[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Sherwood said:
In that particular attack, the damn Siddie cheated anyways.
What else did you expect? All Siddies do is cheat and kung-fu.

And yes, this will be a very messy Tick, though Arthur is back and can take Aleph out of Guard anytime he likes.
The waves of her anima carry her immense form, mighty fist heedless of his blade leading the way, to catch him full in the front and push him, both of them, through the broken wood and off into the water.
Arthur will do so as soon as he figures how Aleph could be useful. Don't worry, I'll post today, I'm just trying to figure out some nice action.

By the way, people, sorry again for my lack of activity. I know how anti-gaming it is to leave a PbP for half a month. I'd just like to apologize.

Tome, here are my limit dice:

30/07/2008 03:49:10 - Aleph

Dados Rolados: 3

Número Alvo: 7

Número de Sucessos: 0

Ação: Limit Dice
Sorry that took so long... >_>

BTW, I unfortunately have some business to attend to this weekend. It just came up without notice, and I can't miss it. Apologies, I'll be back mid-afternoon EST Sunday.
Hehe, I know Sherwood. No worries on that one. But Theran will try to convince Rowan to stop fighting River. He won't apply force, but things will get hairy if River does die. :P
I've been watching a lot of Gurren Lagann lately, so I'm thinking of taking advantage of your generous xp-artifact rules to get myself something really special. Artifact 5, definitely, with other systems too.

Just gimme a while to write it up.
Hehe, that's very true. Doesn't FWF already have a Warstrider though? I thought she had a Moonsilver Noble...
But it hasn't appeared yet. There's still time to upgrade, particularly when my FA self would have considered the one I have to be such poor fare. :P

Or I could just have two! The idea I'm toying with is that maybe the one I have listed already is the one that belonged to my FA character's "twin". I was content to stay with that - after all, it is an impressive artifact in itself, and more likely to somehow escape in the Usurpation - but I'm sort of all riled up now, and have a bunch of neat ideas for a Royal.
Watching now. :D

In any case, I can make it for my FA character anyway, and then maybe it'll turn up in the main game, if it is in accordance with the will of Tome. ;)
Hey Sherwood, I just remembered something... I thought I'd mention that neither Rowan or anyone else in our group knows that Wistful Architect's name is actually Theran Faye. That's something he has yet to tell any of you. >_>

I know that I more frequently call him Theran in my posts. Actually, it's most of the time. I'm sorry for any confusion that causes, I've been trying to get away from that as of late. >_<
Oops. Sorry. We will use the magic of 'I meant to do that' to rewind time and make it like it never happened!

Or, I'll edit my post and try not to use Theran's name again. :lol:
I'm typing up the next post, and I'm wondering, does anyone know if there are any special rules for underwater combat?
God, I'm sure there is.


Swimming speed is half your Move speed rounded down, you might drown, that's all I can think of off hand. They might be mentioned in the Water Aspect power, or one of the Hearthstones in Oadenal's Codex, I think there was a spell in the B&W treatise that wraps you in seaweed so you can move underwater and there was Armor of Aquatic Pussiance somewhere that might have mentioned it.
Core Book, page 155. After listing the penalties for water you can stand in, it goes on to say what's required to keep your head above water in rough conditions, which doesn't really apply here, I think. Then it goes on to say:

Characters swimming underwater must hold their breath unless they have gills or magic that allows for breathing underwater. However, they can simply act and move without flurrying to stay afloat (though flurrying may be necessary to fight strong currents). While underwater, characters suffer a -2 external penalty to appropriate Dexterity or movement-based rolls unless they are aquatic or amphibious by nature. Certain weapons such as bows and wide bludgeoning instruments do not work underwater because of resistance, as determined by the Storyteller.
Not exactly complete rules, but effective enough. -2 external penalty is pretty hefty. I myself would also say it's a bad idea to wear armour underwater, but that's me, and I believe I may be biased. :twisted:
Armor underwater tends to be a bad idea if you're not a water aspect or someone with gills like a Lunar... or a wyld mutant or some such....
His Dragon Armour does have an hour's supply of air... but, sadly, an earlier attack of Fury's did some damage to his faceplate. Does it still work?

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