu plays its normal role as per MoEP:S

Note: a celestial exalt can use the Master Background if his mentor is unable to use SMA (like spirits are)

How's that sound ?
Sifu is an explicitly Sidereal thing. Because of Siddie's reliance on Sup MA, they have a huge training program for them, and that produces Sifus. A mentor is more general, but teaches things outside MA. And their power in dots is measured in relativity to the character, whereas a Sifu is pretty absolutely measured. Like, for a Mortal, a 1-dot Sifu is a 4- or 5-dot mentor. Not to mention a fairly unrealistic proposition to have.

It is true that you could have the same person be a Sifu and a Mentor, but the Sifu background is a very specific deal. Sidereal, which is why it accesses SMA. Of course, with ST approval, non-Sids can have it, but its measurement and role in the game is purely based off Sidereals.

Also, that whole Master thing would throw off my BP expenditure as-is, since the guy is supposed to be my 3-dot Mentor, and then I'd need to add 2-dot Master. I can afford it if you think it best. Just tell me when there's definite word, I can fix it in a heartbeat. Well...probably over 100 heartbeats, but still.

Still working on that Motivation, I am.
Actually, reading the Mentor background again, it perfectly fits (a teacher, a patron, a defender and a friend, may teach abilities, charms and sorcery).

Considering the narrowed focus of the game here's what we're going to do (I'll ask again for your thoughts on this one).

Master will define the general power of your Master.

°: your master is a bit more powerful and wordly than yourself, he could be the famous student of an elder master who has opened a popular dojo. (in terms of game, a local spirit ess 2/3, exalt ess 3/4).

°°: your master is a figure of some note, or a famous master who has little time for your character. (a spirit ess 3/4, an exalt ess 4/5, Terrestrial master who can learn and teach CMA fall into that description)

°°°: your master is wise, respected and influential as well as considerably more powerful than yourself (a spirit ess 4/5, an exalt ess 5/6 elder Terrestrials knowing various CMA fall into that description).

°°°°: your master is exceedingly important and his words and deeds could shape the face of the martial arts world. (a spirit ess 5/6, celestial exalts ess 6/7, old lunars and most sidereals masters fall under that description).

°°°°°: your master is exceedingly powerful and takes great interest in both your instruction and your person (a spirit ess 6+, elder exalts ess 7+, anything you want, ranging from Ma Ha Suchi to a deathlord to a Yozi, the Green Lady, )

As you all begin at ess 2 things should be proportionated to this level, and not necessarily by your state of being.
Then Mentor would keep its feel... it would provide the same thing as Master, but on different wider levels.

Much like Obi Wan was Anakin's Master, Palpatine was his mentor.
...and we all know how well that worked out....

heh, ok, I'll shift a single point from somewhere to up up my own mentor a dot and then The Perfected Loser will be ready to face all comer's :wink:
The more I think about it, the more I have ideas.

What do you say we make sheets for your masters ?

I'll type them if you are too lazy, you'd just have to tell me its level of power, a little background and state of being, and the styles you'd think he would know.

quicknote: no Master is needed to learn your - Hero style if you're an exalt, this is a natural expression of your essence.
Desert Spurs Style, if you had to pick an elemental affinity for it would fire work? I'm thinking of having an Fire Elemental of some sort who would act as Monsoon's Master.

I wouldn't have any problems writing it up.
TherealBrickwall said:
I'd be happy to do a fairly full writeup of Brackish Heart. He's a pretty important character.
Yeah, and he could participate in tournaments too sometimes, fix his power level and go ahead :)
Leary said:
Desert Spurs Style, if you had to pick an elemental affinity for it would fire work? I'm thinking of having an Fire Elemental of some sort who would act as Monsoon's Master.
I wouldn't have any problems writing it up.
Hmm considering the raw power of the style and some of its effects, I'd say Earth. But... this is a CMA anyway.
For the masters: put them directly in the rolls of wariors with the [NPC-x's Master] tag.

I'll add rivals and opponents met time after time.

I guess I wasn't particularily clear about the Master background apparently:

In this game, the Master Background will represent a combination between Mentor and Sifu, so for the same character you just need to spend x BP to represent his influence, personal power, and teachings.

You may have another Mentor apart from your Master (in case he's another MAist, he will be a second Master), teaching you different things.

Think about the prodigal son of a powerful being who's been sent to study martial arts under the supervision of a Master.

The powerful being would be his Mentor, and the master teaching him would be his Master.
Bling: another idea for a background for those who don't want a Master.

Arcanes: sacred scrolls known to hold the secret techniques of a particular Martial Arts style.

Those scrolls are commonly found and studied in the dojos and temples, and are considered sacred relics. Sometimes however, they are lost, destroyed, stolen, or entrusted to a person.

Not sure about the mechanics, but I'll work something out if people are interested :)
He is.

Master = Mentor in the martial arts world.

But if you want to, you can take another Mentor who's not focused on teaching MA.

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