[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

A scale of Realm commandos and a couple of Immaculate monks.

Very hostile.

On the plus side, looting the bodies may be profitable.
HEre are some questions on Warstider mechanics that I don't readily see in my book.

It requires a minimum of a 3 dot hearthstone to activate. If you use a larger one, or more than one, does it decrease the attunement cost?

Second, since I am operating a Noble-class, its systems are primarily made from Moonsilver. So, would my Charm Armor Forming TEchnique work to add an additional layer of protection? The same for the Claws of the Silver Moon.
Hmm... Yes, I believe that a Moonsilver Warstrider is still Moonsilver Armour, so Armour Forming Technique stacks.

As for the Hearthstone issue, no, you receive no additional benefit for using a higher-rated Hearthstone.

Also, do we have an official description of what Adamant looks like?
Like glass, basically. As far as I've gathered.

Can you remind me, what did you decide the commitment cost for the Lunar Regeneration Charms were as Gifts? I think I forgot to incorporate them into my combat stats when I bought them.
Adamant is glass-like, and very fragile. That's it downside; too easily shattered.
But there's also adamant that's described as being invulnerable, such as in the wall of Yu-Shan. According to DotFA, though, its invincibility isn't to do with its material, as it can be drained away to somewhere else.
I believe it was 3m for Halting The Scarlet Flow, and the normal 2m for Bruise-Relief Method.

And I was talking about the unbreakable sort of Adamantium. Barring a better description, I'm gonna say it looks like dark-grey glass.
I'd always imagined Adamant to be a crystal-like material; incredibly strong, and quite sharp when used on edges. In a sidebar on page 88, Lords of Creation gives the listed mechanical benefits it provides.
Cylons? Whaaa?

By the way... Don't we PM Join Battle rolls to Tome? Or is that just Perception + Awareness? >_>
Tome said:
Regardless, it draws to a sudden halt over the harbour, the heat and wind from it's engines streaming down as four panels on each side flip open, revealing the troops within. Five of them are clad in Gunzosha armour, wielding finely made pikes. Of the rest, one is clad in stylised red armour, marked with the symbols of Hesiah, wielding an equally crimson blade. He makes a strange hand gesture, decodable to Five Waves as an order to attack, and he and his men leap from the transport, crashing into the stone pier and leaving small craters from the impact. They rise, and a small red light flickers from one side of their visors to the other.
I liked the buying Artifacts rule. So, Warstriders still get the usual discounts? If you bought an Artifact 4 warstrider, it'd cost 8xp (4x2) or 4xp [(4-2)x2]? What about an Artifact 5? 10xp (5x2) our 6xp [(5-2)x2]? Do we get the Manse points? The Ancillary Systems?

I'm confused. :roll:
Fhgw: that was just Perception+Awareness.

Arthur: Yes, the usual discounts are in effect. It'd be the number of dots you'd need, not the actual rating. So a Royal Warstrider would be 3xp.
I'm surprised the DB didn't just use the Melee extra action charm that allows everyone to act on his tick for 1 attack
Threshing floor technique. page 156 of DB book.

Of course, they have changed it from 1e, where you literally could have everyone gang-bang the target on the same action.
Ah. That's not how I read it, as it doesn't specify that those attacks all occur on that tick. My mistake.
Hey Rowan, to answer your question about throwing...

If you take control of a grapple, you can do any action you want right then and there. So as soon as you gain control, you could throw, crush, or hold, as you please. Page 157 of the Exalted Core has all of this.

I don't mean to try and do your job Tome, it's just the rules lawyer inside me. :P
Since I was doing the flip, I wanted to make sure that it was one attack, or if it would be two, or if I had to wait until my next tick to do the throw. Ok, so its grab and squeeze as I get altitude, then fling the SOB out into the water.

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