OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

Your background bonus point spending.

You have seven points before spending BP.

Dots 4 and 5 in a Background require 2 BP each.

Your Resources have only 5 BP spent, which means you spent them for dots 3,4, and 5.

You have one free Dot in Backing, cult and Influence. You spent two background dots on Cult, 3 on familiar, and 2 on artifact.

Which is all 7. So 5 dots of Resources is 7 dots of BP.
Lochar said:
Your background bonus point spending.
You have seven points before spending BP.

Dots 4 and 5 in a Background require 2 BP each.

Your Resources have only 5 BP spent, which means you spent them for dots 3,4, and 5.

You have one free Dot in Backing, cult and Influence. You spent two background dots on Cult, 3 on familiar, and 2 on artifact.

Which is all 7. So 5 dots of Resources is 7 dots of BP.
Ah okay I see where we are seeing this different. Of the original 7 points I spent two on Cult, bringing it to 3, 3 on Familiar (which I still need to stat out), bringing it to 3, and two on Resources bringing it to 2.

I then spent 2 BP on Backing bringing it to 3, 2 BP on Influence bringing it to 3, 5 BP on Resources bringing it to five, and then 2BP on Artifact. That's a total of 11 of the 27 BP I had to spend.
Ah, I didn't see the 2 BP on artifact. That's what I was missing.

Your GSP looks good to go then.
Lochar said:
Ah, I didn't see the 2 BP on artifact. That's what I was missing.
Your GSP looks good to go then.
Cool. I'll either start on the familiar tonight or sometime tomorrow, but it's more or less a normal Metaody (?)/Malfean Element that gets some boosts because of the dots.
As the Infernals don't normally walk into a situation without some sort of forewarning, the local Yozi cult is that of Adorjan, but is willing to supply information to the group.

Your arrival was heralded to the cult, and the cult will be easily found.

If you need any specific info, ask and I'll let you know if the cult can provide.
TD1, as Mishka only has resources 1, buying a round of the strongest drinks for everyone's gonna knock you out of the resources game.


Cheap rotgut for the soldiers it is.
Quick question, if I wanted to craft an explosive, say a Vitriol based charge designed to take out an entire building and leave no traces of the actual explosion, as damn near everything would be dissolved by the vitriol, what would be the require craft(s) and at what difficulty? I figured Vitriol and probably fire, but I wanted to make sure.
Vitriol and Fire, but you'd require at least a Resources 3 purchase of Vitriol to have enough to make the bomb. Or you could refine it yourself if you have access to Vitriol.
Well as Nashil is a Metody, which can excrete pure vitriol if necessary, and with Resources 5 I wouldn't be hard pressed to afford it. I only asked because combat is not Adachi's field and with the Puppet Spell and Vitriol bombs, or hell just Vitriol bombs by themselves I can hopefully remove problems before they arise. Of course only after subtlety has failed.
Sorry bout not posting much this week, its been finals week, but now I'm done with school until the fall semester so I should be able to post with greater frequency, starting sometime tomorrow.
Someone else can post and answer him too, which if you want to lie to him will require a Manip+Presence.
Could you, for the assistance of my spatial perceptions, describe how far we are from this Dragonblood's house, and what it looks like if we're in sight? Unless I'm just missing where said description is.

Also, I actually have a martial arts charm that will entirely solve the problem of interrogation. Just let Green Star get within touching distance. Or Reflection-ing distance, for that matter.

Because high-level SMA's are the answer to pretty much anything.
You guys have moved a couple/few blocks away from the house where you tried to dump the sleeping(now dead) drunkard off at.

There are five Dragonblood in the town, the brotherhood that are the major officers.
You've yet to find out exactly which house belongs to Jael. There's a set of about four that the now dead man pointed to, and you've went to one of them, which could have been, but also might not have been, Jael.
The men weren't there to specifically be a danger, except to point out that you all need to do something before the Watch ends up finding you and not dieing to the surprise attack.
Ah, but now the surviving one can help us find Jael...hopefully.

Edit: Depending on the results of this Medicine roll.

Edit Edit: Quick note, I'll have Nashil all stated up sometime tomorrow, don't have to work so I'll have some free time to put towards that.
I didn't know the board did rolls? How does it do so? If you can give me the text that does so, I'll be ok with it.
So does Myth-weavers. I'll let you have it this time, however in the future I need some sort of verification of rolls.

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