[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Reminds me... I gotta pick up some Lunar Hero Charms and some more Martial Arts... 's well as Claws of the Silver Moon...
Jukashi said:
I'm just wondering if Tiger Style might be more apropos for Fury's idiom. What do you think?
Lunar Hero Style is frikkin good. Plus, you can't use Tiger Style while in a Warstrider.
I'm just wondering, should I retcon Fury's motivation if Tome allows it? As it is, it's kinda too vague to actually have an affect on the game, and too abstract to suit her personality.
Jukashi said:
I'm just wondering, should I retcon Fury's motivation if Tome allows it? As it is, it's kinda too vague to actually have an affect on the game, and too abstract to suit her personality.
What were you thinking of changing it to?
Well, that depends. How closely are you enforcing the "Lunar Motivations are all about defense" rule? See, Fury has always had a protective urge, but the way it translates into action and emotional payoff is complicated. It'd be much simpler to have something like "Crush the Realm" rather than "Protect Creation by destroying the society of the Realm that keeps people from reaching their full strength."

See, when she was human, she was obviously a heroic mortal, but she wasn't a Dragon-Blood so there was only so far she could go, see? That made her frustrated and made her habitual anger much worse. So then, when she exalted, she found out the Realm was a bunch of usurpers too weak to protect the world, and, importantly, unwilling to allow people to become any stronger, so she decided she'd tear it all down. Ultimately, the driving emotion is a defensive one, with a bunch of old frustrations and more personal feelings mixed in, but that's all a bit complex to easily figure out in terms of mechanical effect, so I thought maybe I could condense it down.
Cool. Now that Tome has returned, I can finally see what happened with my flying (literal) tackle, end the fight, and spend a butt-load of xp on Rowan.
Ask questions in here Sherwood, not in IC. Please? :P

Lol and btw, roll your dice FIRST, then subtract the DV from your successes.

EDIT: Wait... Aren't you an ST? :shock:

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