[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Sorry, I was posting during my lunch break at work. Didn't have time to answer all the posts.

I'll get to it now.
Tome, you edited your post... :P

By the way, did my defence stunt back there count as successful or not, for the purposes of mote regain? It blocked two attacks but let two through, so I can't tell.
Is Arthur still incognitio? He's next up in the fight, and if I remember correctly, he posted that he's out of the loop for a few weeks. :(
Gah! Yes, he left me an action to write up.

I'll get on that as soon as I'm done with Team Realm... this damn post is proving tricky to get right. :?
Right, I've bought one dot more in Dex and Stamina, that's my maximum... until I get that nice DotFA limit-upping Charm, anyway. :twisted:

So note that Fury's soaks and DVs have all gone up by 1.
Tome said:
Gah! Yes, he left me an action to write up.
I'll get on that as soon as I'm done with Team Realm... this damn post is proving tricky to get right. :?
It's Mnemon, isn't it? :D

Just remember, a young-looking Mnemon is always more fun. Especially if she looks younger than Aria. :lol:
Yes, Mnemon is problematic. And if I recall, she hasn't physically aged a day since she was 16. She had a nasty accident at school. :P

There's actually a picture of her in the Core, P. 48, dressed in purple in the bottom left. At least, I assume that's her.

That's one of the... worse pictures of her around.

I recommend looking at the earth aspect book cover. Or page 32 of the core, or page 114 of the DB book.
Tome said:
She's not on P. 32, that's the Roseblack. I never realised that was her on P. 114 though...
My bad that should be 132... ^_^ ;

She is the 'signature earth aspect' ^_-
To be honest, I HATE the way she looks on the cover of Aspect Book: Earth. Words cannot describe. In the Core rulebook, the image of her ordering around the Erymanthoi on the manse construction is great IMO. She still looks young, but it captures her personality really well. No wrinkles or anything, so how could you say she's not? There's at least one in Oadenol's Codex under the Manse/Demense section that's also good, and there's a few in the White Treatise that aren't bad either. The whole age thing is kinda moot with Exalted anyways.
Hmm... After doing some checking I've found that the plan of attack Arthur left me is completely unfeasible, mostly due to the fact that it takes 20 minutes to Attune an Artifact, and thus it cannot be done in mid fight.

Since I don't quite know what to do with Aleph now, and the fact that I hate having to NPC your characters, I'll probably just stick him on Guard.

Now, onto Glass River.
fhgwdads05 said:
He couldn't attune with a proper stunt? I mean, anythings possible with a stunt.. :P
Maybe. If it were really good.

But he's not here to write said stunt. He's just given me a general outline of what he'd like to do, and I'm not writing up his stunt.
Tome said:
Maybe. If it were really good.
But he's not here to write said stunt. He's just given me a general outline of what he'd like to do, and I'm not writing up his stunt.
Of course :D .

Jukashi said:
So, what's Glass River doing?
That's what I'd like to know too, and even more importantly, what Rowan is doing in response.... >_>
By the way, if the Dragon-Blood tries to use his Move to chase after Fury, she's going to lead him on a merry chase. A little taunting is always fun!
Got it.

Sorry I'm being so slow with the replies lately folks. I've been trying to get back in my art grove.

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