[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Save your pity for the poor fools going off to fight Godzilla. Oh, wait. That's you, isn't it?
Yep. 'Specailly when I'm putting the smackdown on this one! Or, as Cartman from South Park once said, "Hey missy! Get your bitch-ass in the kitchen and make me a chicken pot pie!"
Actually... all things considered you're probably about to get your ass handed to you. She wanted to take a bit of damage after all, and now she has.
Well, I gotta shitload of armor with my Moon-Faced Mail and the Armor Forming Technique (not to mention my feathers), and a pretty damn good dodge and parry DV.
I'm writing up her action now, and she has a Dice Pool of 27. It could have been 35, but I decided that might be a bit too fatal. She also has access to a Perfect Defence.

Combos are nice, no?
Actually... I think I might survive Godzilla easy. The city or the others might not get off scot-free..

And yes... I'm about to attempt fly by attacks on Godzilla, yes... I KNOW it can fly... but it does NOT have the movement I would have. Not unless something silly is going on.
Haku said:
Actually... I think I might survive Godzilla easy. The city or the others might not get off scot-free..
And yes... I'm about to attempt fly by attacks on Godzilla, yes... I KNOW it can fly... but it does NOT have the movement I would have. Not unless something silly is going on.
It has a breath weapon. A good breath weapon. Flight is no defence here.
Yeah, considering that speed is based on Dexterity, this thing isn't too fast. It still moves at a reasonable pace however.

The breath weapon... don't get hit. Seriously, that thing has a fairly decent level of damage.
You DO know that I get up to 150 yards per tick... right? :D

And then you have to factor that I'll likely be moving about? and going Wheee!!!!
Oh I don't know... unless it's like several hundred yards... I still would be able to be fly free of it... so... DV values are higher thanks to the power of FLIGHT! ^_^

But will wait and see what you intent...
*throws some more popcorn* ^_^

I see it has the blessing charms and the ability to endow someone with its charms, like all encompassing sorcerer's sight. Or some such.
Yep, to be exact they have both the Benefaction and Endowment Charms, and are capable of bestowing Blessings related to either Sail, Atheletics, Dodge, Stealth or Larceny rolls. The Endowment is used to give the ability to breathe underwater or, alternatively, to see in the dark.

Unlike some enemies I've thrown at you folks, these guys are actually fully statted. :P

They're pretty useless in combat though. Only good thing about them is their DV. It's 8, thanks to some high dots in Dodge.
Why is the Realm posting so much in the Team Anathama thread? :shock:
Because the first step to victory is knowing one's enemy. That and I'm bored waiting for rolls. ^_^
Because we are secretly Anathema as well. ;) Well, some of us to some degree or another.

Otherwise I was wondering why Realm was posting in here. Maybe to take over you posting speed. :shrugs:
I'm just out looking for others of the group to tell them that we've got Abyssals running around out there....
Tome, I don't quite remember if it was mentioned how faithful the locals are to the Immaculate Philosophy. Was it stated somewhere?
They give lip service. If you flash your Animas or do something else that's totally obvious, they'll run screaming though. Immaculate Philosophy or no, you're still known as Anathema to most of Creation.

Still, some good Social-Fu rolls would probably be enough to cover any indiscretions.
Here's a recap of what's happened so far:

-Everyone was on a ship sailing to Maribone in Wavecrest.

-The ship got hit by some sort of Sleep-inducing effect, knocking the sailors unconcious.

-A big mist bank with a ghost-ship drew up along-side.

-Zombie pirates attacked.

-The zombie pirates got wiped out.

-The Lunars took to the water, where they found a bunch of demonic tentacles.

-FWF pulled really hard (by Exalted standards) on one of the tentacles, pulling the demon it was connected to towards her. The demon was, incidentally, attached to the bottom of the ghost ship.

-The ghost ship capsized.

-Meanwhile, the Solars were exploring the ghost ship itself.

-They found a ghost-blood who'd been driven insane.

-They knocked the Ghost-Blood unconcious and returned to the ship as the ghost ship sank.

-The mist turned out to be another demon, and after some social fu it was banished.

-You persuaded the crew to ignore the fact that you're anathema/become your worshipful lackeys.

-You found a letter on the Ghost-Blood from the Silver Prince to the Sea Lord of the Coral Arhcipelago. It contained an enchantment designed to provoke the Sea Lord into attacking Skullstone.

-Everyone got together once you'd landed and came up with a plan.

-You sent a letter to the Sea Lord warning him of the Silver Prince's plan.

-Rowan conjured up some Elementals.

-Lane/Aleph went off to the tavern to try and recruit some folks with their social-fu.

-An mischevious spirit stole Rowan's sword, leading him on a merry chase through town, eventually ending in a brothel that turned out to be a Manse controlelled by an Abyssal, who Rowan defeated.

-FWF also had her sword stolen, but recovered it. She is currently doing something with them via PMs.

So current locations of all the PCs:

-Lane: At Bar. (Has not yet checked in, and will thus be NPC'd.)

-Aleph: At Bar, Making Speech.

-Rowan: Travelling to Bar.

-FWF: Cavorting with Spirits.

-Theran: Um... Where is Theran anyway?

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