OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

Sure, flavor one. It's a First Circle demon, and I'll stat up the normal, you can find summon this version of it, along with abilities.

And I'm working on Sandsula as well. :)
I should probably have my character done sometime tonight, I say probably because I just rented Wanted: Weapons of Fate so I want to get at least part way through that game.
Just realized I hadn't actually chimed in that I'm interested, still looking through the book so no concept yet...Though I'm thinking mortal sorcerer for my Akuma, I'm not sure as I'm only now reading the fluff side of the book and have yet to get to the crunch......
Good to have your interest. :)

You've got plenty of time. Mortal akuma will be built using Heroic mortal rules. No akuma extras. :P
So is it just me, or are our Akuma going to be, at least to start with, on par with or more powerful than the GSP's, just because they get 30 free bonus points to start with as a result of automatically getting 30 free bonus points plus whatever you take from negative mutations? I've only briefly read up on them, so I very well may be missing some huge flaw (besides the relative lack of free will, of course.)
Quick question regarding character creation. I'm currently refined the character to be a Defiler who is focusing on Crafting/Sorcery, which is going to require a little work in retuning the spells once I decide on which Yozi I plan on focusing on. What I'm attempting for, eventually of course, is a GSP who can craft and maintain a Hellstrider as well as being a magical back up in the field, and to top it all off, eventually create my own demon races through Craft (Genesis). However what I'm stuck on is what abilities are necessary for to craft a Hellstrider. I know Craft (Vitirol) will need to be at 5, as well as Occult, but I'm still working my way through the book.
The lack of free will is a big thing.

You won't be able to do much unless commanded to do so, and once commanded, you'll have issues with stopping unless the command given to you also includes a way to stop.

Not to mention with as many negative mutations some seem to want to take, you'll stick out horribly.

As for crafting a Hellstrider, it has the same requirements as crafting a warstrider, with the exception that you require Craft (Vitriol) at the same level as Occult.
Lochar said:
The lack of free will is a big thing.
You won't be able to do much unless commanded to do so, and once commanded, you'll have issues with stopping unless the command given to you also includes a way to stop.

Not to mention with as many negative mutations some seem to want to take, you'll stick out horribly.

As for crafting a Hellstrider, it has the same requirements as crafting a warstrider, with the exception that you require Craft (Vitriol) at the same level as Occult.
I don't plan on taking any unless they happen to really, really fit the concept. Just buying mutations to have mutations always reeks of min-maxing to me.
I'm leaning that way with the dozens of points of mutations sitting on one of the akuma at the moment, that were used to abuse a Lunar.

Oh, and you said that we had to create Sidereals as Ronin, right? That means no SMA, at least not without burning bonus points in them. Damn, just looking at the Sidereal book, being Ronin Really cuts down the points.

Can I make a suggestion? Perhaps if one chooses to make a Sidereal Akuma, one can choose to be either Ronin or have the character once have been a servant of Heaven and gain the advantages thereof. However, Heaven is also aware that you went rogue, so your character is known and actively hunted unless they can stay off heaven's radar while in Creation. The advantage to being Ronin is that, while one is weaker, one also never came under Heaven's service, so they're unaware of your current status as Akuma.

as I've said, I'm not perfectly familiar with the rules, so I don't know if this is a fair idea or not. Just a suggestion.
Mmmm...I'm honestly not sure -what- I want to play anymore. I can't seem to get strong images is my head, or they crumble mid-character creation.


(Also, is it just me or is the Experience version of Akuma-dom much better than the Bonus Point one...at least, if you're planning on Essence Raising.)
Gryffon said:
Mmmm...I'm honestly not sure -what- I want to play anymore. I can't seem to get strong images is my head, or they crumble mid-character creation.

(Also, is it just me or is the Experience version of Akuma-dom much better than the Bonus Point one...at least, if you're planning on Essence Raising.)
It seems that way. But I assume we're supposed to use the character creation method, even though it would seem to make more sense to always use the Experience method. After all, no one actually starts as an Akuma, they all end up being granted that status, whether it was before the game started or not.

