[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Yes, but no using the Eye Of Autobot to juggle with.

...and I'm trying to do several different things at once here.

Note to self: Take Many-Armed Monkey Style as soon as possible.
EoA is like one of a kind...

Nah... you COULD have a Titan under your underling's command...
I really don't mean to rain on Jukashi's parade before it even begins, but Tome, don't defenders always win? Meaning, you have to beat your opponent's DV to hit, not just equal it?

Gah, Sleep.

I'll get to it in the morning, when several days worth of sleep deprivation aren't getting to me.
I intended for this to be an unexpected attack, actually, so he shouldn't have a DV at all. If it was successful. She was hiding underwater, so I assumed they wouldn't know she was there.
Hey, wouldn't you have to roll for that Unexpected Attack (Dex + Stealth vs targets Wits + Awareness)? >_>

I know, I know, one thing after another! :P
Isn't that just for establishing surprise? She was already in the water when combat started.

In other news, I think my FA character is going to be quite, quite interesting. I'm filling her up with plot hooks for you, Tome. :wink:
Nah, all Unexpected Attacks have a roll-off. Unless you have some sort of Charm that says otherwise, of course.
Oh! Ok... I'll go roll, damage, then.

And regain a bunch of motes from Might-Bolstering Blow. :D
Which is obviously the most awesome Terrestrial Martial Art ever.

It kinda sucks that Lunars don't get Hungry Tiger Technique/Five-Dragon Force Blow style Charm. It'd be thematically appropriate, I believe.
Meh, they get stuff that makes FDFB look like poop on a stick. A Hungry Tiger Tech equivalent isn't totally out of the question, though Impressions of Strength is pretty close in power, especially considering the Fury-OK Keyword.
fhgwdads05 said:
Meh, they get stuff that makes FDFB look like poop on a stick. A Hungry Tiger Tech equivalent isn't totally out of the question, though Impressions of Strength is pretty close in power, especially considering the Fury-OK Keyword.
True, a combination of Ogre's Loving Caress (my favourite) and the one that adds three dice of damage can be really powerful, but there's nothing like combining it with Mantis Style's Hungry Tiger-like charm.
Rock to Pebbles Attitude. Damn, I didn't think of that combination. That's pretty brutal, especially when applying those edges multiple times. *steals* :twisted:
Yeah, I had a Changing Moon Caste who used that Combo. Of course, few things beat the good ol' Lightning Stroke+Burrowing Devil Strike (W/ Concumptive Worm Hungers)+Shell-Crushing Atemi.

Nothing short of a Perfect Defence will do you any good against it. :D

Throw in that damage Combo and Claws of The Silver Moon, along with Twin-Fang Strike and you've got yourself an instant-death combo.

Don't you just love how Twin-Fang Strike doesn't require you to pay for the charms the second time around?

If you're playing with DotFA, you can add in Greedy Mosquito Bite to boot to double the attack again.

I call it "Exploding Silver Heart Technique". :D
Whoa. Damn lol, that's a nice DB-Killer. :P Though against Celestials you'd have to catch them off guard, or they'll be making you waste motes. Either way, that's pretty damn ridiculous.
There's an opponent I mentioned way back when that possesses a version of it called "Exploding Stolen Heart Technique". Suffice to say, he's tough.

The theoretical overkill version though, was intended for opponents who are sufficiently powerful to challenge Elder Exalts, but don't possess Perfect Defences, like the strongest of Behemoths.

Unyielding Laughter's FA incarnation, A'Miel the Psycho-Loli in a plugsuit, possesses a version that's even nastier.

Of course, can anyone imagine a Twilight with that combo and Zeal? He'd kill the US in one blow (repeated several times over thanks to Lunar Charms).

Oh, and curse you people for making me write this out. Have you seen what the IC post I have to make up consists of?

(DB defends)

(Vor'en attacks)

(Aleph defends)

(Aleph attacks)

(Gunzosha defends)

(Glass River attacks)

(Tome swears vehemently)
Tome said:
You only dealt 1L?
Haku just did 20L with a DB.

I guess Warstriders count for a lot, eh?
Actually it's 25. I forgot to roll the extra successes. :lol:

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