OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

Lochar said:
No, Heaven Sidereals get enough points to burn for BP that I really don't think you need 7 BP more.
Besides, if you succeed with turning Creation into Hell, the pattern spiders would have to accept your destinies anyways. What's one more hellish thing on top of the rest?
Fair enough. I'm going with a chosen of the Maiden of Endings, and that meshes pretty well with what I have in mind anyway, so it's unlikely I'll be burning too many points. As I said, I'm really not trying to minmax here.

I'll just pick colleges and then assume that praying would be a Bad Idea. :P

... Unless, of course, one wanted to draw out some Sidereals...
WhiteKnight777 said:
I don't plan on taking any unless they happen to really, really fit the concept. Just buying mutations to have mutations always reeks of min-maxing to me.
For a GSP I'd agree, but I think with Akumas a certain level of optimisation is assumed. After all, they're creatures that the Yozi's have twisted and defiled specifically to fit a certain task. Does a warrior need any dots in appearence, for instance? Does a powerful Dragonblooded manipulator still need those three TMA charms even though they're incredibly weak compared to what other Akuma can use and could be recycled for BP that can be put into soul corrupting ED-charms which will better fit the will of his master?

When I made my Akuma I made it on the basis that it was specifically designed for one task (Kicking bum in his case). When I made my GSP on the other hand, I left him relatively unoptimised because of a GSP's need to adapt as well as that pesky free-will!
Either way, I'd still like an explanation of where and how you spent his points.

Because you can't have attributes over 6, while it looks like you have 8 before your warform.
Nope, all Physical Attributes start at 6 after the warpings of the Yozis. The Demon Ink Tattoo they've given him boosts each of these attributes by one to 7. DBT boosts each of them one more to reach 8. The Green Iron Heart boosts his Strength and Stamina 4 more to reach 12 when he's in Deadly Beastman Form.

He's a big huge Infernal Monster and I'd probably have him learn that style but I thought it's something everyone would want to pick up because it's new and exciting (And involves punching people into space).
And that is what I wanted to know.

I'd prefer if you cleaned up your sheet a bit and explained each of those things, because my chasing down each part of it is going to make me kill your akuma off very quickly.

What is you totem, anyways?
Yep, you mentioned that in the Character Creation thread but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm generally planning to do the basic mechanics for both characters so I can see a GSP and Akuma will turn out like (Because until I tried I had no idea) which I have now pretty much done, then write up their Backgrounds and Personalities and th elike once I've made sure I can make their concepts fit with what I have to work with and then once that's all done going along and making them all purty-like. Like I said, I'll make sure I'll clean it up for you!

For Totem I'm thinking of one of those giant eagles from Metagalapa but I've got to dig out my Exalted: East book so I can check that they are large but mundane animals rather than some kind of magical beast which doesn't qualify.
Do Yozi charms appropriate to your patron count as favored or non-favored for the purpose of experience and bonus point costs? Not that it really matters, because given the high essence needed for the Sidereal Martial Art I'm pursuing (Obsidian Shards of Infinity, it seems extremely fitting for a character devoted to the Ebon Dragon.) I likely won't have the EXP or bonus points to buy the first Excellency five or six times in order to get anything else, but it'd still be good to know.
Yozi Charm appropriate to the patron that invested you are favored. No other Yozi charms are.
Lochar said:
Yozi Charm appropriate to the patron that invested you are favored. No other Yozi charms are.
Indeed, for Akuma, their Patron's are the only charms they can apprehend.
Thanks. This is just a question resulting from me still being relatively new to the system, but how does one get a score in an an ability or attribute higher than 5? I notice that some of the high-end martial arts score require an MA of 6 or 7. I know there are First Age Lunar charms that let you break that limit, but I can't recall anything else. I'm sure it's just a result of my being unfamiliar with all the supplemental material.
WhiteKnight777 said:
Thanks. This is just a question resulting from me still being relatively new to the system, but how does one get a score in an an ability or attribute higher than 5? I notice that some of the high-end martial arts score require an MA of 6 or 7. I know there are First Age Lunar charms that let you break that limit, but I can't recall anything else. I'm sure it's just a result of my being unfamiliar with all the supplemental material.
Your limit in such traits is 5 or your Essence. So, at Essence 6, you may purchase Dexterity 6 or Martial Arts 6.
Akumas are an exception to the above rule and are able to get Abilities and Attributes at a rating of 6 while still having 5 Essence or below.
So, in the grand tradition of bonus points to be given, I'll be giving out Bonus Points for building your Infernal only as follows.

Backstory including your acceptance of the Infernal Exaltation and what you did with it after you escaped the Chrysalis. Include the demon species that carried your Exaltation: 3 points

Pics of your character: 1 point per, up to three pics

At least a three paragraph fanfic of a previous act of villiany: 3 points per, up to 2 stories.

I will keep track of the extra BP in the first post of the creation thread.
Well my sheet is more or less done, it'll be up tomorrow.