Can the Jadeborn become Akuma? Or, for that matter, the Dragon Kings? Are there Paths of Infernal Mastery, just waiting to be uncovered?
That makes sense WhiteKnight.

You may start ronin and be out from underneath heaven's guns, or with and be gunned for.
Lochar said:
That makes sense WhiteKnight.
You may start ronin and be out from underneath heaven's guns, or with and be gunned for.
Cool, thanks. I'm not sure what I'll do, but perhaps I can find a way to bamboozle fate enough to make it worth starting out as Heaven's puppet. Surely I can avoid ol' Carjack and pals with enough of the Ebon Dragon's legendary trickery!
WhiteKnight777 said:
Gryffon said:
Mmmm...I'm honestly not sure -what- I want to play anymore. I can't seem to get strong images is my head, or they crumble mid-character creation.

(Also, is it just me or is the Experience version of Akuma-dom much better than the Bonus Point one...at least, if you're planning on Essence Raising.)
It seems that way. But I assume we're supposed to use the character creation method, even though it would seem to make more sense to always use the Experience method. After all, no one actually starts as an Akuma, they all end up being granted that status, whether it was before the game started or not.
Ironically enough, on further inspection the Bonus Points model is double-damning because it assumes that the lowered traits are always favored. So you get 3 BP for an Attribute, even though only Lunars can pay 3 BP for an Attribute and even then only a favored one at that.
Gryffon said:
WhiteKnight777 said:
Gryffon said:
Mmmm...I'm honestly not sure -what- I want to play anymore. I can't seem to get strong images is my head, or they crumble mid-character creation.

(Also, is it just me or is the Experience version of Akuma-dom much better than the Bonus Point one...at least, if you're planning on Essence Raising.)
It seems that way. But I assume we're supposed to use the character creation method, even though it would seem to make more sense to always use the Experience method. After all, no one actually starts as an Akuma, they all end up being granted that status, whether it was before the game started or not.
Ironically enough, on further inspection the Bonus Points model is double-damning because it assumes that the lowered traits are always favored. So you get 3 BP for an Attribute, even though only Lunars can pay 3 BP for an Attribute and even then only a favored one at that.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that's more about making sure people don't minmax completely - I.E. have all your social stats at 1 and all your physical at 6 :roll:
WhiteKnight777 said:
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that's more about making sure people don't minmax completely - I.E. have all your social stats at 1 and all your physical at 6 :roll:
This is Exalted. Min-Maxing of that sort is already it's own punishment, because eventually--rather quickly--you're either going to run into effects that don't care how many dice you can throw, or you're going to get stuck in a situation you can't swipe your way out of.
Also, create an akuma using the rules of Investiture of Infernal Glory.
That's from the OP. Does that mean we're supposed to use the Experience bonus model, I assume? Rather than the "Quick and Dirty" rules, which apply bonus points.
Interesting. At least you know they've had it planned for a while, and it's not a sudden "Hey, this would be cool!" thing.
Lochar said:
Interesting. At least you know they've had it planned for a while, and it's not a sudden "Hey, this would be cool!" thing.
It's been around...well, since 1E, really. It's one of the older plothooks that miraculously never developed into a Metaplot in that edition, largely because it never had an Infernals splat.
Lochar said:
Interesting. At least you know they've had it planned for a while, and it's not a sudden "Hey, this would be cool!" thing.
Indeed. I was thinking the same thing. On another note - Since I assume Akuma Sidereals can no longer contact the pattern spiders to mess around with destinies, is it OK to just convert the college dots one gets at the beginning to bonus points as if they were backgrounds?
No, Heaven Sidereals get enough points to burn for BP that I really don't think you need 7 BP more.

Besides, if you succeed with turning Creation into Hell, the pattern spiders would have to accept your destinies anyways. What's one more hellish thing on top of the rest?

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