[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Ok, Kendik's history is done. I took some liberty in relation to some details I didn't know. I think it'd be nice if The Scorp could read it (since he'll be playing Amayana).
My first thought was that most of his profile is actually for a Resplandent Destiny. He is actually a Sidereal of Secrets. As far as I can recall, we didn't see him using any Solar charms.

Arthur said:
My first thought was that most of his profile is actually for a Resplandent Destiny. He is actually a Sidereal of Secrets. As far as I can recall, we didn't see him using any Solar charms.
I doubt Fury knows anything either, unless "The Chosen of the Stars and how they're ALWAYS WATCHING! 101" is part of standard Lunar education.

She has the Wits Excellency, so she could remember, if she's in a position to see it. She is sort of focused, and in the sea. On which point, GEE I SURE HOPE I GOT HIT BY THAT GIANT BEAM OF ESSENCE.
[bad joke]

His name is Fucker? It's the only bad word I can think of with 6 letters...

[/bad joke]

Also, Aleph won't remember. Dif 4 in 3(?) consecutive rolls is kinda hard when you've only 6 dice.

And that leads us to questions, like what he was doing when he left us on the island...

Don't forget the internal penalty you suffer equal to his Essence... >_>

And don't worry, the consecutive rolls are only for remembering the event permanently. Once success on the roll is all that's necessary to recall it for a scene.
Jukashi said:
I doubt Fury knows anything either, unless "The Chosen of the Stars and how they're ALWAYS WATCHING! 101" is part of standard Lunar education.
She has the Wits Excellency, so she could remember, if she's in a position to see it. She is sort of focused, and in the sea. On which point, GEE I SURE HOPE I GOT HIT BY THAT GIANT BEAM OF ESSENCE.
Actually, yes, "The Chosen of the Stars and how they're ALWAYS WATCHING! 101" is part of the standard Lunar education. Though that's about all they tell you. You know that they exist, that they use Starmetal, they took part in the Usurption and they work the Loom Of Fate. They have some connection to the Realm which allows them to send out Wlyd Hunts, but you have no idea what. That is literally all you know. Oh, and their Caste Marks if you can make a Difficulty 3 Intelligence+Lore roll or Difficulty 4 Intelligence+Occult roll.
I have a question... would Mnemon tell her children about the Star Anathema and how they're WATCHING everyone like bad voyeurs?
Haku said:
I have a question... would Mnemon tell her children about the Star Anathema and how they're WATCHING everyone like bad voyeurs?
No, but she would have dropped little hints. Aria knows about there being another, very sneaky type of Clestial Exalt that has ties to the Realm and that they're the ones who sometimes loan the Wyld Hunt those nice shiny Starmetal Warstriders, but that's it.
Tome said:
Actually, yes, "The Chosen of the Stars and how they're ALWAYS WATCHING! 101" is part of the standard Lunar education. Though that's about all they tell you. You know that they exist, that they use Starmetal, they took part in the Usurption and they work the Loom Of Fate. They have some connection to the Realm which allows them to send out Wlyd Hunts, but you have no idea what. That is literally all you know. Oh, and their Caste Marks if you can make a Difficulty 3 Intelligence+Lore roll or Difficulty 4 Intelligence+Occult roll.
Well, I'll worry about that when I'm sure she's had the opportunity to look, unless you'd like me to roll it now. But does this mean she actually knows what starmetal looks like? Because then she'd have something to say about that warstrider. Rowan would too, and he'd be more loreful than Fury.
Jukashi said:
Well, I'll worry about that when I'm sure she's had the opportunity to look, unless you'd like me to roll it now. But does this mean she actually knows what starmetal looks like? Because then she'd have something to say about that warstrider. Rowan would too, and he'd be more loreful than Fury.
Yes, they would. But Starmetal Warstriders do show up in Wyld Hunts every so often. As far you know, that might very well be a Water Aspect with a weird Anima piloting that that thing.
Tome said:
Haku said:
I have a question... would Mnemon tell her children about the Star Anathema and how they're WATCHING everyone like bad voyeurs?
No, but she would have dropped little hints. Aria knows about there being another, very sneaky type of Clestial Exalt that has ties to the Realm and that they're the ones who sometimes loan the Wyld Hunt those nice shiny Starmetal Warstriders, but that's it.
Tame anathema? :D
Hey Sherwood, I'm wondering... Did Rowan miss what just happened to Theran? And how he really isn't Theran? Or is he just ignoring that fact right now because of the larger, much more dangerous crazed Sid in a Warstrider?

Btw, grapple Ftw. :D
Some was the focus on the bigger target, the other, he's in the middle of a Relentless Lunar Fury Charm, and is more focused on his enemies, and making sure that his friends don't get taken out. Knowing how tough it is to hurt a Warstrider, he didn't think you would have much of a chance to stop her if she kept going batshit crazy on you, but he wanted to try not to kill her and make you go postal. Hopefully, it all works.

Besides, I still remember my last 'oops' using Theran's name when I don't know him as Mr. T. 8)
Which, by the way, isn't necessarily his real name, even.

Heh, I'm liking this Sidereal thing. It'll be very interesting, later on.

If Aleph survives, that is.

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