OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

The Malefactor's up fully, and the Akuma just needs his background written up.

I actually managed to get something out of Dreambox for a character. This is a new experience for me.

...how many dots of Heart's Blood do I need to take for 2nd circle souls..? :)
I'm going to be closing to any new interest tomorrow. Please complete your sheets soon, and I will make selections in a couple/few days.
Will do! Can I get a bonus point update for my GSP? I think he should have enough stuff to qualify for 12 extra BP now (Background, 2 examples of Acts of Villany, 3 pics) and I'll need to allocate them before the deadline.
Hmm, I may be looking too hard to actually see it but I'm seeing only an xp cost for a mortal akuma to pick up charms, is there a bp somewhere I'm missing....?
I'm mostly finished with both characters now, barring anything you need me to change. I added stuff which I think is worth the bonus points, and allocated them appropriately. If it turns out they're not, I'll either fix it or take the points off.
Hmm' date=' I may be looking too hard to actually [i']see[/i] it but I'm seeing only an xp cost for a mortal akuma to pick up charms, is there a bp somewhere I'm missing....?
I'm sorry, how do you mean?
Hmm' date=' I may be looking too hard to actually [i']see[/i] it but I'm seeing only an xp cost for a mortal akuma to pick up charms, is there a bp somewhere I'm missing....?
You can buy charms from your patron Yozi as if they were Favored charms. You can't buy the charms of any other Yozi
Which of my two acts of villany weren't good enough to warrant the bonus points, or did you not notice that I put one of them in the personality section as an example of his personality?
Ladies, gentlemen, and spirits of all types.

Recruiting is closed. You've got 36-ish hours to finish your sheets, get your points spent, and make the appropriate sacrifices to the Yozi.
Added an act of villainy for Karst (well, possibly two if you allow the Szoreny one was involved as well, it's up to you though) and added backstory/ pic for Stelmar.

Also, spent karst's 5 bp on Holy Land Infliction, because no crazed desert Messiah worth his salt isn't gonna have that one.
Updated Adachi, the two anecdotes are included in the background, however if they don't meet the requirements I can come up with better ones.

I should have the Akuma finished before the deadline.

Edit: My Akuma should be done mechanically. I have to head to work in half an hour, but I should have the background finished before the deadline.
Alright, I'm assuming you infernal wannabes want to know who actually were offered Exaltation, and who the Exaltation was just a particularly vivid dream.

Well, I'm here to let you know.

WhiteKnight. You were not dreaming. The Ebon Dragon has blessed you.

Ligier. I am sorry, it was just a fantasy. She Who Lives in Her Name did not truly favor you.

The Demented One. Malfeas has offered you the abilities of a Monster, and you will become his Enlightenment.

Elmister. I am sorry, you have only crafted fantasy, not reality.

Gryffon. Your Akuma has been Urged to serve the Althing Infernal.

Chucho. Your Creations appease She Who Lives in Her Name. Your will shall design Creation's Hell.

Chaka. The Desert Sands have chosen you to be their voice among the mortals. Bring the glory of the Yozi to them.

So, WhiteKnight, Demented One, Gryffon, Chucho, and Chaka. Please put your character sheets into the character sheet subforum.

Please put your akuma in separate threads.

And one final note. Chucho? You need to find a few more bonus points for backgrounds. Dots 4 and 5 of a background costs 2 points apiece.
At the moment, it's personal preference. However, at least a couple people will have to start with akuma.

If everyone wants to start with Infernals, I'll make you all draw lots.
I'd prefer to start play as Karst, but it's up to the needs of the GM.

Incidentally, did I get any extra bonus points for Karst or Stelmar from the stuff I added?
I wouldn't mind starting with One-Hundred Eight Stones Shattered.

Lochar: I checked over both sheets to see what you were talking about, but everything seems to add up. If you were talking about Adachi all his BP's add up proper like. If you were talking about 108, Demonic Patron and Demonic Inheritance both start at 5 for Akumas.

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