[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Tome said:
Jukashi: Far enough that you aren't getting to it unless you fly there.
That sounds like a challenge. Or a taunt, since I've deliberately avoided getting Fury more forms. Well, she could hitch a lift with Rowan.

But you know for future reference, she can jump 20 - 28 yards straight up, depending on how you rule Excellency-based Strength boosting vs. the "double + double" rule. That's 60+ feet. More, with stunting, and add another three/six yards in RLF thanks to the increased dice cap. Double that distance horizontally. Add to that the height of the mast she can run up, and other ways that I can be creative...

How high is too high, Tome? How high?
Lol, Juk, don't tempt him.

And, yeah, thank you. I was mainly asking because that spell drained a good portion of Essence. :P

2x(D10+0): 2 3 = 0 successes

So, no more successes to the JB (not that I need them anyhow :P ), but 4m regained is always fun.
A ship will hardly sink with 118,613 (minus Aleph's volume) litres of water inside it. And excesses will leak through the windows anyway.

Edit: actually, that's about 118 tons of water, which will most certainly sink any Second Age wooden ship. I guess I didn't think about that. Actually, when the spell dissipates, it'll probably create an overflow of water that could destroy the wooden walls. I... didn't think about that either. Anyway, it'd be destroyed anyway.

P.S.: I had never realized the destructive potential of this spell.
You're talking about how water you'd generate using Impervious Sphere of Water? Yeah, that's not even close to being enough to make it sink. The extra weight might make it lilt for a moment, yeah, but that's about all it will do.
Edited my post. Unless I did something calculation very badly, it'll create 118 cubic metres of water, which is 118 tons...

Edit: is Sharewood's Warstrider aquatic?
Only for the duration of the spell. Which would indicate that it does have weight, it's just kept suspended in the air by the effect of the spell.
Hope not. I think that lies in Tome's hands. The spell kind of says that after concentration stops, the water becomes normal water and falls.
Does a normal Manta even have enough space for that many warstriders and exalts, mortals for long times?
It is, however, just large enough to transport the entire Circle and their Warstriders.

It's also perfect for dropping a small squad deep in enemy territory. (Please do this. I have an awesome scene I want to do.)
That would be cool... you just have to leave behind your minions... Muahahahahahahaha....

Althou, it doesn't quite seem to make sense...

30 meters long, 20 meters wide that is mostly wings, tail, and engines...

Outsode of that, you've got a cramped bridge for 5, and a single cargo hold; which allows you to carry 2 curled up warstriders and a talon of infantry... (or comparable cargo)...

A talon... which is 125 men, in armor, and with weaponary. How do they squeeze that many people in there? :D
Oooh, I can't wait to send you guys up against the Silver Prince's forces.

I've got two good npcs to throw at you, and I really want to use them already.

Seriously, I'm having to make Temperance rolls not to tell you about them. And we all know how few dice I'm rolling for that.
It is the deadly Ocean Pearl whose been captured and molested into becoming an Abyssal! oh noes!
Can I have extra xp first, plx?

By the way, I think I forgot to ask, how much xp would I need to give up for the warstrider I made? Are we still using the generous terms you set out at character creation, or do I need to pay full price?
Haku said:
It is the deadly Ocean Pearl whose been captured and molested into becoming an Abyssal! oh noes!
Actually, they are Erosc, a Night Caste who uses a Soulsteel Windblade as his weapon of choice, and Fenrir, an Elder Full Moon who will feed you to his uber-Familiar. (Blanked out)

And yes, Jukashi, those generous terms are still in effect.

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