[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

might not be the best move, but if I have a bunch of DB after me, and I can't seem to evade them, then yeah, I'd consider leading them into an elder Lunar's area, though probably going through a Wyld zone would be a better idea...

It looks like he hasn't logged on since Dec 27, hopefully he'll grace us with his presence again soon...
might not be the best move, but if I have a bunch of DB after me, and I can't seem to evade them, then yeah, I'd consider leading them into an elder Lunar's area, though probably going through a Wyld zone would be a better idea...
I've always imagined that if I were a truly callous and foolhardy young Lunar who really wanted to cause some mayhem, I'd find a nice, trustworthy fellow, invoke the spell Peacock Shadow Eyes, and send him to Raksi, reporting that the area/organization I want roughed up is playing host to a scared young Solar in a most spectacular red cloak...
That would be fun, if you actually had knowledge enough on said artifact to describe it enough to catch Raksi's attention, but even then, the moment she finds out there was never such a Solar there, there will be a very miserable hell to pay, and she doens't strike me as a very forgiving one...
That would be fun' date=' if you actually had knowledge enough on said artifact to describe it enough to catch Raksi's attention, but even then, the moment she finds out there was never such a Solar there, there will be a very miserable hell to pay, and she doens't strike me as a very forgiving one...[/quote']
Again, you just use some kind of undetectable mental influence and have some peasant deliver the news out of hope that a gracious Queen of Fangs will spare his children.
Edited most of the chronicles, just need a bit more time to launch Gold Hare and Radiant Blossom, they'll have their intros tonight without a doubt (I hate it when work comes in between me and my extra curricular activities !).

Sadbot: we'll start when we wrap up your pc don't worry, I have a plan in mind for you :wink:
Gah, I made it, apart from sadbot, everyone chronicle's up !

As I said, because of work I'll work on a 1 post per day frequency in the chronicle until things settle down a bit.
Offsite roller, I trust my players with their rolls... it's not like exalted is a game where you fail at doing things :wink:
reading the shapechanging chapter again it looks like the rainbow stag isn't a valid subject for the Sacred Hunt, without Luna's Hidden face, I cannot use the shape of a Wyld tainted beast. Guess i'll have to just write it as a stag with better stealth.
I appreciate your honesty... as I often haven no time to check those little details ^^
No worries, PbP games are based on honesty, and as someone just learning to play a lunar I need to learn more about my charcater, and how it works, and if I'm not honest about it, then I'm not really learning to play...
Okay, true, Even Blade is nice. But I like FP. It's intro Charms are not quite the best (except the surprise-reacting ones), but once you hit Form, you're a happy camper.
I would be honored if you and the merciful Radiant Blossom would consent to build a grand story giving the bone structure to a great show for the wedding.
I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly sure what you were meaning him to say. I myself cannot personally make head or tail of what this means.
AFAIU the character wants you and your master to work with him on creating a performane that will serve as a grand theme for the celebration.
Yep, that was it.

Build a story together, then plan its coregraphy and music, then perform it.
Yeah, thank you, its just that, for some reason, the way the sentence was, it kinda skewed my comprehension of it.
I supose I should mention that I need to cut down on the number of games I'm in. Unfortunately, this is going to have to be one of them.

Sorry folks.

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