[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

If I want my Master to be capable of teaching non-MA stuff (like, you know, Abilities, life lessons, etc), do I take Mentor or not?
Hmmm.....Can't say for certain........but somehow I don't think an avatar shift to Kenpachi can be a good thing for us players..... :shock:
Nah that's because right now I'm feeling more like Kenpachi than Gerhalt (the wolfman from Shining Force II, and my previous avatar) 8)
hmm....Not sure how/if that was supposed to comfort me.....

By the by, while perusing the martial arts goodness, I ran into the lunar infinte rate charm.....What does this mean...? Can someone make up to their dice pool number of attacks (that is until they run out of dice to roll) or is even that a limit and they get to roll minimum dice fore each attack roll.....? Though I guess with it's instant duration it would cost a mote per attack.....
I really don't like the Infinite Rate... plus you need to combo it with other charms to make some use of it.

But as penalties are concerned, they always reduce your attack pool to 0 if you make more attacks than you should, but you can always buy successes with an excellencies.
cyl said:
plus you need to combo it with other charms to make some use of it.
Not really, it will still allow you to make up to dice pool attacks, which could let a fair number hit (a couple at the begining when dice pools are high, and then a fair number more once onslaught penalties have reduced their dv to nothing.....)

That said, the question is for another game entirely.....I just knew you were handy so asked here.....
Relentless Lunar Fury + Thousand Claw Infliction

I make, let's say, 40 attacks, I'm not bothering to roll any dice since the pools are reduced to pretty much nothing, but I get 1 success on each attack from Relentless Lunar Fury. At what point does the onslaught penalty negate the target's DVs?

Even if the target's soak reduces damage to Essence Ping, thats something like 60 dice of damage out of one action.
At what point does the onslaught penalty negate the target's DVs?
When the onslaught penalty is more important than its DV.

If the DV is 4, than the 6th attack will hit. It's always DV +2+stunt /wp bonuses if there are any.

You loose an action using RLF (you can't combo RLF with TCI) and that makes a serious gap in your defense.

And if you're crazy enough to lower your DV to 0, you take the risk of facing counterattacks or death fighting certain foes (TCI vs Dread Lord's Demeanor... everytime you try to strike, you take ping damage from the first to the last attack).

I'd fight someone stupid enough to lower his own DV to 0, I'd wait for my time, raising my DV with stunts til he hits the bottom and launch counterattacks til one of us out of motes or defeated.
There are a lot of defenses against that. Anything at all with the Counterattack tag will screw you severely, including moving defenses. A lot of Charms will negate onslaught penalties for an entire action (Bulwark Stance kicks your ass). Oh, and any kind of additions to DV like cover and shields will get rid of that 1 success. Ooooh, and then there's Charms that redirect your attacks: fun. Obviously, the solution is to acquire something that lets you act at Speed 3 so you don't have to pay for that hole in your defense, in case your opponent has any of these. Of course, if you do that, you're an ass. Unless everyone else in the game is doing that sort of thing.
Oh, and any kind of additions to DV like cover and shields will get rid of that 1 success.
Unfortunately no, bonuses apply prior to penalties when calculating DV. So wether you get stunt/charm dice, they will all ultimately get eaten by the onslaught penalty.
Mantis Form kicks TCI's ass too :lol:
...this is interesting. You only face an onslaught penalty if an attack is successful. So if your first attack didn't succeed, it wouldn't wear their DV down at all. And it wouldn't succeed with just 1 success.

This rule is only ever mentioned once, and that's in the table on page 147. Errata does not contradict it, so...yeah.
Well, there's a clear contradiction between the text (which doesn't mention the "succesful attack" condition) and the table p.147 (which does).

I had noted a while ago, which is why I've always said NO to infinite rate charms because they are either too powerful or useless.

In any case, Infinite Rate charms are a no go here :)

Now if you want we can discuss here the applicability of onslaught:

- on one hand, defense primes vs attack: so onslaught should apply after each successful attack

- on the other defense primes vs attack, maybe too much + Coordinated Attacks impose a DV penalty equivalent to the participants (ie number of blows dealt) for the attack rolls of every participant (i.e. the more blows are launched at the target, the easier it gets to hit her).

So IMHO onslaught should apply wether the attack is successful or not, it gives a chance to the poor bastard burning his wp or lowering his DV to hit his opponent and to make the opponent sweat a little.

Join Debate :)
What debate? I was just pointing out that a rule described in the book made some cheese impractical. It's a rule that's contradicted. End of story, I don't care either which way.
Well, the debate was more: which onslaught penalty rule should apply in this game ? (i.e. which one do you like best ? why ?).

I think, for the reason above mentioned (coordinated attack penalties) that it is the number of blows that count, not the ones actually hitting, so I'm tempted to rule: -1 DV /attack.

It has the advantage of favoring flurries and extra action charms a bit more and to insert more strategy in the fights.
I have no extra action or flurry Charms to look forward to in the forseeable future. I don't exactly like the idea of voting for a rule that can't work in my favor in any way.
I wasn't asking for a vote, merely an opinion :)

And on the contrary, it would be favorable to you if standard flurries boosted the onslaught penalty, sacrificing your own DV (and you may have charms / stunts to null your multiple actions penalty) you can lower the DV of your opponent, making you more dangerous, because more likely to land a blow.
Flurries will not make me more likely to land a blow. I've done the math. Flurries, for me, will do what they're supposed to do: exchange accuracy for damage. Onslaught penalties are only intended to make it slightly less of a gambit, and considering the starting one is your best shot, and it doesn't benefit...yeah.
I generally rule that Onslaught applies regardless of whether you hit.

Also, there's this one Charm in Even Blade Style that makes Flurries a great way to absolutely destroy an opponent's DV. But then Even Blade is generally made of win for a Terrestrial Style.
TherealBrickwall said:
Flurries will not make me more likely to land a blow. I've done the math. Flurries, for me, will do what they're supposed to do: exchange accuracy for damage. Onslaught penalties are only intended to make it slightly less of a gambit, and considering the starting one is your best shot, and it doesn't benefit...yeah.
And that's the guy who's going to learn First Pulse Form one day who says this to me...

FPF gives you speed 4 MA attacks (so you regen DV quicker than most MA), and gain +2 die to all attacks.

In terms of multiples actions (with your current unarmed stats you can flurry (let's say you get a 2dice stunt:

speed 4 flurry:

First attack 11 vs opponent's DV

Second attack 10 vs opponent's DV -1

Third attack 9 vs opponent's DV -2

I'd really like to know how's that not favorable to you ? (apart from the -3DV reduction you can also temper with another stunt).

And that is... scene long. Even Dark Messiah form who plays on the same plan of effects is just slightly better than this.

You'd kick DB's ass with this, and could be a challenge even to a celestial.
I forgot that one. Okay, I will now vote for the rule that lets me utterly tear through anything with a base DV less than 5 :twisted:

Of course, the problem is that this can easily be turned on me, and to far greater effectiveness. And I don't have any Ox-bodies, so...
heh, glad to have you on board.......

By the by, this may sound like a stupid question.....but if an extra action charm is used, can one ignore the rate of a weapon.....?

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