[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

True, it just seems like something that's pretty critical to me. I apologize if I seemed like a dick there. >_>
Well, with the DV of my target, I can then roll damage with my to hit roll instead of having to wait for a day or two.

Silly me, wanting to speed things along. :roll:
Sherwood said:
Well, with the DV of my target, I can then roll damage with my to hit roll instead of having to wait for a day or two.
Silly me, wanting to speed things along. :roll:
Tome said:
Glass River
DV 4 (-3)

Soak 23L/25B

Damage 4L
I had it posted on the previous page. Sorry, I should have reposted it.
Courtesan would likely report to a few choice Sids and Gods to let them know the situation. That and to mention details about the demons of course, perhaps to do some quick research on the 2nd Circle Demon accompanying her.
Coyotekin said:
Courtesan would likely report to a few choice Sids and Gods to let them know the situation. That and to mention details about the demons of course, perhaps to do some quick research on the 2nd Circle Demon accompanying her.
Our unknown friend, for simplicity known currently as "Theran," will try something, yes. Maybe later tonight when I'm not so damn busy. :P
I think your actions will hardly change Aleph's, but I'll probably post only in the late afternoon (GMT) anyway.
At least it's not like Mnemon is summoning 3rd circle demons to warm her bed, y'know... :D
Off with his head!

What precisely do you need to do to cut off someone's head, anyway? Some sort of attack, obviously, but just jamming a blade through someone's neck and then pulling it off seems like it might be complex. Perhaps a called shot + Strength + Athletics roll? Some sort of grapple? Is he completely helpless or just full of ridiculous penalties?
Heck, you have him with major ownage. Add his puny skull to your collection for your throne!
I think decapitation, being a cosmetic effect, should not be covered by special rulings. If you kill him, you probably can choose to take his head of, I guess.
Oh. I get it. That's clever, really. Excuse me if I do not quite appreciate it. -.-

The underwater penalty is on page 155 of the Exalted 2E main book. It crosses the two columns, in fact. "While underwater, characters suffer a -2 external penalty to appropriate Dexterity or movement-based rolls unless they are aquatic or amphibious by nature."

Fury's DV was inapplicable anyway, but... oh well.


She can pull a trick or two of her own. At the point your DB makes his move, all she has done is use her Move. She can still act. And she hasn't used a Charm yet this tick. :twisted:
Eh, it wouldn't have made much difference. I can reroll it, but it'll probably end up being a better roll. All the same, thanks for pointing that out for me.

I'm evil, aren't I? :twisted:
Hmm, I wonder... if he did make the attempt to keep his sword maybe he'd get an additional penalty to his Dodge DV? Ah well, never mind.

By the way, what's your policy on elemental surcharges? I know it's not applicable in this case, but i'd still like to know.
The 1-mote surcharge on out-of-aspect Charms. Some STs make an exception to them for favoured Charms, or for excellencies, or whathaveyou. I just want to know, since I'm targeting DBs a lot, whether the tactic of making them fight "outside their aspect", as it were, is an effective one for making them go through their motes quicker.
Most DBs tend to focus their main combat charms in their aspect abilities for that very reason.

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