[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Just like the number of styles allowed by Sifu, except that depending on the type of being they cannot master all types of MA styles.

A spirit has to have essence 6+ to be able to use CMA.

In this case, Master 2 would give him complete mastery of 3 TMAs :)
From Sunday 14th to the beginning of january I'll go on a trip all around Peru (at last !), and I'll probably be unable to log in, but rest assured I'll be back soon and I will resume my STing :)

If you want to bring anything to my attention, I suggest you send me a PM, it will be easier for me to answer your questions on a one-after-another mode rather than browsing through various threads. :)
I'm going to mod Affinity (element) Control so it can do the following (to get an Avatar/ FMA feel):

As well as use it for special attacks like:

Knockback and knockdown (all elements).

Immobilizations (Earth, Water)

Clinches dealing Lethal damage (all elements)

Ranged attacks (all elements)

And some small mods like:

Alteration of the element (can turn rock into sand, water into ice, air into snow, fire into lightning, grass or root into strangling lianas).

Reconfiguration of the element: shaping it at will (creating stairs in a mountain etc)

Those power could also be used to create external penalties (vision/wind/ cover / height / unstable ground etc) as well as external bonuses (cover/ movement / soak/ height / damage)

I'm thinking speed 3 DV -1 action for any alteration/reconfiguration change past the casting of the charm.

Will work on the system soon, but I'll definitely change the barrel system for a cubic yards system.
cyl said:
IdyllicSilence said:
If you see my introductory post into Patternspider, I've never actually played Exalted yet. So, yeah, I'm somewhat lacking in that area, and it makes it even harder that the only 1e book that I have read is the Player's Guide, and even then, I only skimmed over it. So, I should have Titunare's sheet done sometime, as soon as I truely make sense of the spirit charms and rules.
Let me know if you need anything :)
I'm not really sure how to make Titunare. The spirit guidelines seem just a bit too vague, and I'm not quite sure what charms to give him, or how he uses them in his own special spirit way. So, I wanted to ask if you could either help me make him or make him the way you want him. Either way would be fine.
Sel said:
Principle Of Motion
Affinity Water Control [Can purify or poison riverwater, and shape any water other than seawater]

Weather Control [Call up rain or storms]

Plague Of Menaces [Call down a rain of poisonous frogs]
Jark said:
- Elemental Rejuvenation - Only works with earth/stone
- Essence Bite - Only works with Bashing damage, no Lethal or Aggrivated (both the soak normal and no armor soak varieties)

- Harrow the Mind - Things Jark molds his targets' perception of with this charm retain their elemental inclination. For example Jark cannot convince people he is something not earth-related. He could convince someone he's just a rock or a lesser elemental earth dragon, but he can't convince anyone he's a Godblooded with a fire parent, or a Solar Exalt. However, he could convince someone the god of small children is really the god of elderly prostitutes, as these concepts have no solid elemental inclination. Dragon Blooded aspects are treated as elementally inclined for the purposes of this charm, so Jark could not convince anyone Tepet Ejava was Tepet Fokuf. More abstract things like ideas can be subject to this restriction at ST discretion.

- Worldly Illusion - Always appears to take participants to a deep, very poorly lit underground cavern
Some examples of Spirit Charms being used in one of the other games. Basically, you just have to think up some restriction for your Spirit Charms. It can be anything you want. Looking at the examples in the book can help.
IdyllicSilence said:
I'm not really sure how to make Titunare. The spirit guidelines seem just a bit too vague, and I'm not quite sure what charms to give him, or how he uses them in his own special spirit way. So, I wanted to ask if you could either help me make him or make him the way you want him. Either way would be fine.
I'd rather build it with you.

Well I'm going to take a closer look at his background, and we'll work something out by PM.

The rules for PC spirits can be a bit nebulous.

But don't expect anything before the 26 :lol:
cyl said:
And some small mods like:

Alteration of the element (can turn rock into sand, water into ice, air into snow, fire into lightning
In Exalted, Lightning is considered an aspect of air (Unless you, as ST, change that, but then air aspects and a number of associated hearthstones and artifacts need some revamp), Alterations to fire might be to shape it differently (like shaping a 'monster' out of a firepit) or perhaps decrease/increase it's strength.
I have purchased both the Master and the Mentor merits, and I have no problem writing up those NPCs, but how do I design them? how do I know how much essence and experience these characters have? is it just something i'm supposed to make up by myself?

I've got 2 dots in each of these backgrounds, so according to the Master background it looks like at least the Solar is a 4-5 essence Exalted. How much experience should he have? should i just give him a good enough number of charms and such that will show his advanced experience?
Well for 2 dots, the Master background gives your master 3 CMA fully mastered to the pinnacle.

As for the experience, do not really worry about that, just give him stats with the chargen, and I'm sure the 3 CMA and the high essence will eat up most of the phatom xp :)
Just a quick status update:

Leary: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

Shadow Red Claws: WIP

TherealBrickwall: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

IdyllicSilence: IIRC we need to stat Titunare but that's not really an obstacle for starting your chronicles - ready to roll ?

Tome: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

Atrius Night: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?
Mechanically, I'm fine...I'm still looking around for a picture of a bo fighter, once I find one I can fill the description section in appropriatly....Otherwise, Ditto what the Brickwall said....
cyl said:
Just a quick status update:
Leary: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

Shadow Red Claws: WIP

TherealBrickwall: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

IdyllicSilence: IIRC we need to stat Titunare but that's not really an obstacle for starting your chronicles - ready to roll ?

Tome: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?

Atrius Night: guess everything's good - ready to roll ?
Not quite. I'll finish up the background once I get back home in a couple of days time. Sorry about the delay.
Okay so let's do this.

I'll PM your basic infos (current location - what you're doing right now) over the next days and I'll be starting slow, 2 posts per chronicle a day (I has work :( ), but steady. :)
I requested another category to distinguish NPCs and your master from the PC :)

I just need you to edit your Master Sheet with the following

[Master] name - master of name of your character

This way I'll be able to access the info I need in no time.

Every time you'll meet a significant npc in your peregrinations or in a tournament, I'll write his combat stats and a few infos on him :)
OK, updated and revised my background, hope this is good enough for your use, if not let me know.

Also, I did a wrtie-up of Esmaril Brightmantle, my character's Master.

Do you want me to put up the stats for his animal forms, or just a list of those he can assume?
Well depends, do you intend to fight in these ? :lol:

Sidenote: looks like 3 of you are going to be in Nexus, I'm sure fate can arrange some sort of meeting :wink:
I'm considering maybe using the Chameleon stag shape on occasion during the game yes.

Couldn't find any normal stag stats, was thinking about using maybe the gem stags from CoCD: Wyld, with reducing some of those stats a bit, and giving the chameleon mutation, and maybe a mutation that will enhance his speed.

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