[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

*Flips coin*

1 Die Stunt! To save time I'll roll it myself... it's a 1.

Yeah, you get a decent plan. Hmm... you got one in mind, or should I make it up for you?
Sure fine ta be makin' one yerself. I don't know the exact layout of the terrain and so on that would allow me to concoct a stunning scheme, y'see.

You don't need a particularly cunning plan to be honest. You're fast enough to close in and grab the blade as it's in mid toss, assuming you use your Anima.
Yes, but I want to impress the spirits with my mad skillz. For secret reasons. Wink wink nudge nudge.
But if you do that, you'll miss out on the fun of a high-speed persuit thru town!
Sherwood said:
But if you do that, you'll miss out on the fun of a high-speed persuit thru town!
:twisted: Things are never as simple as they seem.

You know what they say about the courtesans of Creation... and courtesan is sometimes just a fancy word for whore.
The whores of Creation know kung fu and can kick people's asses seven days to sunday? ^_^
I think it'd be more than just 'sometimes' given that I DID create a terresterial martial arts based on 'whores' ^_^
Whoops, sorry. Erm...

Jukashi, I'm sorry to say I can't think of anything particularly cunning. It's sort of like having the guard facing the other way and a plank with a nail in it in your hand. There's one great big obvious solution which makes all the others sort of fade into the background. :D

And yeah, I'll get to those posts... in the morning. It's 01:49 AM, and thus time to sleep.
Well, you know, there's resources. For example, Fury has a hearthstone that lets her walk, and thus run and jump, on water; they wouldn't expect that.

On other notes... dangit but I can't find anything I like for Fury's warstrider. It needs to be something intimidating, savage, but sleek and streamlined for aquatic goodness. And I'm not good at drawing mechanical stuff. Obviously as the only girl on her team she'll be getting the ol' skintight plugsuit, and she needs something good to plug into. We can't let Team Realm try and win over us in that department. :P

EDIT: Something like this but more aquatic-like would be good.
Jukashi just cursed me! Did you see that? "What could a Lunar run into in a mortal human town blahblahblah"

YOu do notice that I'm ignoring the fact that the Abyssal was in the scene well before he posted that. :wink:
Hmm... can I have a quick Perception+Craft [Earth]/Occult [Geomancy] (whichever you'd prefer) roll from Rowan to see if he notices he's in a Manse.
Per + Occult is seven dice:

7x(D10+0): 10 2 4 8 9 10 8

seven successes
It's a Lunar-Aspected Manse of moderate power and highly distorted Geomancy. It might be hard to find your way out without the Hearthstone, which is conveniently mounted in a Soulsteel choker the APC is wearing.
I forgot what aspect a certain Hearthstone was. It's actually a Lunar-Aspected Manse, not Wood-Aspected.
15L... That couldn't have worked out better. Now, let's see if you can survive what happens next. :twisted:
I'm guessing she's a Laughing Wound Style user or has RESISTENCE! charms up her ying yang? o.0

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