[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

So, who's up next in the fight now that the evil, mean, and nasty ST made me miss my awesomely executed attack of awesomeness?
We are waiting for the description of FWF's attack so that Aleph can act. I sended Aleph's action to Tome yesterday, so it won't take long, probably.
I will hear none of your excuses! Get back to work! <whipcrack>
Suddenly, the Unconquered Sun himself appears from the heavens, smiting Rowan out of existence in a blaze of Solar Essence before vanishing as soon as he arrived.
Here's a teaser. :P
So, what do I need to do to write up a new character? :shock:

Seriously, just in case Rowan gets fragged by the Starmetal Warstrider.
Yep. It pops out of the airship's hold after Rowan strafes and misses a ground target. It's flying around with a big-ass Essence cannon, and I'm hoping to be able to hold my own against it.
How many BPs do Legendary backgrounds cost? Kendik will spend 13-16 BPs on Backgrounds, it seems.

Tome, he will have a few Spirit Charms (Essence Plethora, Principle of Motion, maybe... the basic). What are your thoughts on Destiny Sponsorship (RoGD, pg. 164)?
It costs 2BP to raise the background from 5 to Legendary, and 1BP for anything under that.

Destiny Sponsorship... go for it. Remember the taboos though.

Rowan, don't worry too much. The Starmetal Warstrider is piloted by a less-than-optimised Archery Sid. It might be tough, but she's not overpowering.
What is the holdup on the fight? Are we still waiting for Jukashi to finish his post?
We are waiting for Tome to describe the results of Jukashi's actions. He will also post my action, I believe, as I've sent it to him.
Yeah. The whole post is really lengthy and confusing, as it involves I think five different folks making seperate actions, and I almost had it finished... but then my laptop crashed. So I have to retype it.

Also, I'm reading through the Sidereal Charms. Why must they be so non-sensical?
They're not non-sensical, they just take a different approach to understand and make use of. The Charms represent their Exalt well. I do know where you're coming from though, as it took me a while to start to get them too. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
I think I'm beginning to get Sidereal Charms, but I don't know if I'll ever unravel astrology.
Jukashi said:
I think I'm beginning to get Sidereal Charms, but I don't know if I'll ever unravel astrology.
If it's any help, it's like a billion times less complicated in 2E*

*This coming from someone who completly got the 1e description and can't understand why everyone else didn't get it. I must have a specialty in Lore (Complicated Rule Systems +3)
Heh, why do you think it's a 3-Die Stunt. He's channeling Chejo... Er, Ten Winds. :P

Also, silly me not noticing that Arthur still needed to roll his dice.
Sorry, I didn't notice too. Will I need to roll anything for the disruption of attention?

I thought the defence was before my attack, by the way...
One thing I forgot to mention, with the amount of Essence I've spent, my anima effect is up, giving a -1 external penalty to see me. It may not be much, but that little bit may make the difference and save my bacon against the other Warstrider.
The -1 external penalty is spiffy, when you think about it. Successes always trumps die, when it comes to penalties, which is what an external penalty.
The reduced cost on spells while its up is nice, too.

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