However as I'm working on my background I've come into a snag. Before I just come up with a new demon, fluff wise, I'd like to see what demons are descended from SWLHN. If anyone could oblige I would be quite greatful.
The only canon First circle demons for SWLHN are


LUMINATA - Humanoid deer-people that live to hunt down humans

TOMESCU - A foggy cloud from which insectile limbs chaped like weapons emerge. Some cool flavour text from it that I'll copy down:

"It is said that at the moment of its birth, a tomescu knows the moment of its death. The image of its own mortality burned into its consciousness, each tomescu screams in pain twice a day. In Creation, this scream comes at dawn and dusk. In Malfeas, where the light of Ligier is unrelenting, the collective screams of the tomescu mark a transition from day to night that would otherwise be undetectable. Supposedly, one tomescu in 10,000 does not feel the compulsion to scream in agony over its fate. Of these, 99 out of 100 have been rendered feeble-minded by some means or else have accepted doom with equanimity. One out of 100 does not scream because it foresees the glorious destiny that awaits it. Other demons fear these sanguine tomescu above all other First Circle demons."

My Defiler is going with a Tomescu. BTW, all of the above are progeny of Octavian.
Nother question, would Resources count only towards Creation then? I ask because the feel I'm getting is that in Malfeas the GSP seems to have more or less a full 5-dot resource effect from all the gifts they are given.
Something of a delicate question - how do you feel about the Sexual Addiction derangement from the Lunars book? For obvious reasons, it fits one or both of my characters excellently. But for equally obvious reasons, it may not be entirely appropriate. Thoughts?
It's alright, although you're not getting any bonus points if you put it on your Infernal.
I need a ruling on a rather irritating question. First, the following text is from the Scroll of the Monk.

Most Sidereal martial arts styles are so difï¬cult and esoteric that only an Exalt with Martial Arts 5 and Essence 4 can learn their basic Charms. Anyone who wants to reach the Blossom of the Perfected Lotus must have spent years' date=' possibly decades, training her body, mind and Essence to the utmost reï¬nement. In theory, a Chosen of the Maidens could engage in all this training without studying any other supernatural combat, then start on a Sidereal art. In practice, no Sidereal attempts this. Sidereal sifus urge would-be martial artists to learn at least one Celestial style before they study Sidereal martial arts, just to practice controlling their Essence.Before a Sidereal can attain competence with a greater martial art—deï¬ned as learning a Sidereal style’s Form-type Charm—the Chosen of Fate must fully master some martial art from the Bulb of the Perfected Lotus. This martial art may be the Sidereals’ own characteristic ï¬ghting style, the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style (briefl y described in Exalted, p. 336, and in the Exalted Storytellers Companion, pp. 73–74), or one of the Celestial styles. Since a Sidereal martial artist must study a lower art eventually, she might as well start as soon as possible.[/quote']
However, Out of the eight Sidereal form styles presented in the book, two (Obsidian Shards of Infinity and Scarlet Patterned Battlefield) do not list a full Celestial Martial Arts among their prerequisites, while the other six do. My question is this. Can I, thanks to the incredible power of the Yozi and the irritating imprecision of the rules, start out knowing Obsidian Shard's form style? This is pretty much the only way for me to learn the style, since I'm... unlikely to find a Seifu capable and willing to teach it (Unless, of course, you'd let me take the Seifu background and have the Yozis have a pet Sidereal in Malfeas to teach her.) Also, it does say it's technically possible, it's just not done - perhaps the Yozi, when they were empowering Star with her incredibly potent essence, gave her a few other tweaks as well...

Edit: Oh, and I should add that I can't find any errata on the matter. If it were just one style, I'd be more suspicious that it was just bungling in the editing process, but given that it's two styles with the same missing prerequisite, I'm somewhat curious.
For those two styles, since they don't state it, no you do not need a Celestial style.
Its still not finished, as I have to work on the backstory and I have 2 BP as it is left to spend, but mechanics wise I'd like to have someone look over it.

Edit: And how could I forget, still need to pick up the charms/spells.

Edit 2: Quick question, what is the going rate for trading Charms for Spells. If I recall correctly it was 1 to 1, but it has been some time since I've made any exalt using sorcery and try as I might I can't find it in any of my books.
^You just take spells as some of your 10 starting charms. It's on a 1:1 basis.

Hmm, I was planning to use the Wyld-Shaping-Technique-with-a-different-name to do lots of crazy stuff in the downtime between GSP missions. On of them was building stuff, from crazy crystalline buildings to artefacts. If I'm using this charm to craft things out of Wyld energy, do I still need to meet the prequisites as laid out for normal crafting in the core and Oadenol's Codex?
Yes, you still require meeting the minimums.

However, the raising times are severely lowered.
Edited the post for my sidereal Akuma, Green Star. Both characters are now mostly finished - I'll be writing a bit more background and hopefully finding some pictures for Shai'tal, and allocating the rest of his BP, and Green Star still needs some background dots and a few things filled in, but they're getting close to done

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